




The International Tribute Exhibition for Michael Jackson was an
international project which included 38 artists from 17 countries and from all continents.
It was organised by Nicoleta Ionescu and Alexandru Ifrim,
two young illustrators from Romania.
Thus, gathering around 50 works (portraits and caricatures) the exhibition draws
together artistic visions from all continents,
in a multicultural stylistic event, unique in the artistic world,
nonetheless in tributary events for The King of Pop.
The diversity of the works exhibited comes from the different cultural background
of the artists and techniques used, some go for the traditional methods,
other go the digital way. The styles vary from watercolors,
oil painting to digital, vectors and even manga versions of Michael.
The exhibition was complete with the help Dan Ionescu (architect) and
Bogdan Lavric, who put together an interactive video projection.
The initiative has aroused the interest of the spanish website
This is the first sign that the exhibition may cross romanian borders!
For more infrormations, please visit the official blog of the exhibition:

Nicoleta Ionescu

SPECIAL – HUMOUR A GALLAHUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest – Gallarate (Italy)

SPECIAL – HUMOUR A GALLARATE – Grand Prix ‘Marco Biassoni’

Deadline: September 28, 2009
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Dear colleague,

we remember you to participate in 15th edition of HUMOUR A GALLARATE International Cartoon Contest – Gallarate (Italy) organized by Pro Loco of Gallarate and dedicated to Marco Biassoni (1930-2002) one of the greatest italian Masters of graphic, humour, cartoons and advertising.

Theme: STARS (2009 International Year of Astronomy)
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon | B) Satire | C) Caricature
Total Prizes: Grand Prix “Marco Biassoni” + 1st Prize | Special Prize of Jury | 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)
Deadline: September 28, 2009 (the post-mark will provide the proof)

Attached the complete regulations and entry-form (doc format)

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1) The contest is open to all cartoonists, illustrators and graphic artists from all over the world
2) Theme: STARS (2009 International Year of Astronomy)
Sections: A) Graphics/Cartoon | B) Satire | C) Caricature
It’s possible to participate in all the sections.
3) Entries: max. 3 works. The works must be original and accompanied by the author’s photo or caricature, entry-form and biography. Each work should bear the signature or mark of the author and name, surname, address, phone number and other data on the back.
The author have to indicate the section for each work/s.
4) Size: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
5) Technique: Free. Common graphic and digital prints will be accepted but only if signed by the author. Copies of ink and pencil drawings are not applicable. The works sent in digital form, by email or informatic devices, will not be considered for the awarding of the various prizes; the works will be taken into consideration only for the exhibition and for the catalogue.
6) Deadline: September 28, 2009 (the post-mark will provide the proof)
7) Prizes: the Jury will award the following prizes:
Grand Prix “Marco Biassoni” + 1st Prize | Special Prize of Jury | 5 Special Mentions for each section (Graphics/Cartoon, Satire, Caricature)
8) Exhibition: October 17-25, 2009 at Broletto Palace.
Opening ceremony: October 18, 2009
9) Catalogue: each selected author will receive a copy
10) Property: the Organizers reserve the rights to reproduce the cartoons in catalogue, newspapers, or posters to promote the Contest and to exhibit a selection of works in other locations in Italy and other countries. All the works will not be returned and will be included in the “Humour Gallarate Collection”.

The works should be sent to:
Pro Loco Gallarate
Vicolo del Gambero n. 10
21013 Gallarate (VA)

For any further information and communication:
Segreteria Pro Loco Gallarate
tel/fax (+39)0331-774968




Dear Sirs

Unfortunately, once again, I must defend myself from those who
accuse me of copying cartoon of other colleagues.
I say immediately that this offends me.
Work and in life I consider myself honest.
You may believe this or not. The truth does not change.
Regarding my cartoon that won the 29th Nasreddin Hodja,
I want to ask those who accuse me – he has never heard Sebastian Brant?
-. I think that few people know this writer in 1494 wrote the book “THE SHIP OF FOOLS”
(there are beautiful engravings of Durer).
In the Middle Ages to be “crazy” meant to be “sinners”,
then “guilty”, only the divine forgiveness could free them.
But I still wonder: – because you are always sure that all spend time looking
at catalogs for ideas of others? -. I enjoy more than studying.
Now, I know that the problem of plagiarism exists (I repeat many times),
but I wait to read your excuses for what I’m concerned.

Alessandro Gatto









Degerli Karikaturcu Dostlarim..

Bu karikaturume iliskin bazi olumsuz mailler aldigimdan
kisa bir aciklama yapma geregi duyuyorum.
  Karikaturumde Juri uyelerini degil sonuclardaki similara karsi oldugumu soylemek istemisem..
Ben Juri uyelerinin hepisine cok sayginim ve her birine saygi gostermegi kendime borc biliyorum..
Nasrettin Hoca, arkasini dönerek bir anlamda sonuclari protesto etmektedir.
Sadece Juri sonuclarinin degistirilmemesine bir etirazimdir bu…
Umarim her kes bunu anlayabilir..
Bir daha soylerim ki,
Ustad Juri Uyelerine cok buyuk saygilarim vardir
ve onlardan dostluk etdigim arkadaslarim da olmamis degildir…

Seyran Caferli



1-Erdogan Karayel
2-Hicabi Demirci
3-Firuz Kutal
4-Oguz Gürel
5-Turgay Karadag
6-Hayati Boyacioglu
7-Faruk Soyarat
8-Huseyin Cakmak
9-Musa Kayra
10-Sevcan Cerkez
11-Nergis Kul
12-Ali Doganli
13-Saadet Yalcin
14-Muammer Bilen
15-Muammer Olcay
16-Murat Gök
17-Derya Sayin
18-Ismail Dogan
19-Cemal Arig
20-Menekse Cam
21-Ahmet Aykanat
22-Emre Yilmaz
23-Elgin Akpinar
24-Özkan Olcay
25-Semih Bulgur
26-Ugur Günel
27-Arman Salepci
28-Yusuf Temiz
29-Sadik Pala
30-Mehmet Selcuk
31-Erhan Baskurt
32-Cemil Acikkol
33-Ismail Cem Ozkan
34-Turgut Demir
35-Feridun Demir
36-Muhammet Bakir
37-Servet Gurel
38-Halil I. Yildirim
39-Omur E. Kurum
40-Yavuz Mamac
41-Nizamettin Mollasalihoglu
(Karadeniz Mizah)
42-Sevket Yalaz
43-Hande Dilek Akcam
44-Bahadir Baruter
45-Tufan Selcuk
46-Murat Kürüz
47-Kader Altunova
48-Vacip Örger
49-Murat Yilmaz
50-Deniz Dokgöz
51-Dr. Arif Albayrak
52-Serhan Gazioglu
53-Mustafa Tozaki
54-Willem Rasing
55-Derek Easterby
56-Zoran Matic Mazos
57-Julian Pena Pai
58-Yüksel Can
59-Halis Dokgöz
60-Emrah Arikan
61-Benjamin Heine
62-Seyran Caferli
63-Bülent Karaköse
64-Paolino Lombardini
65-Alperen Köseoglu
66-Massoud Shojai Tabatabai
67-Marian Avramescu
68-Mete Agaoglu
69-Muharrem Akten
70-Mete Erden
71-Emre Özkan
73-Omar Zevallos
74-Ahmet Ertugrul Timur
75-Elrayah Ombaddi
76-Kursat Zaman

77-Musa Keklik
78-Özgün Uysal
79-Mario Sughi
80-Ohannes Saskal