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2002 – 2008 tarihleri arasinda hazirlanan 283 adet yuksek cozunurlukteki calismanin
hic bir telif hakki sakli degildir, istenildigi gibi istenildigi sekilde cogaltilabilir, yayinlanabilir.
Brezilyali Sanatci Carlos Latuf ozellikle bu dosyalarin farkli sitelere yuklenerek yayilmasini arzulamaktadir.
Download for free a zip file containing 283 high-resolution artworks (cartoons, photomontages,
comics) produced by me from 2002 to March, 2008. All the artworks can be
freely reproduced, without my formal permission.
Artist Carlos Latuff
Once saved to your computer, share it with people. Upload it on different servers,
make it available on websites and file sharing clients, save it to CD, make copies and distribute.
Make these cartoons
to reach people with no access to Internet.
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