Peter Nieuwendijk
Dear Friends
We just discovered that the Dutch Government has formed (since 2006) a secret section of the department
of Justice to control all published cartoons in the
A so-called cartoon police is watching over us!
Last week one of our cartoonists was arrested and kept in prison for 30 hours.
I’ve written a letter to the minister of Justice Dr. Ernst Hirsch Ballin about the cartoon police and
asked him ironically how this selected group with members of the secret security is formed and
what will be the criteria for good or bad cartoons!
I wrote this Open Letter and have sent it also to 25 members of the Parliament and
to the five biggest newspapers in
will ask questions next week in the Parliament about this cartoon police
and the freedom of expression…
The Dutch cartoon association (De Tulp / FECO Holland) just started to bomb the e-mail
of the ministry by sending every day lots of cartoons….
Will you ask your members to do the same?
Send in as many cartoons as you like… With the question “Is this allowed? Is this offensive?”
or any other question you like.
Of course you’re free to participate in this bombing.
If you wish, send your cartoons regularly (old ones from your files or maybe new ones) to:
Minister Dr. Hirsch Ballin & the Cartoon Police
cartoons to these e-mail addresses:
Succes s & many thanks
Peter Nieuwendijk
Degerli Arkadaslar
Yeni ögrendik ki;Hollanda devleti ülkede yayimlanmakta olan
karikatürleri kontrol etmek icin 2006 yilindan beri
adalet bakanligi bünyesinde gizli bir sube kurmustur.
Bunu baska bir deyisle; „karikatür polisi bizi gözetliyor“ diye
ifa ediyorum.
Gecen hafta karikatürcülerimizden biri göz altina alindi ve
otuz saat hapishanede tutuldu.
Ben; adalet bakani Dr.E.Hirsch Ballin e bir mektup yazarak,
bu subenin nasil olustugunu,iyi veya kötü karikatürün ölcüsünün ne oldugunu sordum.
Yazdigim bu acik mektubu, 25 parlemonto üyesine ve
Hollanda nin en büyük bes gazetesine gönderdim.
Bazi parlemento üyeleri simdiden cevap verdiler ve gelecek hafta
parlamentoda Karikatür polisi ve ifade özgürlügü hakkinda sorusturma acacaklar.
Hollanda karikatürcüler dernegi,simdiden bakanliga hergün pekcok
karikatürler göndererek e-mail bombardimanina tutmaya basladi.
Kendi üyelerinizi de bu konuda yardimci olmaya davet eder misiniz?
Istediginiz karikatürleri, su soru basliklari altinda veya kendi sorularinizla gönderiniz;
Bu yapilan yasal midir?
Bu bir saldiri midir?
Süphesiz bu katilim kendi tercihinizdir.
asagidaki adreslere gönderiniz:
Minister Dr. Hirsch Ballin & the Cartoon Police
cartoons to these e-mail addresses: