

Michael Gerard “Mike” Tyson,

some know him as Malik Abdul Aziz (although
 he did not adopt that name at all) is a retired American boxer.
He was the undisputed heavyweight champion and remains the youngest man ever to win the WBC,
 WBA and IBF world heavyweight titles. He won the WBC title at just 20 years old.
Throughout his career, Tyson became well-known for his ferocious and intimidating boxing style as
well as his controversial behavior both inside and outside the ring.
Nicknamed “Kid Dynamite”, “Iron Mike”, and “The Baddest Man on the Planet”,
Tyson won his first 19 professional bouts by knockout, 12 in the first round.
He unified the belts in the splintered heavyweight division in the late 1980s to become
 undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
Tyson lost his title when he lost to 42-to-1 underdog James “Buster” Douglas
 in February 11, 1990, in Tokyo, by a KO in round 10.
In 1992, Tyson was convicted of sexually assaulting Desiree Washington,
for which he served three years in prison.
After being released from prison in 1995, he engaged in a series of comeback fights.
He regained a portion of the heavyweight title, before losing it to Evander Holyfield
in a 1996 fight by an 11th round TKO.
Their 1997 rematch ended in shocking fashion as Tyson was disqualified
for biting off part of Holyfield’s ear.
He fought for a championship again at 35, losing by knockout to Lennox Lewis in 2002.
Tyson retired from competitive boxing in 2005 after two consecutive knockout losses
 to Danny Williams and Kevin McBride.
Tyson declared bankruptcy in 2003, despite receiving over US$30 million for several
of his fights and $300 million during his career.
He is ranked #16 on Ring Magazine’s list of 100 greatest punchers of all time.


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Foton kuþaðý dedikleri de neymiþ? Günümüz teknolojisi bir rüya mýymýþ? Rüyadan uyanacak mýyýz? Mayalarýn takvimi 2012’de bitiyormuþ, yenisini bastýrsalar olmaz mýymýþ? Ýndigolarla falan alakasý var mý bu iþin? E, biz bunlarý hep bilimkurgularda izliyorduk diyenler, yoksa bilimkurgu þeytan iþi mi? Þeytanýn hilesi bu kadar açýk olabilir mi? Neler olacak Allahým, ne kadar ilginç zamanlar bu zamanlar… Girin internete, araþtýrýn, öðrenin, safýnýzý seçin, espri çýkarýn, çizin gönderin!


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Asým Gültekin, Volkan Akmeþe, Faruk Günindi ve Yusuf Kot karikatürlere bakýp “hmm” diyecekler. Bir de halk oylamasý olacak. Bakalým n’olacak?”


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