“Stuttgart Award 2008” ödül töreni sali gunu Stuttgart’ta gerceklesti..
Yarismada ücüncülük ödülünü kazanan Italya’da yasayan karikaturcu dostumuz ve
ayni zamanda DQ-Cartoon Comittee uyesi Agim Sulaj,
Feco baskani ve ayni zamanda “dunya dilleri” yarismamizin juri üyesi Marlene Pohle de Stuttgart’taydi..
Bir yil aradan sonra tekrar onlarla olmak guzeldi..
Yarismada ödül kazanan Belcikali cizer Norbert van Yperzeele ve
Lüksemburglu cizer Pol Leurs ile birlikte sergiyi gezdik, bolca sohbet ettik.
Don Quichotte’u ve basarilarini konustuk, gelecek yilin konusunu belirledik.
Dostlarimiz sevgili Don Quichotte okurlarina selamlarini ve sevgilerini yolladilar..
The award ceremony of Stuttgart Award 2008 realized in Stuttgart on Tuesday.
Agim Sulaj who won third prize and who has been living in Italy and
at the same time who is a member of DQ- Cartoon Commitee and Marlene Pohle
who is Feco chief and juror of our contest in this year are in Stuttgart, too.
After a year it was nice to be together with them.
We toured the exhibition with Belgian cartoonist Norbert van Yperzeele and
Luxembourgish cartoonist Pol Leurs who won awards in the contest, we had chat plentiful.
We talked about Don Quichotte and its successes.
We determined the subject of next year.
They sent their greetings and affections to dear Don Quichotte readers…