

´The Times´ caricaturist Paul Flora died in Innsbruck

Caricature artist Paul Flora has passed away aged 86 in Innsbruck,
it was announced Friday.
Flora, who would have turned 87 on 29 June,
passed away last night in a clinic in the Tyrolean capital.
Flora was one of Europe’s most profiled illustrators since the 1960s.
He worked for British newspapers The Times and The Observer
as well as for Germany’s Die Zeit.
He was hailed especially for his illustrations of political events but also enjoyed drawing
animals and fellow Tyroleans who he would portray as grumpy.
Flora was awarded the Great Honorary Silver Honour for Services
for the Republic of Austria four years ago.
Flora was born in Glurns, a small town in South Tyrol,
Italy but moved to Innsbruck at the age of six. Asked about his childhood Flora once said
he was “raised rather hastily and at the side” as one of six children.
During his World War Two service for the German-Austrian Third Reich, Flora was arrested
by US troops before returning to Innsbruck in May 1945.



The «Fair Play» International Cartoon Contest

Worldwide Club of Odessites, Odessa Cartoonists’ Association
and «Vikna-Odessa» Informational Agency
announce about
The «Fair Play» International Cartoon Contest

The contest is announced for the decision of the European football officials revoked Odessa right to receive matches of EURO 2012.

The verdict brought to Odessa is unexpected, unfair, opaque, and motiveless. It clashes cardinally both with conditions precedent for candidate cities selection and with conclusions and recommendations by UEFA experts, and also violates one of fundamental concept principles of fair play, i. e. equal chances — all of sportsmen starting the competitions could equally claim on victory.

UEFA by its decision left Odessa without EURO 2012, and EURO 2012 — left without Odessa, and entire world is at a loss… (that’s not less sad).


Events, relations between people in sport (in football particularly). Situations could be reflected in a humorous mood, possibly, underlined in Russian, Ukrainian or English.


1). All comers can participate.
2). Pictures (electronic copies) can be done in any technique. The amount of pictures by one author is limited by five. Pictures having awards of other cartoon contests can participate.
3). Art pieces are to be forwarded via e-mail: and are to have resolution of 300 dpi, sized A4, format JPG or PDF, max 2,0 Mb.
4). Every picture is to be forwarded attached to a separate message, including artist’s questionnaire, address, e-mail, and a picture of the author.
5). Deadline of pictures receipt — June 20, 2009.
6). Pictures forwarding to participate the contest will be exhibited at “Vikna-Odessa” website ( as they are received.
7). The round off of the contest according the decision of competent jury and announcement of winners will take place on June 26, 2009 in Odessa (Ukraine).
8). Art pieces forwarded to the contest will be exhibited since June 27 in free access in Odessa.
9). The pictures sent to the competition can be used by contest founders in ads and for Internet exhibitions.
10). Participating the contest artists consent that their works could be used in shows in Ukraine and abroad.


(given by the organizers of the contest)

The 1st prize — $500
The 2nd prize — $300
The 3rd prize — $200

Encouraging and special prizes from sponsors of the “Fair Play” International Cartoon Contest are possible.


E-mail to forward art pieces:

Website of the contest:

Contest coordinators: Peter Siguta, Eugene Volokin




Karaburun Karikatürlü Ev’de “Kent ve Yaþam” konulu
sergi açýlýþý yapýldý.
Kalabalýk davetliler önünde açýlan karma sergide konuþan
Karaburun Belediye Baþkaný Serdar Yasa;
” Türkiye’de bir ilk olan Karikatürlü Evde
böyle güzel etkinlikler yapýlmasý bizleri sevindiriyor.
Özellikle çocuklarýmýzýn çalýþmalara katýlmasý,
gelecekte usta birer karikatürcü olmalarýný görmek
bizleri gururlandýracak” dedi.
Açýlýþta karikatür çizip, sergileyen çocuklarý görenler
hayretlerini gizleyemedi.
Tufan Selçuk ve A.Osman Taþ’ýn yüzlerce kartpostalýný
 bir çýrpýda satýp,daðýtan çocuklar
harçlýklarýný çýkarmanýn keyfini yaþadýlar.
Eray Özbek ve Mustafa Yýldýz miniklerle çizim yaparken,
Birol Çün izleyicilerin portrelerini çizip, söyleþi yaptý.
Ayrýca mizah yazarý Savaþ Ünlü ve Cevdet Florat
kitaplarýný imzalayýp, çocuklara hediye ettiler.