

Dear friends:
In the summer of 2010 the City of Boston will be the site of a cultural
event that will bring together the works of humorists from all over the world.
The 1st International Humor Festival BOSTOONS 2010 is an event sponsored
by the online magazine EL BUS de Lenguaviva,
the Latino Professional Network and other institutions and organizations.
BOSTOONS 2010 will be a wonderful opportunity for the public to appreciate humor and
satire as incisive genres and unique ways of cultural enrichment.
The Festival, which comprises both cartoon and humorous text contests,
will take place from August 14th to 21st, 2010.
The deadline to submit works by email is June 30th, 2010.
On behalf of BOSTOONS 2010 Organizing Committee,
I greatly appreciate your help with the announcement of our event in your sources of information.
I also invite you to visit the Festival’s official website,,
for the Rules and Regulations and other details.

Warm, humorous regards,

Mario Barros (Lenguaviva)
BOSTOONS 2010 Organizing Committee Coordinator
Editor, EL BUS de Lenguaviva





Kemal Gökhan Gürses

1964 yýlýnda Istanbul’da dogdu.
Babasý, Türk sinemasýnýn en çok film çeken yönetmenlerinden Muharrem Gürses’tir.

Gürses 1976-1978 yýllarý arasýndaki amatörlük döneminin ardýndan
1978 yýlýnýn ilkbaharýnda Mikrop dergisinde profesyonel çizerliðe baþladý.
Daha sonra sýrasýyla Gýrgýr, Fýrt, Atmaca dergilerinde çizdi.
Gençlik ve Toplum dergisinde hem yazarlýk, hem çizerlik yaptý.
1984 yýlýnda Cumhuriyet Gazetesi’nde önce siyaset eki çizerliði,
ardýndan 1993’e dek süren bant çizerliði yaptý.
Gürses’in Cumhuriyet Gazetesi’nde çizdiði bant, Aðaç Yaþken Eðilir adýný taþýmaktaydý.
Bu çalýþmalarýný kitaplaþtýrmýþtýr.
Hürriyet Gazetesi için daha sonra TV dizisi de çekilen Zontelektüel Abdullah adlý
çizgi romanýný çizerken, ek iþ olarak Deli dergisinin kuruculuðunu ve çizerliðini yaptý.
Doðan Kardeþ’te Dedem ve Ben çizgi romanlarýný hazýrladý.
1997’den itibaren Radikal Gazetesi için Þu Benim 35 Yaþým ve
Þu Benim 35 küsür yaþým adlý çizgi bantlar hazýrladý.
Bu çizgi bantlarda ilk gençliðini 12 Eylül döneminde yaþamýþ,
daha sonra tüketim toplumunun bir parçasý olmuþ bireylerin yaþamýný anlattý.
Ayný gazetede çizdiði Obezler çizgi bandý ile "ötekileþtirilen"
þiþmanlarýn hikayesini, Histanbul hikayesi ile Ýstanbul kentini çizdi.
Kýrkýndan Sonra adlý çizgi romanýnda kadýn kahraman Aslý ve
hayatýna giren kýrkýný aþmýþ erkekler yoluyla kadýn-erkek iliþkilerini,
farklý kuþaklarýn yaþamlarýný anlatmýþtýr.
2005 yýlýnda baþlayan Ayþegül Savaþta adlý çizgi bandýnda
kadýn savaþ muhabiri Ayþegül’ün maceralarý yoluyla Irak Savaþý’ný ve
Lübnan’daki geliþmeleri çizgi yoluyla aktardý.
Bu romaný ayný gazetede 2 yýl kadar sürdürdü, 4 yeni hikaye çizdi.
Bu onun bu dönemdeki son çizerlik çalýþmasýný oluþturdu.
Halen kurucusu olduðu Mucizeler Dükkaný reklam ajansýnda
grafik tasarýmcýlýk ve yöneticilik yapmaktadýr.





"Plagiat" SERGÝSÝ

Sanatta taklit, çalýntý, benzer iþleri konu alan "Plagiat" karikatür sergisi
Berlin’de düzenlenen bir törenle açýldý.
Moldovalý karikatür sanatçýsý Valeri Kurtu ile Limes Fotoðraf Ajansý’nýn
bu yýl ilk kez düzenledikleri "Plagiat" konulu yarýþmaya yüzlerce çizer katýlmýþ ve
yarýþmada Polonyalý çizer Marcin Bondarowicz birinci,
Türkiye’den Hicabi Demirci ikinci,
Küba’dan Aristides E. Hernandez Guerrero ise üçüncü olmuþtu.
On sanatçýnýn ise özel ödüllerle onurlandýrýldýðý yarýþmada,
dereceye giren bazý eserlerin benzerlerinin ortaya çýkmasý ise
yeni tartýþmalarý beraberinde getirmiþti.
„Plagiat" konulu bir yarýþmada ödül alan bazý eserlerin de benzer çýkmasý konusunda
görüþ belirten ünlü çizer ve yarýþmanýn fikir babasý Valeri Kurtu,
birbirinden habersiz ve gizli oyla puan veren jüri üyelerinin hemen istisnasýz
ilk üçe giren çizere yüksek puan verdiðini vurgulayarak,
özellikle bu üyelerin ortaya çýkan sonuçlarýn ardýndan
yaptýklarý itirazlarý anlamakta güçlük çektiðini dile getirdi.
Yarýþmaya konu ile alakasý olmayan pek çok karikatürün yollandýðýna dikkat çeken Kurtu,
serginin açýldýðý gün dahi Çin’den farklý takvimler nedeniyle eser yollandýðýný belirtti.
2011 yýlýnda Diktatörlük ve Hoþgörü konulu yeni bir yarýþmaya hazýrlandýklarýný söyleyen Kurtu,
internet yoluyla katýlýnan yarýþmalarýn dünya çizgi sanatýna büyük katkýsý olduðuna dikkat çekti.
Alexey Darschan ve Inga Streblow ikilisinin caz müziðiyle renklenen açýlýþ akþamýnda
altýn, gümüþ ve bronz keçi ödülü alan ilk üç sanatçý tanýtýlýrken,
aralarýnda organizatörler Paul Gross ve jüri üyelerinden mücevher desinatörü
Alexander Kamozin’in de bulunduðu katký saðlayanlara
birer keçi heykeli armaðan edildi.





