Citizenship/7th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2013 / NEW DEADLINE: 15 OCTOBER 2013


Deðerli Katýlýmcýlar!

Ön Seçici Kurul olarak yarýþmamýzýn süresini 15 Ekim 2013’e kadar uzatma kararý aldýk. Bunun nedeni, gelen güzel iþlere raðmen „Vatandaþlýk" konusunun anlaþýldýðý konusundaki kuþkularýmýzdýr. Konumuz „Göç, Göçmen, Sýnýr Ötesi, Uyum, Deðiþim vs." deðildir. Diliniz, dininiz, ýrkýnýz ne olursa olsun bir sivil ülke sýnýrlarý içinde yaþýyorsanýz ve baþka ülkelerden gelmiþ olsanýz bile o ülkenin „birincil" vatandaþlarýyla ayný haklara ve statüye sahip olmalýsýnýz. Þanslýysanýz, iþ bulmuþsanýz ve vergi veriyorsanýz kültür þokuna takýlmadan farklý yaþam tarzlarýna da saygýlýysanýz o zaman „vatandaþ" olarak adaletten ve eþitlikten söz edilebilinir.
Yarýþmamýza, vatandaþlýk kavramýný esas alan, vatandaþlýðý tüm boyutlarýyla irdeleyen, içinde vatandaþ olarak varolduðumuz, refah toplumu veya sivil toplumu bireylerini „vatandaþ" olarak ele alan çizgilerinizi bekliyoruz. Ýktidarý seçme anlamýna da gelen vatandaþlýðý artýlarýyla eksileriyle masaya yatýran çizgileriniz için 20 gününüz daha var.


Dear valuable cartoonists,

Our Preliminary jury decided to postpone the deadline to 15th October. The reason is as follow: even though we have received beautiful works, we have doubts about the subject "citizenship" which is not covered in most of the cartoons as it should be, The theme of our contest is "Citizenship," it is not "immigrants, immigration, traveling to other borders, integration, segregation, etc; i.e, whatever language, religion, race you have, as long as you decided to live in a civilized society, even if you move there from other places, you can have same rights and statues together with "original" citizens. In addition if you were lucky to find a work, begun giving tax, learned respect to different lifestyle without having so big cultural- shocks, you can have benefits of being citizen and can share same legal and juridicial rights as citizen.
Our contest is looking for cartoons also based on citizenship with differences. Citizens elect the politicians, and even if they seem sometimes to ignore some groups sometimes, they work for you. On one side of the coin you can have "welfare" and may have to use benefits of being in a civil-society, but on the other side sometimes welfare can be "warfare" for some people and you can observe that the same government you vote have different treatments to some groups in the society. So, we are looking forward to see your works on "citizenship" in a broad sense. Remember again our contest is on "Citizenship," not on "immigrants, immigration, traveling to other borders, integration, segregation, etc.
Thank you for your support, understanding and your help to focus on citizenship-theme.

"Vatandaslik" konulu 7. Uluslararasi Don Quichotte Karikatur Yarismasi 2013
(Süre bitimi: 24 Eylül 2013)

Vatandas; anayasa tarafindan belirlenmis hak ve ozgurlukleri, sorumluluklari olan vatandaslik statusundeki kisiye denir.
Vatandaslik; en basit anlamiyla kisinin belli bir yerde dogup, yasadigi veya belli bir zaman icinde yasayarak kazandigi yasal statuye denir. Ancak vatandaslarin dogup buyumek veya uzun sure belli bir yerde yasiyor olmak disinda paylastiklari ortak kavramlar da vardir. Din, dil, irk, gelenek-gorenek ve tarih gibi …
Siyaset biliminde ise, kisilerin hak ve ozgurluklerde esit olmalarini ifade eder. Ancak goc almis ulkelere baktigimizda, bu esit hak ve ozgurlukler kavraminin yasalarda ongoruldugu gibi uygulanmadigini hatta ihlale ugradigini gormekteyiz.
Uluslararasi yarismamizin amaci, gocmen olarak yasadiklari ulkelerde vatandaslik hakkini elde etmis bireylerin yasalar onundeki esitligini irdelemek ve bu yonde siyasi otoriteyi sorgulamaktir. Bunun yanisira vatandas ol(a)madan yasayan gocmenlerin hakkini da „vatandas" gibi savunmaktir.

