“Politika ve Karikatur” Konulu Karikatur Sergisi Sona Erdi!
Kibris Cumhuriyeti Temsilciler Meclisi’nin duzenlemesi ile,
1960 yilindan 2000 yilina dek, Kibris Turk ve Kibris Rum basin-yayin organlarinda yayinlanan,
Kibrisli Turk- Rum-Ermeni karikaturculerin eserlerinin yer aldigi,
12 Aralik 2009 tarihinde Atina’daki “Zappeion Konferans ve Sergi Merkezi”nde acilan,
“Politika ve Karikatur” konulu sergi sona erdi…
Kibris Turk Karikaturculer Dernegi Genel Sekreteri M. Serhan Gazioglu’nun verdigi bilgiye gore,
Kibris Cumhuriyeti Temsilciler Meclisi Baskani Marios Garoyian ile
Yunan Meclis Baskani Philippos Petsalnikos tarafindan acilan “Politika ve Karikatur” konulu karikatur sergisine
Yunanli siyasetciler, sanatcilar ve sanatseverler yogun ilgi gosterdiler…
33 Kibrisli cizerin eserlerinin yer aldigi sergi acilisina 2 Kibrisli Turk ile 6 Kibrisli Rum cizer katilmisti…
Yunan Meclis Baskani Phillippos Petsalnikos ile Kibris Cumhuriyeti Temsilciler Meclisi Baskani
Marios Garoyian’in konusmalari ile acilan karikatur sergisi sonrasinda,
Kibrisli cizerler onuruna Yunan Meclis Baskani
Phillippos Petsalnikos tarafindan bir aksam yemegi verildi…
Yunan medyasinin yogun ilgi gosterdigi ogrenilen sergide,
Kibris Turk Karikaturculer Dernegi Yonetim Kurlu Uyesi Arif A. Albayrak
Yunan Meclis Televizyonu ve Yunan Ulusal Televizyonu’na verdigi beyanatta
Yunan Meclisi’nin konukseverligine tesekkur etti…
Karikaturlerin sansursuz bir sekilde sergilenmesine tesekur eden Arif A. Albayrak,
Kibris sorununun cozumunde Kibrisli Turk ve Rum liderlerin cabalarina destek belirtip,
Kibris’ta ve Dunya’da Baris dileklerini iletti…
Kibris Turk Karikaturculer Dernegi Genel Sekreteri M. Serhan Gazioglu’nun verdigi bilgiye gore,
Kibrisli Turk – Rum karikaturculerin onumuzdeki gunlerde biraraya gelip
bircok konuda karikatur etkinlikleri duzenleyecekleri ogrenildi…
“Iranian Green” International Cartoon Exhibition 20 February 2010
“Green” has a very specific meaning now: Iranian people named “Protesters”
are now the symbol of freedom, braveness, and liberation.
they chose “Green” as their symbol. the subject for this exhibition is these people.
the people they going to be the most brave people in 2009.
you can send your cartoons on this theme. there is no money prize,
no Trophy and party! but we will organize an exhibition of selected cartoons in Paris.
your prize will be proud of involvement of the Iranian Green Movement.
“Cartoonists Rights Network International” (CRNI), will award its
special Certificate to Selected Cartoonists
– Participating in this Exhibition is free
– Any Cartoonist without considering age, nationality and religion can participate in this Exhibition
– The Technic of Cartoons are free
– Each participant can send up to 5 entries
– Size limitation is minimum A4 and Maximum A3.
– Digital (scanned) cartoons should be actual size and the resolution should be at least 300 DPI.
his kind of entries should be sent to
“kianoramez@aol.com “
– Each Cartoonist must send his Biography beside his artworks
– The deadline for sending entries is 20th February 2010
– The Entries should be sent to
“37 Rue Chaude, 78240 Chambourcy, France”
– Selected artworks will be exhibited in Paris, France and also published
in the websites and this group page on Facebook…
– The organizing committee can use the received cartoons for its promotions,
publishing in the website, in posters, brochures, etc.
– the Artworks can not be returned
For any extra information please call to:
+33 (0)660 939 718
