Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest

Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest

Rules For Contest Submission

Great event for Asian–Pacific Youth Animation & Cartoon Arts

Platform for Asian–Pacific Young Talents

Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest is authorized by the AsianPacific Animation & Comics Association and hosted by the Guiyang government. Asian Youth Animation & Comics Contest (hereafter referred to as “AYACC”) aims to be the top annual award for Asian and Pacific original animation and comics.

AYACC is dedicated to integrate Asian and Pacific cultural resources, promote the influence of Asian and Pacific youth animation and comics, cultivate a cultural image of Asia and Pacific,  provide a platform of information exchange, and to boost Asian and Pacific animation industry development. It is the premier event for Asian and Pacific animation and comics.  


1.     To discover and foster talents.

2.     To encourage original arts.

3.     To stimulate technology Innovation.

4.     To develop cartoon products.

5.     To assist the animation industry, including in production, merchandising, distribution, and brand licensing.


(A) Animated work:
All animation works submitted must be 1-22 minutes in length.
Any of the following animation types are acceptable: painted cel, computer-assisted or computer-generated, stop-motion (including clay animation), 2D work, 3D work, FLASH, puppet animation, paper-cutting work, in fact, any format except live action!

(B) Still image work:
Single-frame work; four-frame work; multi-frame work; comic strips; illustration.


1.     The submission should be completed after July 1st 2007 and the applicant has the copyrights of the work.

2.     Entry for the Category (A) (Animated Work):

[a] All works must be submitted on DVD or CD with high definition.
[b] The first episode, one of the middle episodes, and the last episode, as well as demo of TV animation series, are required.
3. Entry for the Category (B) (Still Image Work):
[a] All works must be submitted on DVD or CD. The format should be “.TIFF” or “.JPG” in a minimum size of 300 dpi.
[b] Any printing submission will not be accepted (work can be submitted in either computer or hand drawing; however, the electronic-version of submission is definitely required).
4. Format:
[a] compressed work such as ”.RAR” format is not allowed
[b] animated submissions (including FLASH) should be submitted in “.MPG”, “.AVI”, “.MOV” format. For each FLASH work, a copy of “.SWF” submission and 5 still images are required separately, which is used to present character and background with a minimum size of “300 dpi” in “.TIFF” or “.JPG”.
[c] please be sure to edit 5~10 seconds blank-screen at both head and end of each animation.
[d] in case of multiple submissions, please separate each individual submission. An uninterrupted multi-work submission is not allowed.
[e] still image work must be submitted in one “.TIFF” and one “.JPG” with minimum size of 300 dpi.
5. Language:
[a] All works must be subtitled in English.
[b] The story background, synopsis, brief introduction, and character description are required in either Chinese or English electronic-version.


1.     Anyone living in Asia and /or with roots in Asia and Pacific,  under age of 40, is eligible to enter; groups and individuals are eligible for entry.

2.     Professional and amateur artists are eligible for entry.

3.     The applicant must be the copyright owner of the submission.

4.     The applicant may enter multiple works.

5.     Group entries that win prizes are responsible for sharing/apportioning any prize money won among themselves.

Awards and Prizes

. Grand Prize (1) ……………………………………………18,000 RMB
. Best Production (2 animation worksand 2 still image works )….. 10,000 RMB/ each

1.     Best Screenplay (1)……………………………….. 4,000 RMB

2.     Best Director (2)…………………………………. 2,500 RMB/ each

3.     Most Innovative Design (1 animated work and 1 still image work)………………………………………. 3,000 RMB/ each

4.     Best Original Score (1)………………………………. 2,000 RMB

5.     Best Visual Effects (1 animated work and 1 still image work)………………………………………. 2,500 RMB/ each

6.     Best Character Image (2 animated works and 2 still image works)……………………………………… 2,000 RMB/ each

7.     Best Student Work (5 animated works and 5 still image works)……………………………………… 1,000 RMB/ each

8.     Best Technical Innovation and Application

9.     Science Animation Award ……………………… 4.000 RMB

10.   Special Jury Prize

Other honors

1.     The organizing committee will inform all prize winners and nominated applicants the results of the contest before the awarding ceremony.