Yarisma Kosullari:
1) Yarismaya sadece internet uzerinden ( katilabilinir.
2) Yarismaya katilacak karikaturlerin daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmasi ve yayinlanmamis olmasi gerekmektedir. Aksi takdirde odulun geri alinabilmesi soz konusu olabilecektir.
3) Karikaturler A3 boyutunda, 200 dpi ve jpeg formatinda olacaktir. (Siyah-beyaz veya renkli olabilir, her turlu boyama teknigi serbesttir.)
4) Yarismaya son katilim tarihi 24 Eylul 2013‘tur.
5) Secici kurul, gelen karikaturleri 1-15 Ekim 203 arasi degerlendirecek, sonuclar 18 Ekim 2013 tarihinde aciklanacaktir.
6) Gonderilen karikaturler Don Quichotte’un arsivinde muhafaza edilecektir. Sergi ve album disinda herhangi bir kullanim veya paylasim durumunda cizerinden izin alinacaktir.
7) Buyuk odul olan 1000 Euro’yu Almanya Turk Toplumu (Turkische Gemeinde in Deutschland) TGD verecek. Yarismamizin diger sponsorlari Stuttgart Belediyesi "Uyum Bolumu" (Abteilung Integraiton/Stadt Stuttgart), Avukat Macit Karaahmetoglu ve Grafithek Werbetechnik Stuttgart. Uluslararasi karikatur yarismamizin albumunu ise "Sisli Belediyesi" ustleniyor.

– Buyuk Odul: 1.000 Euro +DQ Heykelcigi
– 2 adet Basari Odulu: 250 Euro+DQ Sertifikasi
– 10 adet Mansiyon (DQ Sertifikasi)

Secici Kurul:
– peter nieuwendijk
– angel boligan
– massoud shojai
– pavel kuczynski
– omar turcios
– tan oral
– nezih danyal
– seyran caferli
– firuz kutal
– oguz gürel
– hayati boyacioglu
– erdogan karayel



Citizenship/7th International Don Quichotte Cartoon Contest 2013
(Deadline: September 24/2013)

Citizen, a person that has certain rights, freedoms and obligations that is determined by the constitution of the state, a person who has a citizenship status.
Citizenship in its most basic terms, citizenship represents a legal status which entitles a person to the state he/she was born and raised or lived for a certain amount of time.
However, citizens usually share something more than just by being born and raised or living in a piece of land. Such as religion, language, ethnicity, tradition, history…etc.
In political science, "citizenship" has a deeper meaning which refers to the equality in fundamental rights and freedoms among all citizens but when we take a glance at countries which has a significant amount of immigrant populations, we can witness examples of the poor application or even offense of these fundamental right and freedoms.

The Rules of Competition:
1) With participation in competition is possible only by Internet. (
2) The participating work may have been published neither with another competition presented nor on any way. With an offence, the deprivation of the achieved prices is the result.
3) The designs are to be drawn in A3-Size to deliver in 200 dpi dissolution and in Jpeg format. They know both and black-and-white, and to be colored, the coloured representation is exactly the same as the colortechnical treatment of the work is incumbent on not a containment. 4) The closing date of the competition is 24 September 2013) The jury exists, evaluates the works between 1. and 15. October. Results of this evaluation and conception of the price-crowned
works are published on 18 October 2013.
6) The large prize of 1000 Euros will be provided by the Turkish Community of Germany (Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland- TGD). Other sponsors of our contest are the Department of Integration of Stuttgart Municipality (Abteilung Ýntegraiton/Stadt Stuttgart), lawyer Macit Karaahmetoglu and Grafithek Werbetechnik Stuttgart. The album of our international contest will be provided by the "Þiþli Municipality of Istanbul"..

