The Cultural Foundation Journalist Oswaldo Lima and the City Hall of Campos de Goytacazes –
Rules and regulations:
Theme: “The end of drinkable water in the world”
Deadline: December 15, 2007
Cartoonists, amateur or professional, are allowed to participate in the exhibition by submitting works that have not been awarded in other competitions until the event’s deadline, December 15th, 2007. The awarded cartoons will be available at http://www.ecohumorcampos.com soon after the release of the results. In a 15-day time, cartoonists will be able to complain about plagiarism or fraud. If the complaint is true, the candidate will be eliminated of the contest and will lose the prize. Each author is allowed to submit as many works as he wishes. The works can be develop under any technique. The works must be sent to the e-mail: ecohumorcampos@ecohumorcampos.com
Size ( 297 X 240mm), 300 DPI, color mode RGB, format jpg (high quality) up to the limit of 1,5MB for each work. Attached to the work, the participant must send the following information: Full name, pseudonym, full address, telephone, e-mail ID number and bank account number. Participants may also send a short biography and photo so that they may be used in the data base of the exhibition. Only registrations done by e-mail will be accepted
R$ 20.000,00 will be distributed as follows:
1st Prize – R$ 10.000,00
2nd Prize – R$ 5.000,00
3rd Prize – R$ 2.500,00
4th Prize – R$ 1.500,00
5th Prize Given to the cartoonists from Campos and its surroundings – R$ 1.000,00
The prizes will be paid in a three-month time after the opening of the exhibition and they will be submitted to the current taxes. There will be a jury to select the works and a final jury that will consist of professionals in the field. Other prizes and mentions may be created, according to the Organizing Committee. By participating in the exhibition, the participant automatically transfer the copyright of the works according to the law 9.6l0 of February 19th, 1988. The works will make part of the Cultural Foundation Journalist Oswaldo Lima Collection. More information on the exhibition is available at http://www.ecohumorcampos.com
1st International Postcard Contest – “Prestigio New Year Greetings”
1.1 The Theme of the Contest
The entries should illustrate the motto «
Contest organizers: Prestigio Technologies (
1.2 Prize Fund
Grand prix – 500$
User choice. Site Community Special prizes – 10 Leather Data Flashes 2GB
All prizes and awards will be presented to the winners only upon presentation of the identity documents and provided they have met entry requirements, including duly signed Copyright Release.
1.3 Rules of Identifying Winning Entries
The Grand-Prix will be awarded to the entrant who will score the highest number of points as a result of the Prestigio Jury’s voting. The Prestigio Jury consists of 20 company employees from corporate divisions based in
Site Community Special prizes. 10 winners will be awarded to ten entrants who will score the maximum number of votes in an independent poll at the website http://art.prestigio.com.
1.4 Voting via site
Any visitor of the website http://art.prestigio.com will be able to vote one time per day for one entry. Every voter will be required to leave a comment at the website in English related to the entry. The Contest organizers reserve the right to remove the comments containing obscenities, insults, remarks of racist nature, advertising, calls for violence consists of smiles only etc. Such comments will be removed without notice and explanations. The vote submitted for the entry with such a comment will be automatically subtracted from the entry’s voting score.
1.5 Prestigio Jury Voting Rules
The Prestigio Jury consists of Prestigio employees based in various offices and regions. The Jury is headed by Viktoria Kletskova, Prestigio Internet marketing coordinator. The Jury also includes corporate designers, marketing and brand managers. The Jury shall take into account the theme of submitted entries, sense of humor, and relation to the Prestigio brand.
1.6 Contest Stages and Terms
• Contest term: 20 November – 18 December 2007
• Submission deadline: 18 December
• Voting via website: until 18 December
• Prestigio team voting: 18 December
• Declaration of the poll: 20 December
1.7 Rules of Entry Submissions
Author has to submit a digital version of the postcard via the website http://art.prestigio.com (Authors’ Entry) or by sending it to the following email address: art@prestigio.com
1.8 Entry Requirements
The Jury will only accept completed original postcards, as well as meeting the purposes and goals of the Contest, its theme and priorities. The postcards submitted to the Contest should be executed on a high artistic and technological level.
