Dear participants..
As we informed before,
the prize ceremony and the exhibition of
"Integration-Assimilation" would have been
Carried out on 22 April.
But because of the volcanic erruptio in Iceland,
our organization has been delayed to a forward date.
Probably it will be carried out in Mai.
Especially we inform to our cartoonists friendt who won prizes
As we informed before,
the prize ceremony and the exhibition of
"Integration-Assimilation" would have been
Carried out on 22 April.
But because of the volcanic erruptio in Iceland,
our organization has been delayed to a forward date.
Probably it will be carried out in Mai.
Especially we inform to our cartoonists friendt who won prizes
Don Quichotte
Degerli katilimcilar,
4. DQ uluslararasi Karikatür Yarismasi
ödül töreni ve sergisi, 22 nisan’da Hollanda‘da yapilacakti.
Ancak Ýzlanda‘daki "volkan patlamasi" nedeniyle,
organizasyonumuz ileri bir tarihe ertelendi.
Büyük olasilikla mayis ayinin sonuna dogru gerceklesecek.
Özellikle ödül kazanan karikaturcu dostlarimiza
önemle duyurulur.
Don Quichotte