Avukat Fatoþ Hacývelioðlu’nun Küba’da çektiði fotoðraflardan oluþan ve Adana Adliye Sarayý’nda beðeniye sunacaðý sergi Adana Barosu’nu karýþtýrdý. Aralarýnda Che’nin fotoðraflarýnýn da bulunduðu sergi son anda savcýlýðýn ‘nedeni þaibeli’ engeliyle karþýlaþtý.
Because of the “Che cartoons”, which wanted to be placed in the exposition of “Pictures of Cuba”, the exposition has been canceled. The cartoons has been regarded as inconvenient. This decission has been disaggreed by many of artists.
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![che-turkey.jpg che-turkey.jpg](https://i0.wp.com/donquichotte.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/storage_img_today_haber-duyuru_che-turkey.jpg?resize=600%2C409)