


Saat Kulesi Karikatürcüler Grubu Türk Mizahý ve
Karikatürüne katký amacýyla baþlattýðý etkinliklerine devam ediyor.
Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfý ile 2 yýldýr sürdükleri çalýþmalarýn sonuncusunu
Ýzmir Ýl Halk kütüphanesinde gerçekleþtirdi.
“Kitap ve Kütüphane” konulu sergi açýlýþýndan sonra yapýlan söyleþiye
Mustafa Yýldýz, Sadýk Pala, Hande Dilek Akçam ve Özhan Mercan katýldý.
Ýzmir Kýz lisesi ve Karataþ Lisesinden yüzlerce öðrencinin katýldýðý
söyleþide renkli anlar yaþandý.
Mizah dergileri ve karikatür üzerine yapýlan konuþmalarýn yaný sýra
karikatürcülerin kendi aralarýnda yaþadýklarý komik olaylar anlatýldý.
Öðrencilerin kahkahalarla katýldýðý söyleþide,
ilginç sorularla konuþmacýlarý terlettiler.
Sýnavlarý olmasýna karþýn salonu terk etmek istemeyen öðrenciler
yaþadýklarý keyifli anlarýn bitmesini istemediler.






On the occasion of the BIRTH CENTENARY YEAR CELEBRATION OF EMINENT HISTORIAN P. C. RATH, the committee invites cartoons from both professional and amateur cartoonists of the world.




1. THEME: Archaeology/History    


2. Maximum number of entries: 1 from each category. (Any technique: Black & white; Colour; Digital)



A) Only an unpublished Cartoon is to be sent as e-mail attachment.(Don’t send previously awarded cartoon)

B) The Entry Form (in MSWord) must accompany the cartoon attached mail.

C) Size: 21 x 30 cm (A-4)

D) Cartoon should be in JPG format (strictly 100dpi) (Maximum 1MB).

E) Every cartoon should accompany a certificate from the cartoonist with full signature (Scanned) about the originality and non-publication. The committee may ask the cartoonist to provide the signed original/sketch (Incase of digital art works) after their selection for exhibition/diploma.


3. E-MAIL: pcrcon@ymail.com

   WEB SITE: www.aswiniabani.com


4. DEADLINE: 31st May, 2009




There would be 10 prizes (First, Second, Third, Special mention-2 and Honourable mention-5). All the prize winners would be given a Diploma Certificate and a CD album of selected cartoons.




A) The result of the contest will be declared in June 28th, 2009 and the selected cartoons will be exhibited in the website: www.aswiniabani.com/pcrath .


B) The Diploma certificates and CD albums for all the winners will be sent by post after the function.


C) The exhibitions will be organized from June onwards in various places.



A) Once sent the works belong to the organizing committee. It can be published, distributed or used for promotional purpose in future.

B) Cartoons should be downloadable and clear. Committee would not be responsible in situations like net-failure, undownloadable cartoon etc. It is therefore advised to keep the file small.

B) The entries can also be made available in other publications by the committee.

C) Plagiarism, if noted, the entry will be summarily rejected or even the diploma would be withdrawn, if awarded.

D) In case of a dispute the decision of the Committee would be final. The committee reserves all rights to cancel or modify any of the rules/conditions.

Participants are considered to have accepted all the conditions and are aware that their submissions may be reprinted and used without future monetary compensation.


Convener Jury: Aswini and Abani





Name :        













              My entry is original and unpublished. I accept all the terms and conditions of the contest.


2009 China cartoon contest:

Xue You Yuan cup Cartoon & Charcater Contest is calling for excellent works now!
Welcome all over the world participating cartoonists!

Xue You Yuan Cup “Passion for Learning”
Cartoon Image Collection Contest


Xue Youyuan, the largest Children education media group in China, starts the cartoon image collection contest for its core journal Passion for Learning!
This contest is undertaken by Zhongman Web (http://www.zhongman.com, the most professional cartoon information website in China) and Xue You Web (http://www.61go.com/ , the homepage of Xue You Yuan Education Media Group). It aims at looking for the cartoon spokesman for journal Passion for Learning and the long-term cartoon partner for Xue You Yuan Education Media Group.
The Chinese Characters Xue You Yuan(学友园)mean “learning, friends and party”, which rooted in the most influential Chinese education classical book the Analects: “Will you feel happy while learning and reviewing? Will you feel happy while there are friends coming afar? Enjoy the happiness alone, enjoy the happiness together, which is more happier?”
As Xue You Yuan’s core journal, Passion for Learning is the first grade subdivision learning journal for primary pupils in China. The journal has three branches: Chinese Language, Mathematics and Writing, which is edited from Grade One to Grade Six. So there are 18 volumes per month. It publishes about 150,000 copies per month, covers more than 320,000 primary schools and has more than 10 million pupil readers.
With its smart foresight, Xue You Yuan advocates the concept of learning-oriented cartoons for the first time. Passion for Learning exhibits all the knowledge points in primary schools courses with the lively cartoons, stories and game, and it also extends the knowledge points to ordinary life, to interest the children and help them to learning more about the colorful world
Passion for Learning believes: cartoon is a way of thinking. Pupil can acquire knowledge in a pleasant reading experience!

