

Karikatürcü dostumuz Lütfü Çakýn’ýn 3. kitabý Etki yayýn evinden çýktý.
“Karikatürcüler” ismini verdiði kitapta,
geçmiþten günümüze karikatür emekçileri bulunuyor.
280 sayfadan oluþan kitap, ilk 20 sayfasýný Türkçe ve Ýngilizce önsöze ayýrmýþ.
255 karikatür sanatçý portresinin yer aldýðý kitap,
Ýzmir TÜYAP Kitap Fuarýnda okuyucularýyla buluþacak.
Ýzmir’de baþlattýðýmýz okul-karikatürcü buluþmasýnýn son duraðý TED koleji oldu.
 Ýzmir’in þirin ilçesi Aliaða’daki TED koleji Ý.Ö.O öðrencileri
Mustafa Yýldýz ile birlikte karikatür sevgisini paylaþtýlar.
 Her gittiðimiz okulda ayni ilgi ve heyecanýný görmek kadar güzel bir þey yok!
Sanat, mizah, karikatürden baðlarý koparýlmýþ çocuk ve
gençlerle buluþmaya devam edeceðiz.
17. kiþisel sergisini Balçova Belediyesi Kültür Evin’de açan
Murteza Albayrak arkadaþýmýzý kutluyoruz.
Kalabalýk sanatsever ve çizer dostlarýn katýldýðý sergi açýlýþýný
Balçova Belediyesi Kültür Müdürü, Þair Tuðrul Keskin yaptý.
”Greenliler Grafikatür “ Sergisi 18 Nisan’a kadar açýk kalacak.











AS – O b a m a . . .
O na 
B aðlandý Bush’tan 
A lýnamayan barýþ vaadi 
M üthiþ solAK yazý çizgisi 
A tatürk‘ün ‘yurtta barýþ cihanda barýþ’ýný iþaret etti… 

Ayten Suvak 

ASlolan ASktýr
AS – O b a ( m a ) m ý z . . .
Çadýrdan obaya 
gelmiþ geçmiþiz biz- 
Þimdi Obama sevgilimiz… 

Ayten Suvak 

ASlolan ASktýr
O b a m a . . .
O nun ön adý
BA raklava’ymýþ meðer
MA gazinlerde . . .
– RA karýþmaz bu iþe –


The International Cartoon Contest PAPKINADA 2009

The International Cartoon Contest PAPKINADA 2009


  1. The PAPKINADA 2009 International Cartoon Contest is an open competition.
  2. The objects of the competition are drawings, graphics and other works of fine arts and photography created with the use of optional techniques, being originals, and qualified by artists to:
    “The devil does not sleep”
  3. WORKS AWARDED IN OTHER COMPETITIONS will be excluded from the competition.
  4. The format of the works – maximum A3 (297 x 420 mm).
  5. Works should be sent or delivered by June 1, 2009, packed in a protective cover to:
    “PAPKINADA 2009”
    Kolobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Tworczej
    Ul. Krakowska 12, 78-100 Kolobrzeg

    Organisers are not responsible for transport damages.
  6. Participation in the competition is free of charge. However, the organizer reserves the right to include one of the submitted works in the Papkinada Gallery. The work, chosen by the author, will in this way cover our costs of mailing (please use capitals). Works should be accompanied by their author’s photo or caricature, a short biographical note and a filled application card.


  1. The Jury will award the following prizes:
    The Jury has the right of final distribution of the statutory prizes, change of their amount, or non-awarding them or non-awarding the GRAND PRIX PAPKINADA 2009. The Jury’s decisions are final.
    The competition results will be announced on June 20, 2009 at PAPKINADA web site: www.papkinada.prv.pl

N o t e !

Awards are subject to taxation according to the current regulations. The condition to pay the authors is their arrival for the opening of the exhibition and collection of their awards, or indicating a bank account the money should be transferred to.


  1. Authors of work qualified to the exhibition are given a presentation copy of the exhibition catalogue and a free-of-charge place in the catalogue.
  2. The organisers provide the competition prize-winners with gratuitous participation in the PAPKINADA 2009 event on 3-5.07.2009.
  3. Works sent to the exhibitions will be exhibited in the country and abroad after the main exhibition, and then will be returned to their authors by the end of 2009.


  1. The organisers reserve the right to use the sent works for PAPKINADA advertising purposes without any special fees paid to the authors: to be exhibited and reproduced in a variety of advertising materials, as well as printed and circulated in catalogues.
  2. The prize-winning works become the property of the organisers and will be included.
  3. The exhibition organisers are the finial judges in interpretation of the regulations.
  4. Sending his work the artist agrees to the mentioned above rules and regulations and agree to the publishing of the author’s profile in the post-exhibition catalogue.
  5. Kolobrzeskie Stowarzyszenie Inteligencji Tworczej is the organiser of the PAPKINADA 2008 International Cartoon Contest. The Gallery of Contemporary Art and Polish Cartoonists’ Association are the co-organisers.

17th University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba – Brazil 2009

17th University Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba – Brazil 2009

01 – The 17th Universitarian Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/UNIMEP, organized by the Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba – UNIMEP (Methodist University of Piracicaba), will be held in accordance with the following schedule:
Applications until: May 25th, 2009
Art selection: June 1th , 2009
Awards: June 5th, 2009

02 – Only students enrolled in an under-graduate or graduate program, of any University or College acknowledged by its local government, can apply to the Universitarian Humor Exhibition. They must send the Application Form together with a document that can prove his enrollment in a University or College.