2.     The organizing committee will invite ONE representative from each award to be present at the awarding ceremony and provide the invitees the transportation tickets and accommodations during the time of the awarding ceremony.

3.     The nominated applicants who participate in the awarding ceremony will have a free-of-charge pass, offered by the organizing committee.

4.     Trophies and certificates will be awarded prize winners and nominated applicants.

5.     All prizewinners are solely responsible for paying taxes in connection with any monetary award, in accordance with all applicable local laws.


All entries go through three procedures. They are preliminary selection, semi selection, and final selection.

1.     Preliminary selection

The organizing committee of AYACC will select qualified works from all entries for the semi selection.

2.     Semi selection

The International Jury will select nomination works in the semi selection.

3.     Final selection

All nominated works shall be judged by the International Jury. The final results will be announced during the Awarding Ceremony.

Submission Period

Entry Deadline
The entry deadline will be on July 1, 2009.

(1) Any work, which does not relate to animation and comic or non-disc format submission will not be accepted.
(2) Each submission is allowed to submit to AYACC once. Works awarded in other contests can be submitted.
(3) A completed entry form is required for each submission; incomplete materials and unclean submissions will not be accepted.
(4) Each entry form is for ONE submission only; two or more submissions on one form will not be accepted.
(5) The completed electronic entry form, the work itself, and related materials shall be submitted at the same time to the AYACC Organizing Committee before the entry deadline. Submissions should be sent by mail, express delivery, or directly in person.
(6) Submission will not be returned; so please do not send us your only copy!
(7) Any submission sent by Internet will be accepted.
(8) Title of submission, name of applicant, and category must be labeled on the disc.


1. Entry is free. (Any cost of submission shall be borne by the applicant.)
2. Submission can be delivered either by each applicant or by group submission.
3. All required information must be filled on the form.
4. The applicant agrees that the AYACC organizing committee has the rights to publish and broadcast the submission for promotion purposes.

Awarding Ceremony

The Awarding Ceremony will be held on August 9, 2009, in Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China.


1.     The organizer of the Contest will issue the prizes and certificates.

2.     The organizing committee reserves all rights for final explanation.

Contact Information

Please send your submission(s) to the following address:
AYACC organizing committee
Add: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tian Chang Yuan, Green Homeland Media Village, Beiyuanlubei, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107, China
Tel: 86-10-848271849   Fax: 86-10-84827182




Asian Youth Animation & Comic Contest (AYACC) Form
□ Individual work □ Group work
□ Student □ professional

Entrant’s info:
□ Male □ Female
Given name: _________________ Surname: _________________
Nationality: _________________
Home address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Zip/Postal Code: _____ _
Email Address (for receipt notification): _________________

Company’s name: __________________________________
Contact person: _________________
Tel: _________________ Fax: _________________
Email: _________________ Website: _________________
Office address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Entrant’s biography



Type of submission:
□ comic □ animation
Title: _________________________________
Running time: ___________ page(s) or _______ min ______sec
Year of production: _________
Language to be used in the submission: _______________________
Original design:
Character design:
Other staff (please specify):



Where else has this animation been screened Please specify:

Brief synopsis:





My signature below attests:
A. To the accuracy of all information provided.
B. That the enclosed submission is my original work and that I own all rights to it and all its contents.
C. To my holding AYACC and all those involved in it, harmless from and defend them against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, judgments, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with any and all claims of third parties, whether groundless or not, based on any submissions made to this contest.
D. That I grant to AYACC the right to use my submission and name for publicity and promotional purposes now and in the future.
E. That the burden of obtaining copyright or otherwise protecting any proprietary interests in this submission rests entirely with me.
F. That I have obtained present permission from the artist and/or studio for the incorporation of any unoriginal characters or other graphics, or that such characters or graphics (if any) are in the public domain and may therefore be used without permission.
G. That I absolve AYACC of any and all responsibility and/or liability for any copyright infringements, and that I (the entrant) accept responsibility and/or liability for respecting China and International (Berne Convention) copyright law.
H. That I agree to be bound by the rules of this contest, and any decisions made by AYACC respecting it, including interpretations of these rules and the results of the juried judging.
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________