Life beyond the Press: Cartoons and Press Illustrations of Marcin Bondarowicz – Exhibition.

”Between Media and Mind …” – such is the title of the art exhibition presenting extraordinarily colourful and expressive /illustrative graphics of Marcin Bondarowicz which has been prepared by the Culture Centre in Legnica (Legnickie Centrum Kultury) and is run in the hall of the theatre in Legnica ( The Old Town Hall) until the end of April. Majority of works generated by this outstanding illustrator and satirist have been published both in Polish and foreign press.

The exhibition is recommended and introduced by Mariusz Urbanek, a writer and a journalist of ”Gazeta Wyborcza” who comes from Wrocław:

”Many ( perhaps even all) of Marcin Bondarowicz works were originally published in the press. They illustrated an article, previewed cover story of a weekly, worked as a magazine cover. For a while- a day, a week, a month – they lived life that did not fully belong to them.

They accompanied word: a title, an argument raised by an author of an article and sometimes they simply depicted the character of a publishing house. Concurrently, word interpreted image by prompting the way to receive it. Consequently, by imposing reception, it deprived the vision of ambiguity.

Works that are staged on the exhibition must count on themselves. While they used to be accompanied by the support of word in the press, they face the receiver defenseless in the gallery. They pass an arduous exam that shall give them the right to independent existence.

The graphics of Marcin Bondarowicz passed the exam. Released from the ballast of definiteness, they gained the independence. Taking apart the journalistic frames exposed their hidden depths, significant space, multi-dimension.

A long-legged lady in a short dress ended with a row of pads showing telephone number, together with a ladder that needs to be climbed in order to reach the desireable number, adorned- initially- the anual report on the situation of advertising agencies and media houses. On the exhibition, free from illustrative burden, she has become a story about sensuality, temptation and the game between man and woman.

A pig-with-the-wings-of-Pegasus attacted by scythe weilding peasants was on the cover of ”Poland Monthly”, the cover story of which was devoted to the Polish objection against regulations regarding genetically-modified food. After all, it might be possible that a modified pig-apart from additional ham – could also grow wings; yet, the image appears to be more meaningful without banalizing newspaper article along with it.

A graphic presenting a naked man who is standing in front of a suit that is shining in Heavens like the Eye of Providence was a part of an article about the responsibility for the future in times of economical prosperity, published in the Nepalese newspaper entitled ”HIMAL Southasian”. Released from the journalistic servitude, the artwork was transformed
into the parable/story about human fate.

I do not have any doubts that the press is where the works created by Marcin Bondarowicz belong to. It is their place, even if they live there the life of butterfly. Nonetheless, they gain eternal life only after they are liberated from the media chains and journalistic literalness.”

Translation: Ciejka

MARCIN BONDAROWICZ is a professional Polish cartoonist and illustrator. He was born in 1976 in Starachowice, Poland. He lives now in Poland as a freelance artist. He specialized into press illustration collaborating with top Polish and international papers. He regularly publishes his cartoons on several Websites and collaborates with a wide range of magazines and newspapers such Forbes, Focus Coaching, Harvard Business Review Poland, Manager Magazin Polish Edition, Newsweek Polish Edition, Poland Monthly, Le Monde Diplomatique Polish Edition, HIMAL Southasian [Nepal], Eulenspiegel Satiremagazin [Germany], Dadzis Magazin [Latvia], Cartoon Weekly [China], POLSKA The Times, Juventud Rebelde – Diaro De La Juventud Cubana [Cuba] Cooperation: Ford Motor Company , Hard Rock Cafe, Maxigra, Invicta, Spencer Drate, Video Journalism Movement. He won several international contests receiving numerous prizes and awards. He was Jury member of international cartoon competition too . A wide number of Marcin’s artworks can be found in private collections in Poland and in foreign countries. Permanent exhibition of his illustrations, cartoon and posters can be viewed on his WEBSITE : mailto:

Life beyond the Press: Cartoons and Press Illustrations of Marcin Bondarowicz – Exhibition

ORGANISER: Culture Centre in Legnica (Legnickie Centrum Kultury) * SATYRYKON

1st – 29st of April 2010 Teatr i. Heleny Modrzejewskiej, Rynek 39 Legnica, Poland

PS: Polish version can find at :,news,21015,Zycie_pozaprasowe_na_wystawie_w_teatrze.html#dalej