The aim To Show The Real Charter of The U.S and Israel on International Stage The form of Work : cartoons
1-The Office of The Great Lead in Azad Islamic Universities
2- Azad Islamic University Branch Rasht
3- Guilan Cartoon Society
The topics are based on :
International Organizations wars
Palestine Cultural Invasion
Mono Polarization Fictions
Important points
1. The following points should be taken into consideration:
a. To send the original work that has never been on any exhibitions before
b. To fill out the form of the competition in the website
c. The number of works to send: at most five
d. The size of works: maximum A3 and the minimum A4
e. The method to perform: free technique
f. The dispatched works are not to be sent back and the office of the festival is allowed to use the works for the targets needed ( under exhibition name )
– Deadline: April 9 th
g.The date of exhibition : April 25-30 th
h. The date of the Congress: April 30 th
2. Awards:
a.The first ten winners will be rewarded .
b.The first winner : The Festival Gold Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
c.The second winner: The Festival Silver Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
d.The third winner : : The Festival Bronze Image, the Diploma of Honour and other precious awards
e.The Festival Crystal Image , The Diploma of Honour and some other awards will be dedicated to the other winners .
3. The selected people will be entertained as guests during exhibition date.
4. A Diploma of Honour will be given to all participants .
5. All entered works to the exhibition will be published in the form of books and will be available for all participants.
All entered works to the exhibition will be published in the form of books and will be available for all participants .
Address: The central Building of Azad Islamic University
Branch Rasht ,
92 street , Golsar avenue
Rasht , Guilan , Iran
Post code : 41635- 1681
Tel. 0131 7223757 0131 4224374
Fax. 0131 7229060
For further information see the following website :
E- Mail : f_ saye_shytan@yahoo.com