The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008

Host Units: Artists’s Association of China
The Municipal Goverment of Jiaxing City

Award: The Jury committee will choose 200 works for
exhibition, there are 2 works provided for The Best
Representation Prizes, 5 works provided for The Best
Idea Prizes, 10 works provided for The Best Skill
Prizes, and 30 works provided for the excellent works,
the total 47 winning works will be awarded with top
grade trophy.

The winners will be invited to attend the award
ceremony in October, 2008 in Jiaxing city, China.

Exhibition: The exhibition of The Fourth Chinese
Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008 will be
holden in Puhua Gallery in October, 2008 in Jiaxing

Each author whose work selected for exhibition will
get one copy of the catalogue of exhibition and
The selected works will be collectted in Puhua
gallery, Jiaxing city.
The works which can not enter the exhibition will be
returned to the authors after exhibition.

The Host Units have right to use the selected works
for spreading, publishing etc.

Each author should submit no more than 3 works for
exhibition, any technique and form of works will be
accepted, the size of work should not exceed 420 ׼br> 297mm, the author’s information including author’s
name, title, address, postcode, email, telephone
should be written on the back of works.

The deadline is August, 30, 2008.

Program: Host Units will invite the winners to attend
the award ceremony and the cartoon week in October,
2008 in Jiaxing city, the Host Units will cover the
flight and hotel’s charge.

Authors who submit works to exhibition means they
accept all above rules.

Address: No.36 Zhonghe Road, Puhua Gallery, Jiaxing
City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China
Postcode: 314000

Telephone: 0086 573 82085748, 0086 573 82071601
Fax: 0086 573 82085748
Contact: Mr.Ling Dalun, Mr.Ling Jiachun, Mr,Zhong

Committee of The Fourth Chinese Jiaxing International
Cartoon Exhibition 2008