The international Ukrainian – Polish 3 – year – old competition of cartoons -FOOTBALL UNITES US-


The international Ukrainian – Polish 3 – year – old competition of cartoons.

Devoted to European championship carrying out on football in Ukraine and Poland «EURO-2012»!

Blitz theme – competition 2010 «Football unites us»
The prize – winning fund – 2800 $

Terms of carrying out of competition of caricatures 2010«Football unites us»

1. from April , 30th till July, 4th – reception of works (inclusive) in an electronic mode.
New works created for the given competition are accepted only. Works as a format : TIFF or jpg(not less 2МВ), 300dpi.

2. Till July, 5th – (inclusive) – voting of the registered users and their competitive works on a site announcement of a rating of the best 80 competitive works are on a site.All this cartoonists will receive the original copies(the catalogue of cartoons). 3. 15 – 16 July – Session of the International jury: a choice of owner Grand prix competition, authors of the occupied 1 – 3 places. Author-winner «A successful cartoon»,

Arrival of 3 members of the International jury of competition (15july),

Arrival of 4 applicants for the main prizes of competition of the International jury (16 july),

4. 17 july – opening of the exhibition of cartoons in Yalta.
Rewarding of winners by results of voting on a site
Prizes of the International competition of a cartoons «Football unites us»


– Opening of an exhibition of cartoons

– Rewarding of winners of competition.

– Delivery of prizes of competition.

11.30 – 12.00 – Press conference

-The announcement of the Theme and Conditions of the International competition of cartoons (2011).

12.30 13-30 The dinner. 9.00 – 12.00 – – Excursions for visitors of festival of arts, a dinner.


18july -From 16.00-departure of visitors of Festival.

Competition Grand prix: Figurine – prize of Rudoi Panko+ 1000 $

For the first place – 800 $
For the second place – 400 $
For the third place – 100 $

In a separate nomination – «A successful cartoon» – 500$
/Voting for old works which were participating in competitions/

Requirements to cartoons:

1. Only the new works created for this competition of cartoons(No more than 5 works).

1a. The old works which were participating in other competitions (not more then 2 works).

They will be nominated in separate section of competition. The section is called

-«A successful cartoon»

2. Works only in electronic form.

3. Format TIFF., Jpg (not less then 2МВ, 300 dpi).

4.Free technics of execution,

5. author’s signature – On the underside: surname, name of the author, home address, contacts.

6.The requirement to the author’s photo:- Colorful photo.The size: -2MB, 300dpi


The international competition of a caricature devoted to carrying out of the Championship
Europe on football in Ukraine and Poland «EURO – 2012»!
Theme of the International blitz – caricature competition 2010
«Football unites us»

1. Any author without restrictions can become the participant of competition.
2. Cartoons should be author’s, infringement of copyrights is not admissible!
3. In the basic section of the competition only new works can be published, not being published earlier, including on the Internet, created specially for this competition are accepted only.
Quantity of works of one author – no more than 5.
4. In competition section «The Cartoon which brought good luck» works participating in other competitions and occupied or not the prize-winning places published earlier are accepted. In this nomination of a caricature also should correspond the basic theme of competition «Football unites us»
Quantity of works of one author – no more than 2.
5. Technics of execution is free.
6. The author should send the colour photo with technical regulations, as well as at cartoons – for placing in the catalogue of cartoons and at an exhibition.
7. Technical regulations:
– In format TIFF, or jpeg (not less 2МВ, 300dpi),
– In case of creative necessity – the caricature can have the name or the comment only in the Ukrainian, Russian or English language
8. Cartoons should not offend honour and advantage of concrete public, social persons. Should not offend political, national, religious sights. Should not contain a scene of violence, cruelty, a pornography.
9. In case of infringement of Conditions and competition Position – the author and his works withdraw without an explanation. Correspondence with authors is conducted only on pages of an official site of the International festival of arts «Gogol – a fantasy» by it. Rudoi Panjok
10. Caricatures can be used by organizers of competition for popularisation of competition, a site, Festival of arts.