IX international biennale of of ecological cartoon sokobanja- serbia 2008

IX international biennale of of ecological cartoon sokobanja- serbia 2008

Subject: Ecology
Works dimensions: A4
Number of entries: 3 works
Exhibition: 13/09/2008 Sokobanja

Entries to be submitted in JPG format at a resolution 300 DPI /2mb/
to the e-mail address: bijenale08@opstinasokobanja.com
or on address: So Sokobanja
Svetog Save 23. 18230 Sokobanja

Awards: First prize:10 days in the Sokobanja for two persons and diploma
Second prize:7 days in the Sokobanja for two persons and diploma
Third prize: 3 days in the Sokobanja for two persons and diploma
Three special prizes/diploma/
Artistic Director Aleksandar Blatnik
Executiv Director dimitrije Lukic