


UMO announces the winners of 5th annual competitions.
Its been a difficult task for the judges to select the winners among the best entries of
834 cartoons and 640 bad designs received across 53 countries.
The results are as follows
First Prize: INR 25,000/-
Ali Aghaey (Iran)
Second Prize: INR 10,000/- (Two Prizes)
Oguz Gurel (Turkey)
Maciej ( Poland)
Third Prize: INR 5,000/- (Three Prizes)
Gai Yu ( China )
Oktay Bingöl ( Turkey)
Ramiro Zardoya ( Cuba)

Bekti Widi (Indonesia)
Ed Marcos Sarro (Brazil)
Fan Jun (China)
Fredy Martinez (Cuba)
S Jaiganesh (India)
Atul Sultane, IIT Kanpur
Alap Shah, VNIT Nagpur
Atul Sultane, IIT Kanpur
Komal Mangu, Architect, Hyderabad
Sadia Fatima, SPA JNFAU
Shamit Shrivastav, Pune
Swathik Addala, Secunderabad
Hari Haran and Rahul Tirpude, India
A Sri Bhavya, CSIIT Hyderabad
Silpa Prasad, Civil Engineer, Hyderabad


The Record of the 15th International Antiwar Cartoons Salon
«Kragujevac 2009» Jury Session    


The 15th International Antiwar Cartoons Salon «Kragujevac 2009»
Jury members:
professor Spiro Radulovic, cartoonist, Toso Borkovic, cartoonist, Zigmunt Zaradkievicz,
 cartoonist from Warsaw, Jugoslav Vlahovic, cartoonist i proffessor
at the Academy of Fine Arts from the University of Arts in Belgrade, and
Miodrag Stojilovic, journalist and publicist, director of the Salon,
met in a session on September 11 and 12 2009 in Kragujevac, and
came to a conclusion that 544 entries of 238 authors from 50 countries from each
continent were made at the 15th Salon. 

By reviewing entries the Jury chose cartoons to be displayed and published in the Cataloque,
and decided the following:  

The Grand Prix «The Peace Messanger» awarded by the International Association
of Peace Messanger Cities and €1.500  prize money goes to

Aristides Esteban Hernandez Guerrero, Havana, Cuba
The Gold Plague and €1.000  prize money goes to
Doru Axinte, Tulcea, Romania
The Silver Plague and €800 prize money goes to
Pawel Kuczynski, Police, Poland
The Bronze Plague and €500 prize money goes to
Ross Thomson, Balcombe, Great Britan
The Mayor of Bydgoszc (Poland) Award amounts  €750 goes to

Ilya Katz, Haifa, Israel          
The City of Ingolstadt (Germany) Award amounts €500
Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, Kragujevac, Serbia 

The City of Bielsko-Biala (Poland) Award amounts €500
Lazo Sredanovic, Radovici, Montenegro
The City of Suresnes (France) Award amounts €500

Delcho Mihajlov, Skopje, Macedonia
The City of Pitesti (Romania) Award amounts €500

Goran Celicanin, Varvarin, Serbia
The City of Carrara (Italy) Award amounts €500
Darko Drljevic, Kolasin, Montenegro 

The Jury took decision to award the Diplomas of the Saloon to following
authors who were the strongest competitors:  

Athanasios Eftimijadis, Greece
Cheng Weit Zin, China
Lubomir Kotrha, Trencin, Slovac Republic
Jovan Prokopljevic, Serbia                  
Igor Varechenko, Cyprus. 

Among the works that came close to awards and acknowledgements,
 the Jury with pleasure distinguished the cartoons by the authors:

Serban Marion (Romania),
Sava Babic (Serbia),
 In-Kyu Kim (South Korea),
Musa Gumus (Turkey),
 Mileta Miloradovic (Serbia),
Agim Sulaj (Italy)
Goran Divac (Serbia).

                  The Jury lined up of the four previous award winners,
proudly emphasizes the success of the 15th Salon, considering the number of authors and
enteries, but also the quality of cartoons, proving once again their universality and,
unfortunately, permanent interest that there is in antiwar topic.
What is encouraging is the unitary stand of cartoonists to condemn,
ridicule and mock at war and warriors.
The works chosen for display and publishing in the Salon’s Catalogue, including,
of course, especialy awarded works, show an inspirational diversity
of expresion in condemnation of war,
as well as worning about its danger for the mankind and the whole Planet. 

                  The Jury pointed up that the Salon yet again proved itself to be a necessary,
as well as one of the most significant antiwar manifestations in Serbia,
along with being the most succesful cartoon festival in our country.
The jury recognizes the city of Kragujevac for being persistent in cherising and
developing the Salon, for gathering around it its partner cities, and for representation 
the Salon in country and abroad. 

The Jury Members:

Spiro Radulovic
Zigmunt Zaradkiewicz 
Jugoslav Vlahovic

Toso Borkovic
Miodrag Stojilovic 

Kragujevac, 15th September 2009