1. Theme: EVOLUTION OR CREATIONISM? 2009 has been designated

as ‘Darwin Year’ due to is the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birthday and

his book ‘The origin of species’ is 150 years. His work excludes God to explain

the mankind presence in the Earth versus the creationist ideas that refuse

evolution and try to explain the mankind’s divine origin according to Reverend

Paley’s theories.

2. The contest is open for professionals and amateurs.

3. Deadline is on 28th February 2009.

4. A jury of qualified experts will make a selection of the works which have

been submitted.

5. The selected drawings will be exhibited at “La Llotgeta Exhibition Hall” of

the CAM in Valencia, between April 23rd and May 29th 2009. From this

date, it will be a travelling exhibition in several cities. After that, the artists will

be able to ask for their drawings to be returned to them.

6. Drawing size limits: A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mm x 420mm). The

works with different sizes to these ones will be disqualified.

7. Maximum number of drawings per artist is 3, black & white or coloured,

without text. Any kind of style and technique will be accepted.

8. Every drawing must be signed at the back with the following information:

name, address, phone, e-mail, and the work’s title.

9. The drawings must be original. Digital drawing will be accepted with the

author signature. Copies will not be accepted.

10. Once the exhibition and the travelling one have finished, the organization

will returned the original drawings to the authors that have asked for it. The

digital works will not be returned.

11. A catalogue will be edited with all the selected cartoons. Each selected

author will receive one copy of the catalogue.

12. Send the drawings to: FECO-España. C/ Cooperativa San Fernando, 7-

8ª. 46007. Valencia (Spain).

13. It will be indispensable to send the entry form and a short curriculum vitae

along with the drawings.

14. The organization does not assume responsibility for damage or loss of

any drawing for reasons beyond its control.

15. The drawings can be given free for the organization of the Exhibition to

be part of an International Documental Funds of Graphic Humour. All of them

will be deposited for their preservation, spreading and study in a Valencian

institution. The authors who want to be part of this Funds must express their

authorization in the entry form. The Funds objective is the organization of

periodical and travelling exhibitions, the catalogues publication and the

foundation of an international documental archive about the graphic humour

where the author rights and intellectual property will be respected.

16. Accepting these rules means the cession of the author rights to the

organization, only for the exhibition spreading, the catalogues edition and

the travelling exhibition. Reproducing the selected works will not have any

cost for the organization, since the catalogues and the travelling exhibition

will not have any lucrative purpose.



Announcement and publication of the Competition: November-December 2008
Deadline for receiving works: 31st May 2009
Sitting of the Jury: June 2009
Announcement of the Jury decision , seminar and the opening of the post competition exhibition: September 2009
GRAND PRIX – PLN 4.000 and Statuette
1st PLACE – PLN 3.000 and Statuette
2nd PLACE – PLN 2.000 and Statuette
3rd PLACE – PLN 1.500 and Statuette
Sponsors’ prizes.

The Organizers have the right to the change in the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes shall remain unchanged.
THE JURY: The Jury comprises of the Organizers representatives as well as artist dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.
PARTICIPATION: Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to take part in the competition.
A maximum of five original works (format min. A5 – max. A3) in optional technique should be sent or delivered by May 31st, 2009 to the following address:
e-mail: debiut-zg@o2.pl
The Organizers are not responsible for damage or loss during transportation!
The winners as well as cartoonists qualified to participate in the post-competition exhibiton shall be provided with a free copy of a catalogue published by the Organizers.
The Organizers provide the competition prize winners with free acccomodation and boarding during the exhibition event.
The winners receive their prizes on condition that they are either present at the opening of the post competition exhibition or else they indicate a bank account where the money is to be transfered.
The works become the property of the Organizers and shall be included in the collection of the False Mirror gallery located in Lubuskie Stowarzyszenie Miłośników Działań Kulturalnych DEBIUT in Zielona Gora.
Every participant in the competition agrees to their free of fees delivery of works to the False Mirror gallery.
Every work delivered to the competition ought to be accompanied (on the reverse) with the readable author’s signature, address and a telephone number.
By sending their works to the competition the participants agree to the abovementioned regulations and they further agree to the free of fees publication of their works for marketing purposes connected with the competition and post competition exhibition.
The exhibition organizers are the final judges in the interpretation of these regulations.
By sending his/her works and taking part in the competition the artist agrees to the abovementioned rules and regulations.





 1. Subject:                   Green economy


 2. Deadline:                 15thFebruary 2009


 3. Prizes:                     1st prize:  3000 euro
2nd prize: 2000
3rd prize: 1000 euro
Four mentions: honorable diploma

 4. Entries:                     Initially each participant can send at most 3 works in digital form via Internet to the following address: cartoon@caricature.eu. The author must indicate in his e-mail the following informations: his first name, name, complete address, e-mail address, his phone number and the title of each work. The characteristics of these electronic sending’s are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture.

 Out of these sending’s by e-mail the jury will make a selection of 120 drawings and will request from the authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the publication in the catalogue. All these 120 originals will be shown in the exhibition. Their size will be between DIN A4 (210x297mm) and DIN A3 (297x420mm), the paper of good quality, not folded and without a passe-partout. On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned the first name, name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number of the author as well as the title of the work. This deadline is 13th March 2009.


 5. Technique:                 Free, black and white or in color, without subtitles. Digitally created works are accepted. They must be signed by their creator on back side. Photos and copies of original works will be eliminated.


