Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
Ruse, 49 General Skobelev Blvd
Provides opportunity for professionals and amateur cartoonists around the world
to show their attitude to the staff of order and security authorities through the
eyes of the cartoonist.
In a humorous way to represent relationships between the police employees and
people who have come in simple, interesting, strange, conflict or other situations
such as traveling on the road, in the court scenes, corrupt transactions,
conversations, etc.
1. Each participant is entitled to participate with no more than 3 works. The
cartoon size should be min. A4, max. A3 format.
2. Cartoons can be color or black and white, also digital works with original
signature of the author.
3. Deadline for submission of the works is Jun 25, 2009 at the following mail
OD MVR – Ruse
49 General Skobelev Blvd
Cartoon contest
4. Participants should send a short CV as well as: name, surname, job title,
address and telephone contact, e-mail address.
5. The Jury will consist of the following members:
1) Ivailo Tsvetkov, President of FECO Bulgaria /Federation of cartoonists’ Organizations/
2) Rumen Dragostinov, Vice-President of FECO Bulgaria
3) Valentin Georgiev, cartoonist, illustrator, artist
4) Volodya Kenarev, artist, Deputy Mayor for humanitarian activities in the
Municipality of Ruse
5) Elena Velikova, art expert, director of Ruse Art Gallery
6) Svetoslav Parvanov, commissar, director of Ruse Regional Directorate of
the Ministry of Interior
7) Daniela Malcheva, regional spokesman for the Ministry of Interior in Ruse,
Presscenter and Public Relations specialized administrative directorate of
the Ministry of Interior
I – 300 Euro (€) plus diploma
II – 200 Euro plus diploma
III – 100 Euro plus diploma
7 encouraging prizes and public choice awards.
6. Winners and other selected works will participate in an Art Exhibition in Ruse
Art Gallery. Cartoons will not be returned, but will remain in the collection of the
Ruse Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. Some will be involved in
prevention activities and projects for the public benefit, if appropriate (always
displaying the author’s name).
7. Postage must be paid by the participants. No fee is charged for participation in
the contest.
8. In addition the exhibition artists will receive e-catalog on CD from the show
and awarded works will be included in the contest brochure.
Participation in the competition is taken as consent of the author with
these conditions.
We wish success to all participants!
1 July, 2009, from 18 hours
Ruse Art Gallery, Ruse, 39 Borissova Str.
Questions about the organization and rules of the contest can be sent to Valentin
Georgiev phone: 359 885 447 511 ?-mail: valyo1970art@yahoo.com
or at the e-mail of Ruse Directorate of MoI