O The Brazilcartoon held in August the International Exhibition of CARTICATURES in honor of the distinguished plastic artist Godofredo Guedes,

composer and instrumentalist musician. And to facilitate the dispatch of works and reduce costs of posts, participants can send the works over the internet via email:


until August 1, 2009. The event Organizing Committee states that the cartoons will be accepted only honored Godofredo Guedes.

It will not be selected in any way, works that do not meet this criterion.



Godofredo, Godô, as he was affectionately called, was born on August 15 in the city of Riacho de Santana – Bahia, in 1908. He moved to Montes Claros / MG in 1953. He began to dominate the brushes before getting fifteen years old, in 1923. His first work was “Nosso Senhor Bom Jesus da Lapa”, made in oil. Over the years it makes reference in the art of painting portraits and beautiful landscapes, with scenes of “Sertão norte mineiro”.

Godofredo also influenced the beginning of advertising in Montes Claros in the production of painting of signs for local trade. In music, had an extremely important role in compositions that are known nationally as “Cantar” and which have been recorded by Milton Nascimento and Paula Toler, but also by his son the singer and composer Beto Guedes.

Godofredo was beyond the mountains, in the mineira capital, the artist collaborated in the creation of the arts fair in Belo Horizonte at Freedom Square.
The imortal Godofredo always had painting and music in the blood and contributed immensely to the cultural education of Montes Claros. Left a valuable legacy of compositions and painting works, and also created an instrument, pentacorde, that has a particular sound.

The city of Montes Claros, the seat of Brazilcartoon, opens the celebrations of Godofredo Guedes centenary with several festivities, in order to repay the great cultural collaboration of this talented artist: Godofredo Guedes.
Montes Claros is located in the north of Minas Gerais. It is a major academic hub and cultural cradle that already projected great artists in national and international scene as the writer Darcy Ribeiro, the illustrator and cartoonist Marcelo Lélis, the singer and composer Beto Guedes, one of the MPB movement and of the Clube da Esquina. Konstantin Christoff, internationally recognized humor painter, Carlos Muniz, cartoonist Márcio Leite, director of Brazilcartoon portal.



1 – Any person may participate in the Contest, except for Brazilcartoon staff and the exhibition organizing members.

2 – Participants: The competition is open to all amateur cartoonists, professionals and students.

3 – The works must be unpublished, exclusively caricatures of Godofredo Guedes, and must meet the following criteria:

300 DPIs, A4 – 20cm x 30cm, black and white as well as colored.

4 – Each competitor can participate with only 1 (one) work.

5 – It is free the choice of technique.

6 – The digital or manual works should be signed by the artist’s hand. It is necessary that each work contain the following information: author’s full name, complete address with zip code, telephone number, CIC, identity, banking information and e-mail.

7 – The work may be placed in person, by mail or the Internet. The deadline for entries is August 1, 2009.

OBS.: Young participants must also send in writing the permission of parents or guardians.

8 – Category: Caricature

Definition of Caricature –

Graphic representation with humorous anatomical distortions of well known personalities.

9 – The participants must complete the registration form and send their designs to the following address:

Mostra Internacional de Caricaturas

de Godofredo Guedes

Rua São Francisco, 666, Centro

Cep: 39400-048 Montes Claros / MG
Or internet:

10 – Booking: until August 1, 2009.

11 – The result will come out in August 15, 2009.

12 – The Brazilcartoon will publish at,

in a virtual gallery all the selected designs and then later the winners.

13 – The drawings submitted for the competition will not be returned.

14 – Awards:

1st place: R$ 2000 + trophy
2nd place: R$ 1000 + trophy
3rd place: R$ 500 + trophy

New Talent Award – R$ 500 + trophy

15 – Copyright:

The organizers reserve the right to do not allow the participation of those works whose content is not included in the proposed tender.
The organization can use the work submitted for dissemination of the event and the Brazilcartoon portal.
The entry on the International Exhibition of Cartoons Godofredo Guedes
implies the total and unrestricted acceptance of the conditions described above.


Registration Form

Author’s full name:


Artistic name:














Phone Number:

