Two boats carrying 46 international human rights activists
have reached the Gaza Strip, despite Israel’s siege of the
Palestinian territory.
The Palestinian artist Laila Shaheen is presenting to Jeff
Halper, founder and coordinator of Israeli Committee Against
House Demolitions and the only Israeli who took part in
peace sail to
just made about the Free Gaza mission, this Saturday, August
24, in
Gazze’ye son ziyaretimde çizdigim bu karikaturu,
Filistinli sanatci Laila Shaheen,
Israillilerin Filistinlilere uyguladigi siddete karsi kurulan komitenin kurucusu
Jeff Halper’e veriyor..
Bu karikatur Ortadogu’daki barisin tek karsitinin
Israil oldugunun da bir kaniti ayni zamanda…
Carlos Latuff