When submitting the entry the authors must submit or send to mail art@prestigio.com a scanned copy of the signed Copyright Release which is available for download at the Contest website http://art.prestigio.com. The postcards which are not accompanied by the signed Copyright Release will not be accepted.
The postcards to site must be presented in one of the following formats: jpg/tif with the size of no more 2MB. The sources can be requested by organizers during the contest.
The postcard has to include one of following elements:
– Prestigio Logotypes
– One of New Year Prestigio elements that published on Prestigio Art Site (art.prestigio.com)
The following types of postcards will not be accepted for participation in the Contest: • materials of erotic and/or pornographic nature; artworks executed (or published) with infringement of third party copyrights, or of other current legislation.
The Contestants who have been exposed of plagiarism or use of other person’s ideas, shall be permanently disqualified and shall not be allowed to further participate in the Contest.
1.9 Contest Media Coverage
The course of the Contest will be highlighted at the site http://art.prestigio.com and the site www.prestigio.com. At Prestigio discretion the Contest can also be highlighted at other Internet resources of the company, including through continuous exposure of all entries in the Internet. At the discretion of the Contest organizers, the course of the Contest can be widely covered at information sites and in mass media.
1.10 Applicable legislation
These Rules, as well as all rights and duties of the parties to the Contest shall be governed by the material legislation of the
1.11 Use of Author’s Materials
For good and valuable consideration which is received and acknowledged, authors grants to Prestigio Europe spol. s.r.o. of Czech Republic and any its agents, representatives, assignees, affiliated, parent and related companies (the “Prestigio Companies”) the exclusive, royalty-free and irrevocable right and unrestricted permission to use, display, produce, distribute, publish, copy, or otherwise exploit including the right of modification, translation and adaptation, independently and/or as part of the catalogue of contests catalogue, either in whole or in part sent by me to the postcards competition: “Prestigio New Year Greetings” hosted by http://art.prestigio.com (the “Material”).
1.12 Disclosure of Information
These Rules and the information on the course of the Contest are openly published at the Contest Website. Any interested persons have the right to contact the Organizers asking for explanations of specific provisions of these Rules or other necessary information. The Organizers can be contacted at the following address: art@prestigio.com
1 . The competition is divided into two sections: CARTOONS (situation resolved in a single graphic moment); STRIPS (sequence of graphic moments developing or unfolding a certain situation). A theme in set about man and his existence. Anyone can attempt to interpret the theme from a homorous point of view with espressive freedom and in any graphic form.
3. A prize called “Scacchiera International Grand Prize” will be awarded to the most representative work of each section.
4. The works will be considered valid only if they arrive, by mail at the latest, by 18 JANUARY 2008, carriage paid. The enclosed form duly completed with biographical notes should accompany the works and should be sent to:
5. The results and the dates of the prize giving and inauguration will be published quickly afterwards on the web site www.umoristiamarostica.it
6. The exhibition will take place in the Castello Inferiore from April 12 to May 25, 2008.
7. Each artist can send up three works, specifying his or her full name and address on the back.
8. Once the exhibition in Marostica closes, the works will be used in other exhibitions in
9. The “Gruppo Grafico Marosticense” reserves the right to authorize reproduction of the work with the words “Taken from Umoristi a Marostica”.
10. All the participants may receive the catalogue gratis by enclosing 7,00 Euro for the postage charges.
Entry form: marostica2008-entryform.pdf
47th Internationaal
OPEN: 22.06 – 28.09.2008
DEADLINE: 19.01.2008
Prijzen – Prix – Preise – Prizes
1 Golden Hat – d’Or 3.500 €
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
2 Silver Hat – 2.000 €
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
3 Bronze Hat – 1.250 €
(including fligth and hotel accommodation in Knokke-Heist during openings weekend)
4 Knack cartoon Award – 500 €
5 Publics Prize – 2007 – 500 €
Please send your works to:
Internationaal Cartoonfestival
Cultuurcentrum Knokke-Heist vzw
Meerlaan 32
B-8300 Knokke-Heist
Tel: 00-32-50-630.430 Fax:00-32-50-630.429
e-mail: cartoonfestival@knokke-heist.be
This contest is open to anybody aged at least 18. By the simple fact of participating, all contestants accept the conditions and provisions of these regulations and agree to abide by the decisions of the jury. There will be no correspondence about this competition. The Belgian law is applied as far as the tax on the prizes awarded to foreign participants is concerned.
