48. Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2008

48. Knokke-Heist International Cartoonfestival 2008

This contest is open to anybody aged at least 18. By the simple fact of participating, all contestants accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to abide by the decisions of the jury. There will be no correspondance about this competition. The Belgian law is applied as far as the tax on the prizes awarded to foreign participants is concerned.

A. No theme ( free)

3. ENTRIES -In total 5 cartoons
3.1 The entries
a) must be original cartoons; in black and white or in colour
b) may not as yet have been exhibited in Belgium, nor have won a prize at another festival.
c) may bear no captions
d) must be sent
– either flat and not folded
– or not folded, rolled in a hard case
Remark : The entries (dimensions, number, etc.) and the registration form (signature, date of birth) which do not comply with the above mentioned articles will not be taken into consideration for the international competition and will be returned to the sender.

A : min. 21 cm and max. 42 cm
B : min. 30 cm and max. 60 cm.
Cartoons already under glass, framed or on other materials than paper will not be eligible for the exhibition.

Your participation will only be taken into account if your entry form carries your date of birth as well as your signature. Every cartoon must state the surname and first name of the author on the back. Postage must be paid by the participants.

By the mere fact of taking part in the contest, the participants empower the organizing association to make use of their entries for promotional purposes on behalf of the International Cartoon festival and the seaside resort of Knokke-Heist (cartoonbook, catalogue, publicity in the press and other media, posters, folders, calendar, official gifts by the local authorities and/or the festivals organizers, etc.)

Among the entries, a jury makes a selection for the exhibition and appoints the prize-winners.

Upon presentation of the receipt of their entries, all contestants will be admitted to the exhibition without charge.

All award-winning entries will become property of the organizing association. The organizing association will have the option to retain one drawing at the most of every contestant whose work was selected. Article 6. will be applicable.

In cooperation with the” Davidsfonds Leuven “a catalogue / cartoonbook will be edited according to the technical and financial means. Selected participants are entitled to one catalogue.

The charges for returning such works as will not become the property of the organizing association will be borne by the latter. The organizers will endeavour to handle the return forwardings with the utmost care but cannot be held responsible for loss or damages.

1 Golden Hat – 3.500 Euro
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
2 Silver Hat – 2.000 Euro
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
3 Bronze Hat – 1.250 Euro
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
4 Knack cartoon Award – 500 Euro
5 Publics Prize – 2008 – 500 Euro

DEADLINE: January 12th 2009

Meerlaan 32, B-8300 Knokke-Heist

fax: + 3250630.429

Entry Form: http://www.cartoonblues.com/Contests/knokke_2008_form.pdf


International competition on drawing for women – “Jaka bede … 2009”


The subject of the competition is a woman, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but not also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman… Everybody knows that it is not possible to live without her…

In the competition will take a part drawing, cartoons and other plastic arts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in two categories: DRAWING and SATIRE. The author qualifies his work for the chosen category by himself.

2. Format of work – max A3, amount of work – up to 2 works in each category

3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.

4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later that 25.02.2009 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyskow
ul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1
11-400 Ketrzyn
Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)

5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.

6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.

7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.

8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.

9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author’s agreement for the regulations of the competition.

1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Woloszyn (2001), Krzysztof Tobola (2002), Dorota Chwalek (2003) Andreas Malecki – Niemcy (2003), Daniel Strzelczyk (2005), Slawomir Luczynski (2006), Miroslaw Krzykow, Bretislav Kovarik, Stanislav Ashmarin, Anna Sokolska, Dariusz Wojcik, Malgorzata Gnys)
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Jaka bede…” or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.

Privileges of the entrants
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 10 March 2009 at 17 o’clock
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact: mirek@krzyskow.pl

The international cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko

The international cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko
(a beekeeper from a farm near Dikanka)

Each kind author will react : “What’s this? A contest named in honour of a beekeeper? They threw an internatinoal contest for the sake of a beekeeper? Thank God! They haven’t plucked enough geese and they haven’t wasted enough rags for paper yet! A few people of different ranks made their fingers inky!”

