Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi  Fair Play Konseyi
 Ulusal veUluslararasý  9. Fair Play Karikatür Yarýþmasý 2008


Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Konseyinin iki yýlda bir yapýlan, geleneksel Fair PlayKarikatür yarýþmasý 1 Nisan 2008 tarihinden itibaren baþlamýþtýr

Yarýþmaya Katýlým Koþullarý:
* Konu: Fair Play.
Dünyada yapýlan bütün spor karþýlaþmalarýndaki centilmenlik ve kardeþliðin mizah duygusu katarak karikatürle çizilmesi isteniyor.
* Boyut: Kesin, 25×35 cm ebatlarýný geçmeyecek, ölçülerdeki kaðýtlara çizilecektir.
* Teknik: Renkli veya siyah-beyaz olabilir.
* Yarýþmaya yollanacak karikatürler orijinal ve çizenin kendi düþüncesi olmalýdýr, Fotokopi ile çoðaltýlmýþ karikatürler kabul edilmez.
* Yarýþmacýlar her karikatürün arkasýna adý-soyadý, Yaþ, adres ve telefon bilgilerini mutlaka yazmalýlar.
* Karikatürler daha önce sergilenmiþ ve yayýnlanmýþ olabilir, ancak hiçbir yarýþmada ödül almamýþ olmalýdýr.

* Ödüller:
1. Ödül: 1000 YTL + Plaket
2. Ödül: 750 YTL + Plaket
3. 4. ve 5. Ödül: 500’er YTL + Plaket

* Son Katýlým Tarihi: 31 Ekim 2008 Cuma

* Yarýþmaya yollanmýþ olan karikatürler jüri tarafýndan seçilerek bir albümde yayýnlanacaktýr. Albüm, katýlýmcýlara 2009 yýlýnýn ilk aylarýnda yollanacaktýr. Ödül alsýn veya almasýn karikatürler Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi, Fair Play Konseyi yayýnlarýnda kullanýlabilir.
* Karikatürler ödül alsýn veya almasýn geri yollanmaz. Yarýþmaya katýlan bütün çizerler bu þartlarý kabul etmiþ sayýlýrlar.

Jüri Üyeleri:
* Erdoðan Arýpýnar (TMOK Baþkan Yard. Fair Play konseyi Baþkaný. EFPM 2.Baþkaný – Dünya Fair Play Konseyi üyesi)
* Doðan Þahin (TMOK Üyesi- EFPM Jüri üyesi)
* Mehmet Güçlü (TMOK Basýn ve Halkla Ýliþkiler Müdürü)
* Karikatürcüler: Bedri Koraman, Cafer Zorlu, Mesut Yavuz, Köksal Çiftçi, Sami Caner ve Kamil Yavuz

* Son Katýlým Tarihi:
Katýlýmcýlar diledikleri kadar karikatürü 31 Ekim 2008 tarihinden önce varmasý koþuluyla aþaðýdaki adrese postalamalýlar. Eserler kargo veya elden de ulaþtýrýlabilir.

* Yarýþmaya Katýlým Adresi:

9. Ulusal ve uluslararasý “Fair Play.” Karikatür Yarýþmasý: Türkiye Milli Olimpiyat Komitesi Fair Play Konseyi Ataköy 34158 /Ýstanbul
Tel: 0212 560 07 07.
Faks: 0212. 560 00 55



9th International Fair Play Cartoon Competition – Turkey 2008

The Fair Play Cartoon Competition organized every two years by the Fair Play Council of the National Olympic Committee of Turkey has begun with effect from 1st April 2008.

Conditions of Entry:

1) Subject: Fair Play. Cartoons must address the themes of gentlemanly conduct, sportsmanlike behavior and brotherhood in world sport in a humorous way.
2) Dimensions: The paper on which each cartoon is drawn must be no larger than 25 X 35 cm in size.
3) Technique: Cartoons may be either in color or black and white.
4) All cartoons entered for the competition must be the artist’s own original work and must express the artist’s own ideas. Photocopies will not be accepted.
5) On the back of each cartoon entered for the competition, entrants must write their name and surname, their age, their address and their telephone number(s).
6) Cartoons entered for the competition may have been previously exhibited or published, but they must not have won a prize in any competition.
7) Cartoons entered for the competition will be evaluated by a jury and, if selected, will be published in an album. This album will be sent to all entrants during the first few months of 2009. By submitting their cartoons to the competition, entrants are agreeing to permit the use of these cartoons in the publications of the Fair Play Council of the National Olympic Committee of Turkey – whether or not these cartoons have won a prize.
8) Cartoons will not be returned to entrants, whether or not they have won a prize.
9) Entrants may submit to the competition as many cartoons as they wish. All entries must reach the address below no later than 31st October 2008. They may be sent by post or by courier, or delivered by hand.
10) All entrants to the competition will be deemed to have agreed to the above conditions.


1st Prize: 1000 New Turkish Lira + Plaque
2nd Prize: 750 New Turkish Lira + Plaque
3rd, 4th and 5th Prizes: (each) 500 New Turkish Lira + Plaque

Last date for entries:
Friday, 31st October 2008

Jury members:
* Erdogan Aripinar (Vice President, NOCT; Chairman, NOCT Fair Play Council; Vice President, EFPM; CIFP (International Fair Play Council) Member)
* Dogan Sahin (NOCT Member; EFPM Jury Member)
* Mehmet Guclu (NOCT Press and Public Relations Director)
* Cartoonists: Bedri Koraman, Cafer Zorlu, Mesut Yavuz, Koksal Ciftci, Sami Caner, Kamil Yavuz.
Address for entries:
9th National and International Fair Play Cartoon Competition
National Olympic Committee of Turkey Fair Play Council
Atakoy 34158 Istanbul, Turkey


Results of 3rd Prestigio International Cartoon Contest – “Take the funny way” Prizes


Results of 3rd Prestigio International Cartoon Contest

“Take the funny way” Prizes

Prestigio Cartoon Contest Gets Entries from 35 Countries, Winners Announced

Prestigio Technologies Ltd. has announced the results of its 3rd International Cartoon Contest “Take the Funny Way”. The jury and the public have selected 4 winners out of around 300 entries submitted by contestants from 35 countries worldwide.

 On the 1st of April – the International Day of Humour– the Contest organizers announced the decision of the Prestigio Jury and the results of the Contest website visitors poll. This year’s Cartoon Contest was dedicated to the artistic vision of funny moments associated with traveling and navigation in the modern-day hi-tech environment. The Contest was open to amateur and professional cartoonists from all backgrounds, ages and levels of experience. The cartoons considered for this contest had to contain at least one visual element of the Prestigio brand.