Please send your submission(s) to the following address:
AYACC organizing committee
Add: 2801 Suite, No.7 Building, Tian Chang Yuan, Green Homeland Media Village, Beiyuanlubei, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100107, China
Tel: 86-10-84827149  Fax: 86-10-84827182





Konu: Turizm Ülkemizde önemli bir gelir kaynaðýdýr. Coðrafya konumu ve doðal güzelliklere sahip olmamýzýn yaný sýra
kültürel ve mitolojik eserlere sahip durumdayýz. Turizmin geleceðini korumak güler yüzlü konuksever,
dürüst bir politika izleyerek olur. Son ekonomik krizde turizmi mutlaka etkileyecektir.
Bunlarý göz önüne alarak çizeceðiniz karikatürleri bekliyoruz.

1. Yarýþmaya Profesyonel ve Amatör herkes katýlabilir.
2. Karikatürler siyah beyaz veya renkli olabilir, herhangi bir teknik sýnýrlama yoktur. Orijinal veya
kaliteli bilgisayar çýktýsý kabul edilir, ancak ýslak imzalý olmasý gerekmektedir.
3. Karikatürlerin boyutu en küçük A4 (21×30), en büyük A3 (30×42) olmalýdýr.
4. Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürler daha önceden hiçbir ulusal veya uluslararasý yarýþmalarda
ödül almamýþ olmasý gerekmektedir.
(Sergilenmiþ veya albümde yer almýþ olabilir) Benzer veya çalýntý karikatür olmasý durumunda
karikatürler elenecek sorumluluk çizere ait olacaktýr.
5. Karikatürleri son gönderme tarihi 15 AÐUSTOS 2009’dur.
6. Seçici kurul 22 AÐUSTOS 2009 da toplanýp deðerlendirme yapacaktýr.
7. Ana fikir ve teknikte yenilik taþýyan karikatürlere özelikle önem verilecektir.
8. Yarýþmaya en fazla 3 karikatürle katýlýnabilir.

9. En az bir yarýþmacýya (18 yaþýn altýnda) teþvik amacýyla ödül verilecektir
10. Yarýþmada ödül kazanan yarýþmacýlarýn yol (otobüs) geliþ, gidiþ ücretleri Kuþadasý Belediyesi tarafýndan karþýlanacaktýr.
11. Ödül kazanan karikatürcüler bir gün konaklayacaktýr.
12. Yarýþma sonucunda Kuþadasý Belediyesi tarafýndan yarýþmada finale kalan karikatürlerin sergisi olacak ve
bu karikatürlerden albüm yapýlacak, yarýþmaya katýlanlara gönderilecektir.
13. Yarýþmaya katýlan eserler geri gönderilmeyecek Kuþadasý belediyesine ait olacaktýr.
14. Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürlerin arkasýna mutlak adres, telefon, e- posta bilgilerini yazacaktýr.
Ayrýca karikatürcüler biyografilerini ve fotoðraflarýný göndermelidir.
15. Postada oluþabilecek zarardan sorumluluk alýnmayacaktýr.
16. Ödül töreni Kufladasý’nýn kurtuluþ tarihi 7 EYLÜL de yapýlacaktýr.
17. Yarýþma ile ilgili her türlü bilgi için:

1. ÖDÜL 2000 TL
2. ÖDÜL 1500 TL
3. ÖDÜL 1000 TL

LÜTFÜ ÇAKIN – Karikatürcü
MURAT SARAÇ – Turizmci
MUSTAFA YILDIZ – Karikatürcü
ÖMER ÇAM – Karikatürcü
SAVAÞ ÜNLÜ – Mizah yazarý


Kuþadasý Belediyesi
Sosyal Kültür Hizmetler Müdürlüðü
1. Altýn çizgi karikatür yarýþmasý
09400 Kuþadasý / AYDIN
Tel : 0 256 6141003