We are not going to argue with such a kind author. We will only remark that…

– in 2009 it will be 200 years since the birthday of N.V.Gogol, who made Rudiy Panko famous,

– In addition, since the times of Rudiy Panko we do not have such a brilliant narrator, who can describe all human wonders and fears,

– even N.V.Gogol himself wouldn’t turn down a proposal to paint some caricatures of modern people and those that suck up to those in charge, if you don’t mind us saying so,

– we ask you not to confuse our beekeeper with another famous beekeeper (ours is from Dikanka, and that man is from another place).

So we have such an egg-flip (gogol-mogol), ladies and gentlemen!

The theme of the contest is “Gogol-mogol (egg-flip) 2009”

N.V.Gogol himself will help you to know which stories, wonders and fears you should paint:

“The soil is great! And the harvest was always wonderful; but in the bewitched place there was never anything good. They sow the seeds correctly, but something incomprehensible grew: maybe a watermelon or maybe not, maybe a pumpkin or maybe not, may be a cucumber or maybe not…the devil only knows!

For the kind authors we will explain – you should paint our modern life, but don’t forget N.V.Gogol – his characters stay alive even nowadays!

Terms of the cartoon contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko

1. Art works are welcomed till 1st August 2009 (included). We will place the works on the web-site in the section “cartoon” with a note “Contest work”.

2. The vote of all registered users for the works on our web-site www.art-krug.com – till 1st September 2009 (included).

3. We will send 50 originals which score the most runs till 20th September 2009.

4. In October we will publish the contest booklets.

5. 7th November 2008 – The opening of the cartoon contest. The winners will be rewarded according to the results of the vote on the web-site http://www.art-krug.com//

The chairman of the jury: Juriy Kosobukin

The participant of many exhibitions and cartoon competitions in our country and abroad, he has more than 300 various awards of the international competitions, among which more than 80 are first awards and Grand prix. Juriy Kosobukin arranged personal exhibitions – in Germany, Italy, Poland, Cuba, Russia, France, Ukraine. He was awarded by the highest award of the International Awards Fund – the Nikolay Chudotvorets award “For increasing good on the Earth”.
Judges: Victor Kudin.
Formation of the Jury is in progress. The complete list of the Jury membership will be declared till 1st October 2008.

Dear friends! Placement of your creations on our site is paid.
The placement of one work costs 5$(3Є).
You should fulfill the following steps:
1.To become registered on the web-site www.art-krug.com
2.To click on the “Add my work” button – it’s under the button “Competition”, – and to fill all the backgrounds of a “Competitive works” on our site www.art-krug.com
3.To pay 5$(3Є) for the placement of each work on our site in the way convenient for you (See Section “Services”).
4.To send a message with payment requisites or a copy of a payment receipt to E-mail:admin@art-krug.com.
Only then your creation will be placed on the site www.art-krug.com

in the section “Competitive works” Add my work: http://www.art-krug.com/sfGuardUser/create


Fütüristler Zirvesi 2008 / Karikatür Yarýþmasý
Karikatürcüler Derneði ve M-GEN Gelecek Planlama Merkezi iþbirliði ile düzenlenen yarýþmanýn konusu “Geleceðin Tasarýmý”.

Karikatürcüler Derneði (www.karikaturculerdernegi.org ) ve M-GEN Gelecek Planlama Merkezi (www.m-gen.biz ) tarafýndan organize edilen “Geleceðin Tasarýmý” konulu karikatür yarýþmasý ile
• Lise, üniversite çaðlarýndaki gençlerin, gelecek algýlarýný ve beklentilerini olumlu bakýþ açýsý eþliðinde sergilemelerine olanak saðlamak
• Kendini en güzel ifade ediþ biçimlerinden biri olan karikatür sanatýnýn, gençler arasýnda yaygýnlaþmasýna katkýda bulunmak
• Profesyonel sanatçýlarla yetenekli, gençleri buluþturmak hedeflenmektedir.

Yarýþmaya tüm lise, üniversite öðrencisi gençler katýlabilirler.

Okullarýmýzdan gençleri teþvik ve motive ederek, yarýþmaya yönlendirmelerini bekliyoruz.

• Konu: Geleceðin Tasarýmý konu iþlenirken; çalýþma kapsamý içinde aþaðýdaki sorulardan en az birine yanýt veriyor olmalý.
o Nasýl yaþayacaðýz; nerelerde barýnýp, besleneceðiz?
o Neleri merak edecek,  nasýl öðrenecek ve öðreteceðiz?
o Düþüncelerimizde hangi deðiþimler olacak ve nelere önem vereceðiz?
o Hangi iþleri yapacaðýz, hangilerini unutacaðýz?
o Yeni iþ alanlarýmýz ve geleceðin meslekleri neler olabilecek?
o Nelerle ve nerelere ulaþým saðlayacaðýz?
o Sanat alanýndaki geliþmeler hangi noktalara varacak?
o Ýletiþim ve üretim araçlarýnýn biçim ve iliþkileri nasýl geliþecek?
o Parayla iliþkiler ve yönetim biçimlerinde neler, nasýl deðiþecek?
o Nasýl görüneceðiz?
• Yarýþma baþlangýç tarihi: 01 Temmuz 2008
• Yarýþmaya katýlacak eserler ve istenilen belgeler yarisma@futuristlerzirvesi.com adresine e-mail ile yollanmalýdýr.
• Yarýþmaya sadece lise ve üniversite öðrencisi çizerler katýlabilir. Öðrenciler baþvuru sýrasýnda, karikatürleriyle birlikte, okuldan alýnan, kaþeli ve imzalý güncel öðrenci belgelerini, açýk adreslerini, telefon numaralarýný ve özgeçmiþlerini, bir fotoðraflarýyla birlikte word dosyasýnda, aþaðýda belirtilen e-mail adresine, jpg formatýnda iletilmelidirler.
• Gönderilecek karikatürlerde çizim teknikleri serbesttir.
• Karikatürler en az A4 21×29.7 cm.) en fazla A3 29.7×42 cm.) kaðýda çizilmelidir kazanan eserlerin orijinalleri zirvede sergilenecek).
• Karikatürler maksimum ve minimum 300 dpi çözünürlükte olup, yukarýda belirtilen e-mail adresine elektronik olarak gönderilmelidir.
• Yarýþmacýlar diledikleri sayýda eserle katýlabilirler.
• Her eserin arka yüzünde, baþvuru sýrasýnda verilen bilgileri doðrulayan, çizere ait açýk isim, soy ad, adres, telefon bilgileri ve imza olmalýdýr. Kazanan eserlerin orijinalleri yarýþma komitesine ulaþtýðýnda kimlik bilgileri doðrulanamazsa, ilgili eser otomatikman elenir.
• Karikatürler en geç 21 Ekim 2008 tarihinde belirtilen yarýþma komitesine ait  -mail adresine ulaþmýþ olmalýdýr.
• Jüri üyeleri e-mail aracýlýðýyla gelen eserler arasýnda seçim yapacak, kazanan ilk 10 eser, 6 Kasým 2008 de www.futuristlerzirvesi.com sitesinde, elektronik olarak açýklanacak, 21 Kasým 2008’de de Fütüristler Zirvesi açýlýþýnda sergilenecektir.

• Seçici Kurul:

Aziz Yavuzdoðan / Grafik tasarýmcý ve karikatürist, Karikatürcüler Derneði Genel Sekreteri
Yrd.Doç. Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu / Grafik tasarýmcý ve karikatürist, Marmara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi
Yrd. Doç. Ercan Akyol / Karikatürist, Milliyet Gazetesi çizeri
Muhittin Köroðlu / Karikatürist, Okan Üniversitesi Öðretim Görevlisi
Ýrfan Sayar / Zihni Sinir
Yelda Karataþ / Þair, Yaratýcý Yönetmen
Yaprak Moralý / Çizer, Animasyon Sanatçýsý
Ufuk Tarhan / Fütüristler Zirvesi Koordinatörü

Birincilik                     : Lap Top bilgisayar
Ýkincilik                       : i-pod
Üçüncülük                  : Dijital fotoðraf makinesi
4-7 arasý                    : Baþarý Plaketi
Katýlým Formu:
