Öznur Kalender’le birlikte “istanbul” grubumuzun
üye sayýsý 57’ye yükseldi..

rahmetli bulent duzgit’i 1972 yilinda tanidim…
hurriyet gazetesinin haftalik “bonbon” mizah eki vardi o zamanlar…
“bonbon” ayni zamanda bir okul gibiydi…
o okulun unlu bazi talebelerini animsiyorum….
benimle birlikte, basta bulent arabacioglu (cicekli bulent),
haldun ulusoy (rahmetli), yalcin didman, mahmut karatoprak, kandemir konduk,
ercan akyol, ates benice, ragip derin, rasit yakali,
sonrasinda carsaf’ta yollarimizin kesistigi cetin emec, sinan gurdagcik,
ümýt yasar oguzcan, vedat saygel, zeki beyner, mesut ekener,
sunder erdogan, necati abaci, erdogan karayel ve
su an tamamini hatirliyamadigim bugunun mizah devleri….

bulent duzgit….
sanatinda buzdagi gibiydi….
biz onun ancak gorunen yuzunu farkettik….
biz daha amatorken o sanatinin zirvesindeydi….
ben acikca soyluyorum…
turk karikatur tarihinin en buyuk ustasiydi…
onun ustune bir desen ustasi bir daha asla gelmez….
hurriyet gazetesinde cok az kisinin bildigi bir olayi anlatayim size…
70 li yillarda herkes kendini oguz aral’a begendirmek icin cirpinirdi….
cunku o donemde ustad oguz aral bir fenomendi….ve tek otoriteydi….
dergisi “girgir” 500 bin satardi….
herkes oguz aral ile calismak isterken, oguz aral bulent le calismak isterdi.
araliksiz surekli bulent’i girgir’a davet ederdi…
bulent her defasinda kibarca hayir derdi….
hatta oguz aral’a kendini yok dedirtirdi….
oguz aral tam 10 yil yilmadan ugrasti…
o yok dedi…
biz hayret ederdik.
doktor cok titiz bir adamdi…hergun calisma masasini kolonyayla yikardi…
birgun doktora bir saka yaptim ….
dedim ki “doktor yemekhanedeki ahciyi gordum burnunu karistiriyordu….
bir daha asla gazetede yemek yemedi….
yalvar yakar, nafile….
hayatimda bu kadar kendi gazetesi tarafindan harcanan bir adam da gormedim…..
herkesin bastaci ettigi bir adami
kendi gazetesi 30 yil boyunca 5 cm’lik bir koseye resmen gomdu!
O karikaturun evliyasiydi….
bu laf ta bana aitti, kendisine de defalarca soyledim.
her defasinda utanirdi…
sahsen benim yedigim her lokmada onun hakki vardir.
allah rahmet eylesin, mekani cennet olsun…
öznur kalender

The Law on Struggle Against Terrorism currently allows children to be tried and sentenced as adults on terrorism-related charges. Most children are detained or arrested while participating in demonstrations or rallies in the Kurdish provinces in southeastern and eastern Anatolia. Some of them face prison sentences of up to 25 years for throwing stones at security forces.
Recently, a 15-year-old girl was sentenced to eight years in prison for participating in an illegal demonstration in the eastern province of Batman. The girl is accused of chanting illegal slogans and throwing stones at police during a rally organized by the now-defunct Democratic Society Party (DTP) on Oct. 9, 2009.
According to an advocacy group for children’s rights, the Appeal for Justice for Children (CIAC), almost 4,000 minors have been victimized by the Counterterrorism Law. 43 percent of these children were taken into custody for a simple and childish reason like “carrying traces of stone in their hands,” “a rapid heartbeat” or “sweating.” For the remaining 57 percent, there is no concrete evidence against and they were simply taken into custody from their homes and/or schools without any evidence they paricipated in any demonstration.
Laws accept everybody under 18 years old as child. But there is no any distinction between adults and those children who are under the jurisdiction of Counterterrorism Law. Children are tried in the criminal court and being held with adults in the same ward.
Unfortunately, the number of children keeps increasing in the custody and the justice for children has been delayed after each passing day.
Regardless of in which part of the world, cartoonists always have something to say on any unfair and injustice situations and can make a difference when they want. We as cartoonists all over the world can draw cartoons for these unfortunate children to bring the unacceptable and injustice situation into the agenda of the Parliament once again. We remind that all these practices are too harsh and nobody should have a right to behave to the children like this according to the international laws.
No doubt, our cartoons may also contribute others’ efforts to provide the necessary legal changes to be made for these children. At their early ages, they must be in a school not in a prison just because of throwing a stone.
Let’s draw for justice for children victimised by the Law on Struggle Against Terorism this time…
p.s. All cartoons we are going to draw will be exhibited on web site (www.bakimurattop.net) and then in the different art galleries and published as catalogue until the right justice for these children is supplied. Please send your works to bakimurat@gmail.com or cocuklaricinadalet@gmail.com with a short comment on this issue.
Brezilya’lý karikatürist *Carlos Latuff*, dunyada haksýzlýklara karþý
duyarlýlýðýný bizlere her zaman gösterebilen örnek bir sanatçý. Daha önce
yaptýðý iki çalýþmadan sonra bugün yeni bir tane daha göndermiþ
TMK maðduru çocuklara destek niyetine.
Bu seferki çizimin esin kaynaðýnýn kendi kültüründen olduðunu söylese
de aslýnda herþeyiyle aynýsý bizde de mevcut. Hani þu çocuklara, ‘uslu
durmazsan öcü gelip, seni götürecek’ hikayemiz vardýr ya o…
Carlos haksýz da deðil. Gerçekten de TMK, bir öcü (boogeyman) gibi her an
çocuklarýn dolabýndan fýrlayýp çýkacak ve onlarý alýp götürecek bir
karabasan olup çöktü çocuklarýmýzýn üzerine…
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