NO THEME (free)
3. ENTRIES – max 5 cartoons
3.1 The entries
a) must be original cartoons; in black and white or in colour.
The drawings may also be made digitally, and submitted on a CD-ROM.
b) may not as yet have been exhibited in
c) may bear no captions
d) must be sent
– either flat and not folded
– or not folded, rolled in a hard case
Remark: The entries (dimensions, number, etc.) and the registration form (signature, date of birth) which do not comply with the above mentioned articles will not be taken into consideration for the international competition and will be destroyed.
3.2 The participant will be responsible for the originality of his cartoons. Discussions and probable claims according all sorts of piracy and thus more are at the expense of the participant.
A : min.
B : min.
C : If the entry is submitted on CD-ROM, the cartoon size needs to be A4 or A3 format with a resolution of 300 dpi in TIFF-format.
Cartoons already under glass, framed or on other materials than paper will not be eligible for the exhibition.
Your participation will only be taken into account if your entry form carries your date of birth as well as your signature.
Every cartoon must state the surname and first name of the author on the back. Postage must be paid by the participants.
Entry form is located at: http://cartoonfestival.otr.be/Portals/0/Cart2008%20Inschrijvingsformulier.pdf
By the mere fact of taking part in the contest, the participants empower the organizing association to make use of their entries for promotional purposes on behalf of the “International Cartoon festival” and the seaside resort of Knokke-Heist (cartoon book, catalogue, publicity in the press and other media, posters, folders, calendar, official gifts by the local authorities and/or the festival’s organizers, etc.)
Among the entries, a jury makes a selection for the exhibition and appoints the prize-winners.
Upon presentation of the receipt of their entries, all contestants will be admitted to the exhibition without charge.
All award-winning entries will become property of the organizing association. The organizing association will have the option to retain one drawing at the most of every contestant whose work was selected. Article 6. will be applicable.
In cooperation with the “Davidsfonds Leuven” a catalogue / cartoon book will be edited according to the technical and financial means. Selected participants are entitled to one catalogue.
As from this year cartoons will only be returned if this has been indicated on the registration form.
The charges for returning such works as will not become the property of the organizing association will be borne by the latter. The organizers will endeavour to handle the return with the utmost care but cannot be held responsible for loss or damages.
CD-ROMs are never returned.
Organizers: FECO Serbia and JUGOMARKA Company for creating and distribution of postage stamps
Originals or digital prints signed by the artist
Cartoon mail art (Cartoons on the envelops and postcards)
Size: up to A3 (297×420 mm)
Technique: free
Deadline: February 15, 2008
Exhibition: March/April 2008
Postal Museum, Belgrade
1st prize – 500 euros
2nd prize – 300 euros
Personal stamp (face value 46 dinars), 100 pieces
Personal stamp (face value 20 dinars), 100 pieces
Special prize for the best cartoon mail art (Collection of Serbian cartoon books)
Catalogue: to each selected artist
Remark: all works remain property of the Museum
Address for sending cartoons:
JUGOMARKA (Jaksa Vlahovic) Palmoticeva 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
For further information e-mail: jvlahovic@ptt.yu
International competition on drawing for women – “Jaka bede …2008”
The subject of the competition is a woman, modern and fashionable, joyful and upset one, a wife, mother and a friend but not also a sportswoman, a physician or just the woman… Everybody knows thet it is not possible to live without her…
In the competition will take a part drawing, cartoons and other plastic acts made in optional technics; those original works that have already been exhibited or published but not being rewarded.
1. Competition will be carried in two categories: DRAWING and SATIRE. The author qualifies his work for the chosen category by himself.
2. Format of work – max A3, amount of work – up to 2 works in each category
3. Entrants are responsible for ensuring the correct postage.
4. Entries must arrive at the address below by not later that 25.02.2008 /deadline/
Miroslaw Krzyskow
ul. Powstancow Warszawy 10/1
11-400 Ketrzyn
Poland (with additional note: Konkurs)
5. The reverse side of the cartoon and / or drawing should bear the surname, forename and address of the entrant in Latin block letters.
6. A short biographic note and some personal details (the surname, forname, address, mobile phone number, e-mail address) should be added.
7. The condition of returning of sent entries is handing down for the Gallery one selected by the author work.
8. Rewarded works will belong to the organisers.
9. Sending plastic works is synonymous with author’s agreement for the regulations of the competition.
1. Entries will be appreciated by the jury selected by organisers among friendly artists and satirists.
(Tomasz Wołoszyn (2001), Krzysztof Toboła(2002), Dorota Chwałek(2003) Andreas Malecki – Niemcy (2003) Daniel Strzelczyk (2005) Sławomir Łuczyński (2006) Mirosław Krzyków – organizator)
Never work of jurors subjected estimate and they are exposed (set out) beyond competition.
2. Prizes will be appropriate, unexpected and original.
3. Awards are handed in during the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Jaka bede…” or during the summer /plener/ in Jedwabno organized specially for laureates of the competition. On special request of a laureate his award can be sent by mail.
Privileges of the entrants
1. Authors of selected for the exhibition entries will get a gratuitous catalogue.
2. The decision of the festival is predicted to be announced on 10 March 2008 at 17 o’clock
3. The participating in the competition is free of charge.
If you need more details please contact:
(From present or past: sport, music, politics, art, science and so on…)
Any technique will be accepted.
Deadline: February 28th 2008
Maximum entry: 5
You may send by post or e-mail (A4 – A3 size).
Post address:
Note: Please, do not send originals, because we will not send you back!
Address for sending by e-mail:
Note: 300 dpi resolution!
In both cases, please, write your name, address, e-mail, and, specially, name of person you made caricature (for each caricature).
Note: Sender must be author of caricature!
First prize:
350 Euros + diploma
Second prize:
250 Euros + diploma
Third prize:
150 Euros + diploma
Special prizes:
5 diplomas
Mr. Goran Kljajich, president; writer, founder of “Rhino” magazine and this competition; Republic of Srpska
Mr. Miladin Beric, writer, vice-president; Republika Srpska
Ms. Ljiljana Cekic, actress, official spokesman of competition; Republika Srpska
Ms. Maria Claudia Re, cartoonist, Argentina
Mr. Senad Honic, cartoonist and writer, Sweden
Mr. Mica M.Tumaric, writer, Serbia
Mr. Georgi Josifov, academic painter, Serbia
Mr. Milenko Kosanovic, cartoonist, Serbia
Competition supported by Ministry of education and culture of Republika Srpska!
Subject : Woman
Candidates : All of Europe
Deadline: the 1st of March 2008
1st prize € 500,00
2nd prize € 300,00
3rd prize € 200,00
The winners will be informed before the 1st of April ’08.
Public prize: € 150,00
The winner will be informed before the 1st of April ’08.
Entries: Maximum 5, original cartoons on quality paper, dated and signed at the back, unfolded and flat are accepted.
No digital entries.
Cartoonale “De vrouw”
p/a Toon Beuckels
Poekedorp 27
B 9880 Aalter-Poeke
vzw Statiekomitee Aalter
Contact: +32(0)477 891 313
Text: No texts
Size: DIN A4 (210 mm x 297 mm / 8.268 x 11.693 inches)
Technique: free, both black and white and colour
Exposition: From the 2nd of May until the 12th of May at hotel Capitole, Stationsstraat 149-151, 9880 Aalter
The selected works will be published in a four colour brochure, size A5 and on our website
Entry form: