The international caricature contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko
(a beekeeper from a farm near Dikanka) 

Each gentle author will react : “What’s that? The contest named in honour of a beekeeper? They threw a contest into the world for the sake of a beekeeper! For goodness’ sake! They haven’t plucked enough geese and they haven’t wasted enough rags for paper yet! A few people of different ranks made their fingers inky!”

We are not going to argue with such a gentle author. We will only notice:

– in 2009 it will be 200 years since the birthday of N.V.Gogol, who made Rudiy Panko famous,

– besides, since the times of Rudiy Panko we do not have such a brilliant narrator, who can describe all wonders and fears,

– even N.V.Gogol himself wouldn’t turn down a proposal to paint some caricatures of modern people and “the highest servility”, if you don’t mind us saying so,

– we ask you not to confuse our beekeeper with another famous beekeeper (ours is from Dikanka, and that man is from the other place).

So we have such an egg-flip (gogol-mogol), ladies and gentlemen!

The theme of the contest is “Gogol-mogol (egg-flip) 2009”

N.V.Gogol himself will help you to know which stories, wonders and fears you should paint:

“The soil is great! And the harvest was always wonderful; but in the bewitched place there was never anything good. They sow the seeds correctly, but something incomprehensible grew: maybe a watermelon or maybe not, maybe a pumpkin or maybe not, may be a cucumber or maybe not…the devil only knows!

For the gentle authors we will explain – you should paint our modern life, but don’t forget N.V.Gogol – his characters stay alive even nowadays!     

Terms of the caricature contest named in honour of Rudiy Panko

1. Art works are welcomed till 1st August 2009 (included). We will place the works on the web-site in the section “Caricature” with a note “Contest work”.

2. The vote of all registered users for the works on our web-site – till 1st September 2009 (included).

3. We will send 50 originals which score the most runs till 20th September 2009.

4. In October we will publish the contest booklets.

5. 7th November 2008 – The opening of the caricature contest. The winners will be rewarded according to the results of the vote on the web-site

The works accepted until November 20, 2008

Announcement of the winner-Author: November 25, 2008

Handing (Forward) prizes – until December 1, 2008

Making statues Rudogo Panka – until December 31, 2008

Only digital images:
No more than 200 KV,
A minimum size of 600 x 600 pixels
The maximum size of 900 x 900 pixels

First winner: $500
First winner: $200
First winner: $100
