Conditions Of the first international cartoon festival on retrofitting ::.


  As First Retrofitting cartoon festival is going to be held in Tabriz on October 2008 and we will be honored if you accept

our invitation and send your cartoon to us.

Retrofitting International Cartoon Competition is held in Tabriz by Retrofitting National Organization and Housing

 Foundation Of Islamic Revolution . The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from

 all over the world. Earthquake, an alarming phenomenon, fillips our planet from time to time. Once it shakes

 buildings which are our shelters it could be either the moment of destruction and debris or the feeling of

 certainty upon safety. Meanwhile, the fate of our rural houses which are more vulnerable than their

 kinds in cities, worry us about the future and encourage us to elevate the culture of construction to a

 safe and technical level. We are eager to go beyond the cartoon conventional use. For this reason, while

 considering the potentials of this art, we will present illustrated concepts for constructing safe and reliable buildings.

Briefly, we desire to compose the satire of cartoons and the precision of constructing principles.

Iran National Retrofitting Organization and Housing Foundation, in the year of innovation and dehiscence and in respect

of developing the construction culture, set up the first International Cartoon Festival on Retrofitting

(non-engineering construction and earthquake effects).

    Artists and engineers ought to collaborate on challenges of today’s positive and negative realities that affect our buildings.

General Information


Innovation and Flourishing in construction industry (non-engineering construction and earthquake effects)

Suggested Concepts:

– Retrofitting buildings’ structures and it’s behind scenes.
– Retrofitting and reconstruction of rural houses.
– Preventing non-engineering constructions.
– New construction Technologies.

1. Size of the cartoons should not exceed 42 x 29.7cm (A3) and the minimum size is 30 x 20cm.

2. The cartoons must be the original copy. If they are in digital format, then the artist have to include his signature

in the files and prints as well. The photograph and photocopy of the document would not be accepted.

3. The organization will not be responsible for damage that may occur during postage and handling.

4. Digital cartoons must be printed in its actual size. The artist should send the files with Tiff, Jpeg format. Other

 formats would not be accepted. The files should have at least 300 depths per inch (dpi). Artist’s signature is required.

5. This competition is open to professional and amateur caricaturists and also engineers with artistic talents from

all over the world.

6. Participants are expected to send the filled participation form, a concise resume with photograph.

7. Received cartoons will not be returned back to the artists.

8. By filling and signing the entry form, the participant declares and accepts in advance that heshe has turned over

the financial rights heshe holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to the

Iran National Retrofitting Center (INRC) without limitations on location, time period and number including

assignment to third parties under articles 21-25 of the law on intellectual property rights for publication. Heshe

agrees that the Iran National Retrofitting Center may use such cartoons,

exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media.

      9. 1st International Cartoon Festival on Retrofitting will be celebrated with an award ceremony in October 2008 in Tabriz.

10. Deadline for entries is Wednesday October 1st, 2008.

11. Prizes will be: First Prize: 1000 $ + Festival Memorial
Second Prize: 500 + Festival Memorial
Third Prize: 250$ + Festival Memorial
Email for sending the cartoons:

Note: ultimately Winner original cartoons should be sent to the office festival.
Festival office: Block C2, Iran building, 17 Shahrivar Ave, Tabriz, E-AZ, IR-Iran.

Awards of Success: 30 success awards and 5 student awards and 10 child awards will be granted.