1. Subject: The Life at the Medieval Castle
2. Deadline: 20th March 2008
3. Prizes: 1st prize: 2000 Euro
2nd prize: 1500
3rd prize: 1000
Four mentions: honorable diplomas
Public prize: 500
4. Entries: – Initially each participant can send at most 3 works in digital form via Internet to the following address: cartoon@caricature.eu The author must indicate in his e-mail the following informations: his first name, name, complete address, e-mail address, his phone number and the title of each work. The characteristics of these electronic sendings are as follows: format JPEG, good quality and max. 500 KB per picture .

– Out of these sendings by e-mail the jury will make a selection of 120 drawings and will request from the authors of these works the sending by mail of the originals for the choice of the prizes and the publication in the catalogue. All these 120 originals will be shown in the exhibition. Their size will be between DIN A4 (210x 297mm) and DIN A3 (297x420mm), the paper of good quality, not folded and without a passe-partout. On the back side of every work must be clearly mentioned the first name, the name, the complete address, the e-mail address, the phone number of the author as well as the title of the work. This deadline is 10 th April 2008.

5. Technique: Free, black and white or in color, without captions.
6. Exhibition: The award ceremony will be held on 25 th April 2008 in the castle and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the knights of the Castle-palace of Vianden from 26 th April 2008 until 25 th May 2008. Then the exhibition will take place in the Museum of Caricature of Vianden until 30 th October 2008.

7. Returns: After 30 th October 2008 the originals will be returned to their authors except the works selected for one of the prizes. The awarded works will become property of the organizer.

The organizer cannot be held responsible for loss or damage during sending back.

8. Catalogue: The authors whose works will be selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail. Prize winners will get their catalogue during the handing over of the prizes.
9. Results: The publication of the results will be done on the Internet sites www.caricature.eu and www.castle-vianden.lu 26th April 2008. The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed by e-mail or by phone.

The final decisions of the jury, which will meet on the 22th March 2008, are undeniable.

10. Copyright: The selected participants allow the organizers to use their works only for promoting the author, as well as the event. All other copyright remains property of the author.

11. Address for the sending of the originals:
P.O.B 26
L-9422 Vianden
Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

12. Informations: Phone: +352 – 621283790




Dear Fellow Global Cartoonists,

Discussion on similarity between Dedete 2008 winner cartoon of  cartoonist  Mahmood Nazari and Aydin Dogan winner cartoon from 1997 of cartoonist Muhsin Omurca took also place and discussed lately in Don Quichotte Cartoon Committee. At the same time DEDETE 2008 organizers decided to cancel Mr. Nazari’s cartoon as the winner of  the contest , since this cartoon is discussed in different cartoon related sites around the world.

We’d like to remind once more that ”DQ Cartoon Committee comes out with a conclusion” after discussed reasonably and basically within Committee members and presents this conclusion to global platform just as a ”suggestion.”  To take account the conclusion and the point of view of the Committee is absolutely on the hands of related cartoonists, organizations which arrange contests and other related associations. From our side there is neither any kind of pressure nor any kind of attack to personal rights of cartoonists.

Our main target is to have a clear road to cartoon-art, to give a direction to all kind of copying/plagiarism because of the Internet, and to protect ”brain and hand ability” against mentality of  commercializing the others cartoons.

Peace you all

Don Quichotte


Degerli çizerler, mizahseverler..

Bir suredir devam eden, Dedete 2008’de birincilik ödülü kazanan Mahmood Nazari”nin karikatürü ile 1997 yýlýnda “Aydin Dogan” da odul kazanan Muhsin Omurca’nin karikatürünün benzerliði konusundaki  tartismalar Don Quichotte Karikatur Komisyonu’nda da degisik ülke mensubu cizerler tarafindan tartisildi. Tartismanin uluslararasi karikatur platformunda degisik karikatur sitelerinde yeralmasiyla yasanan gelismeler sonucu DEDETE 2008 düzenleme komitesi, Mahmood Nazari’nin birincilik ödülünü iptal etti.

Bir kez daha hatirlatmakta yarar var. “DQ Karikatur Komisyonu, grupta  kendi aralarinda gundemde olan karikaturle ilgili konulari tartisip nihai bir karar almakta ve bunu “tavsiye” olarak uluslararasi platforma sunmaktadir. Komisyon goruslerinin dikkate alinip alinmamasi konunun muhattabi kisi, kurum veya kuruluslarca degerlendirilir. Bu konuda hicbir yaptirim veya kisisel haklara mudahale soz konusu degildir.

Amacimiz, karikaturun yolunu acmak, internetle gelisen karikatur dunyasinda olasi benzerliklere, kopya veya calinti konularindaki tartismalara bir yon vermek, “Beyin ve el becerisi” yetenegin, ticari boyutu on planda tutan zihniyete karsi mucadelesinde dogru olanin yaninda yer almaktir.

Don Quichotte