Don Quichotte “OCCUPY GEZIPARK!” International Cartoon Exhibition 2013

Don Quichotte "OCCUPY GEZIPARK!" International Cartoon Exhibition 2013
Following the brutal dispersion and attacks on protesters occupying (Taksim) Gezi Park, in the centre of Istanbul, in protest against the construction of a new shopping mall that would eradicate one of the last remaining green spaces in the centre of the city.
The transformation of the the urban environment has become a usual strategy for the government and municipalities in Turkey. For the Turkish government, new urban policies have become a justification for acts of segregation, encouragement of a neoliberal capitalist lifestyle, the progressive indebtment of citizens, exploitation, racism, corruption and the installment of a "state of exception" that violates human rights.
Originally an urban movement, the occupation of Gezi Park has transformed into a public movement. It is not only about protecting a green space and protesting against the construction of a new shopping mall, rebuilding a previous Ottoman military barrack in order to strengthen the pro-Ottoman identity. Instead, the occupation is a symbol of "being together", commoning together, in spite of our differences in Istanbul.

Cartoon exhibition is made only on the internet.
Your cartoons can be send by e-mail to

"" and/or you can add your works to our "facebook event page" (

Participation is unlimited.
By our "Gezi Park" project we wish to aim to support the activists on the line of struggle. At the end of the exhibition the most successful cartoon will be awarded with "Don Quichotte"-statue. In addition 10 other cartoons will be given "certificate of Don Quichotte" as a reward.



Ýstanbul’un merkezinde yer alan son yeþil alanlardan biri de Taksim‘deki„Gezi Parký" alaný. Parký yokedip yerine alýþveriþ merkezi yapýlmasýný protesto için parký iþgal eden protestoculara polis acýmasýzca saldýrmasý üzerine olaylar gittikçe büyüdü..
Yeþilin yokedilmesi ne yönelik iktidar merkezli „kentsel projeler" belediyeler tarafýndan olaðan hale geldi. Türk hükümeti sürekli ürettiði kentsel projelerle „neo-liberal kapitalist yaþam tarzý"ný hayata geçirmekte. Vatandaþlarý „evsahibi" yapma amacýyla yüksek faizli kredilerle uzun süre borçlandýrmakla birlikte her türlü yolsuzluk, rüþvet ve sömürü mekanizmasý da iþlemeye baþladý.
Baþlangýçta gençlerin oluþturduðu bir „kent hareketi" olan „Gezi Ýþgali", kýsa bir sürede „halk harek"ti"ne dönüþtü. Sözkonusu projede „Pro-Osmanlý" kimliðini güçlendirmek amacýyla tarihte yer alan „Topçu Kýþlasý" projesini bir alýþveriþ merkeziyle yeniden hayata geçirme düþüncesi kitlelerin birlikte hareket etmelerinin yegane kaynaðý ve sembolü haline geldi.
Karikatür Sergimiz sadece internet üzerinden yapýlacaktýr.
Karikatürlerinizi adresine ve facebook etkinlik sayfamýza gönderebilirsiniz.
Katýlým süresi sýnýrsýzdýr.
Amacýmýz „Gezi Park"eylemcilerine çizgilerle destek olmaktýr.
Sergi sonunda en baþarýlý karikatüre "Don Kiþot" heykeli verilecektir.
Ayrýca on karikatür de "Don Kiþot Sertifikasý" ile ödüllendirilecektir.