CHARGE: humoristic drawing related to a recent fact
CARTOON: humoristic drawing with no relation with any specific fact
CARICATURE: face reproduction with anatomic distortion, usually from a well-known person.
COMIC STRIP: sequential story in stages/frames.
SPECIAL: thematic category specific to humor artworks that deal with ENVIRONMENTAL / ECOLOGICAL issues.

There is no charge or cost for the application and it can be done in person or by electronic or regular mail.
03 – Each participant can apply to as many categories as he or she wishes, with no limit regarding the quantity of works sent. However, THEY MUST BE FROM HIS OWN AUTHORSHIP AND NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED BEFORE. In the cases where these conditions are not followed, the committee will proceed with the cancellation of the application or the annulling of the awards and the mentions received. In addition, the committee may decide to take legal action against the transgressor.
Obs 1: COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED (photocopies, photography, heliography) of the artworks.
Obs 2: Artworks made in the computer and printed will be accepted since they follow the rules of authorship and must not have been published before.

04 – The Artworks sent by email or delivered in person must respect the following observations: 30 x 40 centimeters (12×16 inches), no frames attached, identification in the overleaf containing first and last name, country, telephone, e-mail, the category in which the specific artwork is being submitted and the name of Educational Institute (write in print). The address is:

Salao Universitario de Humor de Piracicaba/UNIMEP
Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba
A/C: Laboratorio de Comunicacao
Rodovia do Acucar, Km 156 – C. Taquaral
Caixa Postal 68 – CEP: 13400-911 Piracicaba/SP/Brasil
Telefone: 55 (19) 3124-1611

05 – Copies of the Application Form will be accepted if they are perfectly readable.

06 – The Artworks sent by e-mail to salaodehumor@unimep.br must be formatted in JPEG, 300 dpi, limit file size: 2MB. Other procedures for sending an electronic file can be found at www.unimep.br/salaodehumor.

07 – The applications will be valid if, besides the observation of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th items, are received by the Organizational Committee until May 25th, 2009. For the application by mail, the date of postage will be considered.

08 – All valid Artworks applied will be submitted to a pre-selection process, and only these will be eligible for the awards.
Obs: All applied Artworks can be reproduced by UNIMEP with the purpose of promoting the Universitarian Humor Exhibition.


09 – The following awards will be granted:
a) Three (03) awards in cash of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais) each. Two of them will be given by the Award Jury. The third award will be granted to the winner of an open Internet Election. All categories are eligible for these awards.
b) Eight �Special Portfolio� awards, that will be elaborated by the Organizational Committee with the following composition: the awarded Artwork; the history of the artist; a letter of recommendation from the Universitarian Humor Exhibition, UNIMEP and the Award Jury; reproduction of other Artworks from the artist and contact information. The �Special Portfolio� will be sent to professionals from the area of communication and arts, press, organizations, directors of art, and other destinations pointed by the jury and by the Organizational Committee. The selected artists for the award �Special Portfolio� must send all the material needed to the Organization of the event until 45 days after the award ceremony.
c) 01 Special/thematic Award �Meio Ambiente/�Centro Cultural Martha Watts��, in the value of R$ 1.000,00 (one thousand Reais), given to the best artwork that deals with ENVIRONMENTAL/ECOLOGICAL issues (according to the item �Categories�)
Obs: Other awards and mentions can be created by the Organizational Committee.

10 – The selection of the Artworks to be presented in the Exhibition and the selection of the winners will be conducted, respectively, by the Selection Jury and the Award Jury. Members of the Jury are people with acknowledgeable talent in the area.

11 The awarded Artworks in conformity with items 8 and 9, will be considered property of the Methodist University of Piracicaba. The ownership, utilization rights and any other rights over the Artwork will pertain to UNIMEP, that maintains to itself the right to use it as wanted.

12 – The non awarded Artworks can be withdrawn by the authors in person or by written permission to a third party in the period from August 26th to October 27th, 2009. in the same location mentioned in item 07. The Artworks can also be returned by mail; for that the author must send a written request authorizing the mailing of the work, which will be paid by the recipient.

13 – The Organizational Committee and the Methodist University of Piracicaba are not responsible for eventual damage or loss of the artworks sent by mail.

14 – The formalization of the application will indicate that the participant is in accordance with this regulation.

15 – Problems not foreseen by this regulation will be solved by the Organizational Committee and the President of UNIMEP.




Bu yil Izmir’deki TUYAP Kitap Fuari‘nda

Izmirli karikaturculer olarak yitirdigimiz hocamiz Eflatun Nuri anisina bir sergi acacagiz.

Karikaturde yetistirdigi ve birlikte calistigi GICIK dergisi cizerleri bulunmakta.

Soldan saga, Cemal Ilkbahar, Mustafa Yildiz,Sadik Pala, Omer Cam, Mumin Durmaz,

Zafer Guven, Tufan Selcuk ve Eflatun Nuri.

Yetistirdigi daha fazla da cizer var ama tarama ucunda yer kalmadi.

Cizemediklerim kusura bakmasin artik.


Tufan Selcuk