Die Prizes:
– Grand Prize: 1.000 Euro+DQ Sculptur
– Two Achievement Awards: 250 Euro +DQ Certificate
– 10 Special Prizes

– peter nieuwendijk
– angel boligan
– massoud shojai
– pavel kuczynski
– omar turcios
– tan oral
– nezih danyal
– seyran caferli
– firuz kutal
– oguz gürel
– hayati boyacioglu
– erdogan karayel



Staatsbürgerschaft/7. Internationaler Don Quichotte Karikaturenwetbewerb 2013

Staattsbürger ist derjenige, der die Rechte, Freiheiten und Pflichten, die durch Verfassung bestimmt sind.
Staattsbürgerschaft, in einfachste Form zu erklären ist das Staduim jener, das durch Geburt, Wohnort und Lebensmitelpunkt gewonnen wird. Der Staatsbürger teilen aber außer der Geburt, Wohnort und Lebensmittelpunkt einiges: Religion, Sprache, Herkunft, Traditionen und einege Geschiche Politikwissenschaft siehr die Gleichheit der Menschen an dem Rechts- und Freiheitssystem. Aber in vielen Einwanderungsländern sieht die Realität nicht entsprechend dem, was Politikwissenschaft vorschreibt, aus. Es gibt sogar Entrechtungen.
Das Ziel unseres internationalen Wettbewerbs ist; die verdiente gleiche Rechte der Migranten in dem jeweiligen Ländern zu analysieren, und die politische Macht an die Verantwortung zu erinnern. Zusätzlich soll auch die Rechte der nicht Eingebürgerten mitberücksichtigt werden.

Die Wettbewerbsregeln:
1) Bei Teilnahme an Wettbewerb ist nur durch Internet möglich. (
2) Die teilnehmende Arbeiten dürfen weder bei einem anderem Wettbewerb vorgestellt noch auf irgendeiner Weise veröffentlicht worden sein. Bei einem Verstoß, ist die Aberkennung der errungenen Preise die Folge.
3) Die Zeichnungen sind in A3-Größe zu zeichnen, in 200 dpi Auflösung und in Jpeg-Format abzugeben. Sie können sowohl als Schwarz-Weiß, als auch farbig sein, Die Farbliche Darstellung ist genauso wie die farbtechnische Bearbeitung der Arbeiten obliegen nicht einer Eingrenzung.
4) Die Einsendeschluß des Wettbewerbs ist 24. September 2013.
5) Die Jury besteht, bewertet die Werke zwischen 1 und 15. Oktober 2013. Ergebnisse dieser Bewertung und Vorstellung der preisgekrönten Werke werden am 18 Oktober 2013 veröffentlicht.
6) Der große Preis von 1000 Euro wird von der Türkischen Gemeinde in Deutschland (Türkische Gemeinde in Deutschland-TGD) gestiftet. Weitere Sponsoren unseres Wettbewerbs sind das Ministerium für Integration von der Gemeinde Stuttgart (Abteilung Integrationskurse / Stadt Stuttgart), Herr Rechtsanwalt Macit Karaahmetoglu und Grafithek Werbetechnik Stuttgart. Die Kosten für das Erscheinen des Albums unseres internationalen Wettbewerbes wird von der Gemeinde "Þiþli in Istanbul" übernommen

Die Preise:
– Hauptpreis: 1.000 Euro+DQ Skulptur
– Zwei Achievement Awards: 250 Euro +DQ Zertifikat
– 10 Stück Sonderpreise (DQ Zertifikat)

– peter nieuwendijk
– angel boligan
– massoud shojai
– pavel kuczynski
– omar turcios
– tan oral
– nezih danyal
– seyran caferli
– firuz kutal
– oguz gürel
– hayati boyacioglu
– erdogan karayel