Last Apply Date (Deadline): March 3, 2015
Concept (Theme): "War and Peace" (Who’ll go a waltzing Matilda with me). The concept refers to Eric Bogle’s song (And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda) which is dedicated to Gallipoli War in WW1.
Contest Details
18 March is the memorial date of Gallipoli Martyrs of World War 1. The cooperation of Nilüfer Municipality and Anatolian Cartoonists Association organizes a cartoon contest for that special day. The concept points out Scottish Singer Eric Bogle’s song, "And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" which refers to Gallipoli War where more than 500 thousands soldiers lost their life. After war, antiwar movements substantially raised.
2015 is the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli. This is why Nilüfer Municipality organized this contest under the concept of "War and Peace." Every cartoon works relates to "War and Peace" will be evaluated.
This contest is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any nationality, religion and etc.
The number of entries is limited to 3.
The works have to be e-mailed as format of A4-300dpi-jpg to
It is acceptable to join to the contest with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
The cartoons which are suspected due to plagiarism are going to publish on the website, between the dates 3-6 March. Hence, the owners of the works have a last chance to defend their work. Any of apply after those dates won’t be accepted.
Jury will be gathered on the 9th of March.
Jury members:
Ahmet Aykanat,
Mehmet Kahraman,
Cüneyt Þenyavaþ,
Kemal Akkoç,
Halit Kurtulmuþ
Nilüfer Municipality Representative
Nilüfer Municipality Representative
All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes of Nilüfer Municipality and may be published for noncommercial aims such as poster, book, album, brochure, postcard, invitation, exhibition and etc. Other of any copyright belongs to the participated cartoonist. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions.
The contest album will be sent to participated cartoonist.
The date of reward ceremony will be announced later by organization committee with the name of participated cartoonist.
The following prizes are awarded:
1st prize $1000 + Trophy
2st prize $700 + Trophy
3rd prize $500 + Trophy
Honorable mention $100 + Trophy
For more information:
Birgül Telli Uysal
Content Office
+90 224 233 66 92
Son Katilim tarihi: 3 Mart 2015
Konu: "SAVAS ve BARIS"
Yarisma detaylari;
Bursa Nilufer Belediyesi ve Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi isbirliginde, 18 Mart Canakkale Sehitlerini Anma Gunu ve Sehitler Haftasi etkinlikleri kapsaminda uluslararasi karikatur yarismasi duzenlenmektedir. Yikici etkisiyle savasin tum taraflarini derinden etkileyen yaklasIk 500 bin askerin oldugu Gelibolu Cephesi, Anzak askerleri icin de somurge karsitliginin olusmasi ve millet olma bilincinin baslamasi acisindan oldukca onemlidir. Canakkale Savasi gunduz savasan geceleri siperlerden birbirine sigara atan askerlerin hikayesidir. Yasadigi topraklari koruyan Turk askerlerinin ve haritada yerini dahi bilmedigi Canakkale’ye savasa gelen Anzak askerlerinin hikayesidir. Somurge karsitliginin arttigi savastir. Nilufer Belediyesi gunumuz savaslarina da gonderme yaparak, en etkili anlatim bicimlerinden olan karikaturu, anma etkinliklerine dahil etmek icin bu organizasyonu Anadolu Karikaturculer Dernegi ile birlikte duzenlemektedir. Etkinlikte savasi ve barisi anlatan her eser degerlendirmeye alinacaktir.
Yarisma uluslararasi platformda olup amator, profesyonel tum karikaturculere aciktir.
En fazla uc karikatur, e-posta ile 300 dpi jpg formatinda, A4 boyutunda adresine gonderilecektir.
Gonderilen karikaturler yayinlanmis olabilir. Ancak baska bir yarismada odul almamis olmalidir.
Benzer ve kopya tespiti icin gonderilen karikaturler web sitesinde
03-06 Mart 2015 tarihleri arasinda yayinlanacaktir. Bu tarihten sonra yapilacak itirazlar dikkate alinmayacaktir.
Juri, 9 Mart 2015 Pazartesi gunu toplanacaktir.
Juri uyeleri;
Ahmet Aykanat,
Mehmet Kahraman,
Cuneyt Senyavas,
Kemal Akkoc,
Halit Kurtulmus
Nilufer Belediyesi Temsilcisi
Nilufer Belediyesi Temsilcisi
Yarismaya gonderilen karikaturler Nilufer Belediyesi organizasyonlarinda (afis, kitap, album, kartpostal, brosur, davetiye, sergi vs) basilip kullanilabilecek, internet ortaminda yayinlanabilecektir. Nilufer Belediyesi, karikaturleri ticari amacla kullanmayacaktir. Bunun disinda tum yayin haklari eser sahibine aittir. Yarismaya eser gonderen sanatci bu sartlari kabul etmis sayilir.
Album yayini icin secilen karikaturlerden hazirlanacak yarisma albumu, albumde eseri olan
karikaturculere gonderilecektir.
Odul toreni ve sergi, organizasyon komitesinin daha sonra belirleyecegi bir tarihte yapilacak ve yarismaya katilan karikaturistlerle birlikte kamuoyuna duyurulacaktir.
Birincilik Odulu 1000 USD ve Plaket
Ikincilik Odulu 700 USD ve Plaket
Ucunculuk Odulu 500 USD ve Plaket
Uc adet mansiyon (100 USD ve Plaket)
Organizasyon Sorumlusu:
Birgul Telli Uysal
Icerik Ofisi
+90 224 233 66 92