XIII Salon of Humor in 40th anniversary of MELAITO

XIII Salon of Humor in 40th anniversary of MELAITO

The humorous publication Melaito and the Cuban Writers and Artists Union (UNEAC) convoke to the VIII Humour Hall
“Santa Clara 2008”, this issue dedicated to the 40 years of Melaito, and for the first time with international range.
The theme should be: free theme. The dimensions of the works should be up to 25 x 35 cm as maximum,
in any technique or mounting. Three dimensional works will not exceed 50 cm in any of its sides.
The works will be received until November 30th 2008 at:
Casa de la UNEAC, Maximo Gomez 107, entre Julio Jover y Martí, Santa Clara, Villa Clara. CP 50100.
Foreign partakers and abroad Cuban residents can send their works by email, with a 300 dpi resolution to:


Three prizes will be granted in each category and all the recognitions considered by the jury.
1st Prize: 2 000 Cuban pesos and diploma
2nd Prize: 1 300 Cuban pesos and diploma
3rd Prize: 800 Cuban pesos and diploma
The jury will be formed by prestigious Cuban cartoonists and their pronouncement will be out of query.
Laureate foreigners will receive a canvas by the award-winning artist Juan Ramon Gonzalez (Yiki) and a diploma,
these will be sent to them in a safe manner.
A meeting of the outstanding Cuban cartoonists will take place between the days 18 and 20 of December,
who will paint a collective mural against terrorism and dedicated to Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo and his comrades
wrongfully imprisoned in the United States of America.
The opening of the exhibition and awards will be on December 20th of 2008 at 3. 00 pm.
 in the UNEAC house in Villa Clara. That same day a group of founders and specially the Cuban cartoonist
f great trajectory Rene de la Nuez, Plastic Arts National Prize, who played an decisive roll in the beginning of Melaito,
will be honoured by this publication and the UNEAC.