Dear Sirs :
I am an argentinean cartoonist, author of 29 humor books , awarded by Aydin Dogan Vakfi International Cartoon Contest 2001 , ocation where I went to Ankara and had the enormous pleasure of meeting personally the talented cartoonist Tan Oral.
With grief , sorrow and surprise I see he is now victim of a big misunderstanding that he doesn´t deserve at all. He is one of the most talented artists I´ve ever seen , a master of synthesis and a joy to the readers of your newspaper.
Mr Tan Oral is more than a legend in Turkish humor. He is an ambassador of Turkish culture and a worldwide known and respected master of drawing a smile in people´s faces drawing concise, up- to- the -point lines .
I urge you to reconsider your desition and please employ again Mr Tan Oral for the sake of your prestigious newspaper, which cannot afford such an enormous loss, specially considering it coincides the 50th anniversary of Mr Oral as a prestigious Turkish cartoonist .
The international communitity of humor is in a grief with this cruel and absurd news,
best regards,
Ana von Rebeur
President of FECO Argentina- Uruguay- Colombia
Director of Cartoonist Rights Networks- Argentina
I meet Tan Oral in Ankara…
He is an excellent person and a respected cartoonist.
This seems to be a joke, but unfortunatelly, it is not.
Dear Tan : I send you here all my solidarity, wishing justice be made,
and that you get your job back. After 50 years of work,
you deserve honour and respect, not this.
Ana von Rebeur (Argentina)
My support to Tan Oral whom I met several times in Turkey and
here in Holland was send yesterday.
Willem Rasing (Netherlands)
I am so sorry and amused from hearing the news of firing of the great
cartoonist dear Mr.Tan Oral.
Relationship of of the Iranian and Turkish cartoonists is in a very high place.
I hope that Mr. Tan Oral Starts his works again.
So as the manager of the Iranian House of Cartoon ,I send my best
wishes for Mr. Tan Oral.
I think the effort of the world cartoonists will help him to return to his work again.
Best regards
Massoud Shojai Tabatabai (Iran)