The Results of
The International Digital Media
(By Email) Contest-2008
In The Name of God
Today in contemporary world new IT in Digital Media (Figurative Spaces,
Computer Programming, Mobile, Computer Games,) made possible big amount of communication and information
in universal distances and in shortest time.
One of the cases of Ministry of Guiding Affairs was the necessity of attention to culture and
its deep effect on people’s life.
This IT has made a new shape of production, increasing and representation of cultural products,
that some of them are new absorbing cultural products like Entertainment Games
that have special places in contemporary world.
Extension centre of IT and Digital Media affiliated to Ministry of Guiding Affairs
of Islamic Republic of Iran by cooperation of Iranian House of Cartoon established
the first International Cartoon Contest of Digital Media.
So giving information for presentation of cartoonists of the world
in the First International Cartoon Contest Digital Media accomplished on 30th June 2008.
Symbolic judgment of this competition by presence of Carlos Amorim from Brazil as
the representative of Latin America, Dachuan Xia from China as the representative of Far East and
Valeriu Kurtu from Germany as the representative of Europe by the cooperation of two gentlemen
form Iran (engineer Mehdi Sarami official spokesman and deputy of the Second National Digital Media Contest and
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai director of Iranian House of Cartoon.
Presence of 1223 cartoonists from 71 countries by 2553 cartoons shows the special attention of
worldwide cartoonists to this subject and also shows the special place of this popular art in Iran.
Cartoonists made special strong artworks by the help of satire and critical vision.
829 of this cartoons were set in the Irancartoon website that the selected of them are published in this book, and
judgment of this cartoons were considered and judged by Iranian and foreign jurors,
and finally below cartoonists were successful to achieved special prizes of this contest:
We have to mention that because of the importance of Entertainment Games between
other Digital Media special prizes devoted to cartoons about this subject.
We hope that by continuing of this International Contest in the future we can see that cartoon
can help people to have more attention to better uses of new media.
Masoud Shojaei Tabatabaei
Director of the First International cartoon Digital media competition.