The purpose of this contest is to encourage cartoonists to think and work on "Youth, Sports, Peace, and Tolerance", and contribute to the friendship among countries and people by using the cartoons.
1- The contest is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists.
2- The subject of the contest is "Youth, Sports, Peace, and Tolerance". The cartoonists can handle the subject either as a whole topic or separate topics.
3- The technique is free. The work of the cartoonist may have been published before. However, it cannot have won any awards previously.
4-A cartoonist can join the contest with maximum of 5 cartoons, but each cartoonist can only have one award.
5- The maximum size fort he cartoons must be A3 (29,9cm X 42cm), 300dpi by width in jpg format.
6- The cartoons must be sent to the following e-mail address until 1st August 2012: "sinopghsimcartoon@gmail.com"
7-The contestants are expected to write their name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, and short bio and send them in a word file with an attached photo. The contestants under the age of 18 must write their ages as there will be a "Youth Award" category.
8- The cartoons which are in degree or in exhibition will be published in an album which will also be sent to the holders of these cartoons.
9- The exhibition will be held with the Award Ceremony whose exact date will be announced later.
10- AWARDS: The First: $1000+a plaquet
The Second: $750+a plaquet
The Third: $500+ a plaquet
Three contestants whose ages are under 18: $100
There will be private awards of other associations.
11- All the expenses of the winners except for the transportation will be paid.
12- Selector Board: Aþkýn Ayrancýoðlu (Turkey), Erhan Yaþar Babalýk (Turkey), Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Seyit Saatçi (Turkey), Agim Sulaj (Albania), and Mikhail Zlatkovsky (Russia).
13- The cartoons will be kept in the archive of the institution and can be used in posters, handouts, calendars, magazines, and newspapers. The publication will be sent to the holder of that cartoon.
14- By sending his/her works, and participating in the contest, the cartoonists agree to the mentioned rules and conditions.
Organization Committee
Yarismanin amaci; "Genclik, Spor, Baris ve Hosgoru" kavramlari ozelinde dunya karikaturistlerinin dusunmelerini ve urun vermelerini tesvik etmek ve boylece karikaturun -dusunduren, gulumseten yaniyla- ulkeler/insanlar arasinda kardeslik duygularinin gelisimine katkida bulunmasini saglamaktir…
1- Yarisma amator ve profesyonel butun dunya cizerlerine aciktir.
2- Yarismanin konusu: "Genclik, Spor, Baris ve Hosgoru." Cizerler eserlerinde bu temalari birlikte ic ice isleyebilecegi gibi, birbirinden bagimsiz olarak da isleyebilirler…
3- Yarismaya katilacak eserlerde teknik serbesttir. Eserler daha once yayimlanmis olabilir ancak hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmalidir.
4- Katilimcilar en cok 5 adet eser gonderebilirler. Ancak bir cizere birden fazla odul verilmez.
5- Gonderilecek karikaturler en fazla A3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm) boyutunda, 300 dpi cozunurlugunde ve jpg formatinda olmalidir.
6- Yarismaya katilacak eserler 1 Agustos 2012 tarihine kadar e-posta yoluyla; "sinopghsimcartoon@gmail.com" adresine gonderilmelidir.
7- Eserlerle birlikte butun sanatcilar adini, soyadini, posta adresini, telefonunu, e-mail adresini, kisa ozgecmisini ve bir adet fotografini da word dosyasi olarak gondermelidirler. 18 Yasindan kucuk cizerler ( "Genclik Odulu" verileceginden) yaslarini mutlaka belirtmelidirler.
8- Odul alan ve sergilenmeye deger gorulen karikaturler bir albumde yayimlanacak ve bu album eser sahiplerine gonderilecektir.
9- Yarismanin sergisi daha sonra aciklanacak bir tarihte odul toreniyle birlikte gerceklestirilecektir.
10- ODULLER: 1.’lik Odulu: 1000 ABD Dolari+Plaket, 2.’lik Odulu: 750 ABD Dolari+Plaket, 3.’luk Odulu: 500 ABD Dolari+Plaket. 18 yasindan kucuk 3 cizere, Genclik Odulu: 100’er ABD DOLARI+Plaket. Ayrica cesitli kuruluslarin koyacaklari ozel oduller.
11- Yarismada odul kazanan sanatcilarin odul toreni ve sergi acilisina katilmalari halinde yol masraflari disindaki giderleri karsilanacaktir.
12- Secici kurulda; karikatur sanatcilari Askin AYRANCIOGLU (Turkiye), Erhan Yasar BABALIK (Turkiye), Vladimir KAZANEVSKY (Ukrayna), Seyit SAATCI (Turkiye), Agim SULAJ (Arnavutluk), Mikhail ZLATKOVSKY (Rusya) bulunmaktadir…
13- Yarismaya katilan karikaturler, duzenleyen kurumun arsivinde kalacak afis, takvim, brosur, dergi, gazete vb. organlarda yayimlanabilecektir. Bunun karsiliginda eseri yayimlanan sanatciya o yayindan gonderilecektir.
14- Yarismaya katilan karikaturistler yukaridaki kosullari kabul etmis sayilirlar.
Tertip Komitesi