1. Organization:
Organizer: Journal Passion for Learning
Host: Zhongman Web (http://www.zhongman.com )
Zhongman English Channel(http://www.zhongman.com/world/index.html)
Xue You Web (http://www.61go.com/)
Host website: www.zhongman.com
Supporter: Xue You Yuan Education Media Group.

2. Regulations.
a Entries must be a complete sight “cartoon image”: human, animal, plants or other abstract image will be OK.
b Entries can be a single carton image, or a series of cartoon images with close relationship.
c Entries must be accompanied with description included the cartoon image’s name and symbolic meanings.
d The image must be close to the ordinary life and psychological characteristics of pupils, no matter in meaning expression and drawing skills. It also has to respect the independent personality of children, being funny, created individually and has universal promote potential
e Entries can be static cartoon or dynamic animation (flash).
(1) Static cartoon works: min. 300dpi, JPEG format.
(2) Dynamic animation works: 3-5 minute segments, .MPG, .AVI or .MOV format.
(3) Flash animation work must submit .SWF documents (authors should keep the .FLA source documents prepare for check).
(4) The entry form has to be finished. Your names, address, e-mail and phone number should be attached.
(5) Entries can be submitted both in e-mail or post letter. The title of e-mail or letter should specify “Zhongman (Passion for Learning Cup Cartoon Image Collection Contest)”
E-mail: zhongman@zhongman.com
Address: Wei Bo Hao Homestead 6-3-1101
No.1, Wei Gong Cun Street, Hai Dian District, Beijing, PRC
Post Code:100081
Tel: (8610) 88570758
Fax: (8610) 58857333-0030

3. Deadline.
May 5th ,2009—- Jan 8th , 2010

4. Assessment.
a All entries will be published on Zhongman Web and Xue You Web and accept the online voting. The cut-off date of voting is: Feb 1st, 2010.
b Organizing Committee will gather the result of voting, take the advises from education professors and cartoon experts, and then select the best work as the cartoon image of Passion for Learning. Another 10 finalist prize will be selected at the same time.

5. Prize and Awards.
Gold prize: one, 10,000 RMB with certificate.
Finalist Prize: ten, 1000 RMB each and certificate.
(Taxes in)

6. Special Note:
The finalist prize winners (or teams) will have the opportunity to sign with Xue You Yuan to draw covers and insert drawings of Passion for Learning magazine series (18 books per month). The fee of the cover is 1000-2000 RMB per page (18 pages per month). The fee of insert drawings is 200-400RMB per page (500 pages per month). Fixed remuneration is over 1.5 million RMB a year.
Signed author will also have the priority to gain the drawing works more than 40 kinds of excellent children’s books published by Xue You Yuan in priority.
At the same time, the finalist prize winners (or teams) will become the VIP member of the comic co-operation studio which was founded by Xue You Web and Zhongman Web. They will have the priority to participate the comics and animation-related activities which held by the both website.

7. Legal Statements.
a The organization has the right to use all the submitting work in such conditions: promotional materials, related publications, authorized media propaganda, official websites and users’ downloads, the Award Show and the exhibitions.
b Authors can participate other similar contests by using the same works outside the period of this cartoon image contest. However, the consequences caused by these behaviors that may be causing conflict with other contest organizers or related agencies will be undertaken by participants selves.
c Entries have to be original works. Participants should have full intellectual property rights. Infringement of intellectual property is forbidden. Participants will be disqualified immediately and bear all legal responsibility if such infringement acts are found.
d Entries cannot include any contents of the violation of laws and insult to other people. Participants will be disqualified immediately and bear all legal responsibility if such infringement acts are found.
e Organizing committee has the final right of interpretation.

The organizing committee of Xue You Yuan Cup
“Passion for Learning” Cartoon Image Collection Contest
May 8th,2009

For more information of the contest, please click:
Maybe you have been familiar with Zhongman.com, for it has organized many interesting cartoon contest. But now, the new English Channel of Zhongman.com has finished, and you can enjoy more excellent cartoon works and Chinese cartoon information on our site.
Welcome to Zhongman.com
Yours sincerely
Zhongman.com, Beijing, China