On Saturday November 3,2007,Selected works
of the 8th Tehran International Cartoon Biennial By Attendance Of Iranian
Jury Members Has ended.
From artworks of the Cartoonists and Caricaturists from 84 Countries
of the world with 5506 received works in this compettion,650 cartoons and
caricatures selected for the exhibition and last judgment.
3 Kasým’da biraraya gelen 8. Uluslararasý Tahran Karikatür Bienali jurisi
yarýþmaya katýlan 84 ülkeden 5506 çalýþmayý ön elemeden geçirdi.
Ön elemeyi kazanan 650 karikatür jurinin titiz incelemesi sonucu deðerlendirilerek,
ödül alacak ve sergilenecek çalýþmalar belirlenecek.