 6. Exhibition:                 The award ceremony will be held on 10th May 2009 in the castle and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 9th May until 7th June 2009. It’s foreseen to show the works in other cities and in the Museum of Caricature of Vianden until 9th May 2010.


 7. Returns:                    After these exhibitions the originals will be returned to their authors except the works selected for one of the prizes. The 7 awarded works will become property of the organizer.

The organizer cannot be held responsible for loss or damage during sending back.


 8. Catalogue:                The authors whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail. Prize winners will get their catalogue during the award ceremony.


 9. Results:                    The publication of the results will be done on the Internet sites www.caricature.eu after 10th May 2009. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone.

The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on 14th March 2009, are undeniable.


10. Copyright:                The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author.


11. Generalities:              The works should not have been awarded before.

                                     By taking part to this contest the participants agree to the abovementioned rules.



12. Address for the sending of the originals:           CHATEAU DE VIANDEN
                                                                          P.O.B. 26

L – 9422 VIANDEN



13.Further informations:          Florin BALABAN                               Pol LEURS

                                             phone  : +352 – 621 28 37 90          phone : +352 – 78 83 18

                              cartoon@caricature.eu               cartoon@caricature.eu




Frederic Chopin’s Smile: Cartoon Competition by Muzeum Karykatury – Poland

Frederic Chopin’s Smile: Cartoon Competition by Muzeum Karykatury – Poland

The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon Art in Warsaw is organising a competition for a humouristic/satirical cartoon, which is provisionally entitled “Frederic Chopin’s Smile“. The competition, followed by an exhibition will be a part of Frederic Chopin‘s 200th anniversary celebrations in 2010. Entries can refer to the composer himself and his work as well as to the social/political situation in your own country or the world generally. Entrants may submit up to five cartoons each, maximum size being A3.
There are no restrictions in terms of techniques used, computer generated images are also acceptable.
Prizes: Overall prizes will be worth around 20,000 euros and in addition there will be a number of sponsored awards.
The detailed rules and conditions of the competition, conforming the deadline for submitting entries, the date of the announcement of the verdict of the jury and the exact details concerning prizes and awards will be posted on our website on the 1st of June 2009.
The museum will host a post-competition exhibition, sometime in the first half of 2010.

Deadline: 15 November 2009
Web: http://www.muzeumkarykatury.pl/
Phone: (+48 22) 827 88 95
The cartoons are to be sent to:

Muzeum Karykatury, Kozia 11, 00-070 Warszawa – POLAND




1. Theme: EVOLUTION OR CREATIONISM? 2009 has been designated as ‘Darwin Year’ due to is the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birthday and his book �The origin of species� is 150 years. His work excludes God to explain the mankind presence in the Earth versus the creationist ideas that refuse evolution and try to explain the mankind’s divine origin according to Reverend Paley’s theories.

2. The contest is open for professionals and amateurs.

3. Deadline is on 28th February 2009.

4. A jury of qualified experts will make a selection of the works which have been submitted.

5. The selected drawings will be exhibited at “La Llotgeta Exhibition Hall” of the CAM in Valencia, between April 23rd and May 29th 2009. From this date, it will be a travelling exhibition in several cities. After that, the artists will be able to ask for their drawings to be returned to them.

6. Drawing size limits: A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mm x 420mm). The works with different sizes to these ones will be disqualified.

7. Maximum number of drawings per artist is 3, black & white or coloured, without text. Any kind of style and technique will be accepted.

8. Every drawing must be signed at the back with the following information: name, address, phone, e-mail, and the work’s title.

9. The drawings must be original. Digital drawing will be accepted with the author signature. Copies will not be accepted.

10. Once the exhibition and the travelling one have finished, the organization will returned the original drawings to the authors that have asked for it. The digital works will not be returned.

11. A catalogue will be edited with all the selected cartoons. Each selected author will receive one copy of the catalogue.

12. Send the drawings to: FECO-Espana. C/ Cooperativa San Fernando, 7- 8a. 46007. Valencia (Spain).

13. It will be indispensable to send the entry form and a short curriculum vitae along with the drawings.

14. The organization does not assume responsibility for damage or loss of any drawing for reasons beyond its control.

15. The drawings can be given free for the organization of the Exhibition to be part of an International Documental Funds of Graphic Humour. All of them will be deposited for their preservation, spreading and study in a Valencian institution. The authors who want to be part of this Funds must express their authorization in the entry form. The Funds objective is the organization of periodical and travelling exhibitions, the catalogues publication and the foundation of an international documental archive about the graphic humour where the author rights and intellectual property will be respected.

16. Accepting these rules means the cession of the author rights to the organization, only for the exhibition spreading, the catalogues edition and the travelling exhibition. Reproducing the selected works will not have any cost for the organization, since the catalogues and the travelling exhibition will not have any lucrative purpose.




Theme: “All Sports”
(Football, Cycling, Athletics, Boxing, Motorcycling, Skiing, Motor Racing, Swimming, Running, Speedboat Racing, Basketball, Baseball, etc…)

Section: Cartoon or Caricature…

Size: A4 (21×30) Only…

Work: Original…

Maximum of 3 works…

Deadline: 28 FEBRUARY 2009

A prize of 2.500 Euro together with other prizes awarded by the management, will be given to the artist who will receive the most votes from the public…


Emilio Isca
Via Dante 4
10098 Rivoli/TO

E-Mail Address: emilioisca@libero.it

Phone-Fax: +39 011 2483046