2nd Biennal “Wine, Humour and Fantasy” – Italy

2nd Biennal “Wine, Humour and Fantasy” – Italy

We always talk about the wine culture, we also add wine in culture. Cinema, painting, literature, art generally have drawn from wine and whereas a two-sided journey that makes get high the wine glass on the seventh art podium, as cinema is considered the seventh art.
Thinking to Mario Soldati, writer and Italian movie director who said that “wine is something that lives and make part of our lives”, we can say that the product wine is the “8th art “.
The first historical reference we find it in the Bible, the patriarch Noé ate fermented grape to celebrate the Deluge.
Another ancient wine reference we have it in Kana’s wedding. According to the legend, a Persian king forgot a grape bunch inside an amphora. After a little time, he saw with surprise that it has fermented and spread some juice. He thought that juice was poison and inform about that his courtesan. But one of them who lost the king’s favour, tried to committ suicide drinking that juice thinking it was poison. Instead the more she drinked it, the more she felt happy and wishful and so she gave them a glass to the king waking in him desire.
The wine alchemy has always been present in magician and sublime aspects of human beeing.
Our most happiest moments are celebrated with this nectar produced by earth and by man’s work.
Celebrations, weddings, birthes, deceases, great banquets, family or religious parties are accompained with wine, nectar from fermented grape that transmits euphoria and happiness.
Wine has been the inspiration source in literary creation in all his genres.
Wine is life and truth, according to the classical motto “in vino veritas”, as it’s been told by the French director Jean Luc Godard: “Truth is images in 24 images per second”.
Wine is, like humour “drinking poetry, that has to be tasted, felt, seen and heard…” always present in history and art.
Introduction: For this biennal second edition, all the paintings must arrive only and exclusively by e-mail.
The biennal is open to all professional cartoonists. Works must be presented with the participation form of the author (Name, Address, Country, Photograph or Caricature of the author).
Dimensions: A4 format 21 cm x 29,7 cm in JPEG style with 300 dpi resolution
Quantity: Max two paintings
Please send one e-mail per painting and one for the participation form. The e-mail can be sent indiscriminately to the following addresses:
A jury made up of artists, journalists and other professionists will choose the best five paintings participating to the competition. Each of the most voted five paintings will receive:
First Prize: Special Silver Plate “Humoris Causa”
Second, Third, Forth, and Fifth Prize will receive a Special Plate “Humoris Causa” of the International Festival.
The choice of the winning works will be communicated after the last date of presentation of the “Second International Graphic Humour Biennal”.
After the last scrutiny, the festival direction will communicate to the authors the final choices on the festival website: http://www.festivalhumorgrafico.com/
The paintings of the authors that will be chosen for the exhibition will be selected by the cultural association “LO SCRIGNO DELL’ARTE”, by the biennal director in accordance with the selection made by the jury. The authors that will be published will receive one copy of the biennal catalogue at the end of the exhibition.
Each author is responsible of his own creation so the copyright of the eventual texts, titles and images belong to the creators.
The festival has no responsibility for any eventual not received e-mail or in a different format from the requested one (JPEG in 300 DPI)
The festival has the right to expose the works in the exhibitions, to publish them on the catalogue or on any article concerning the biennal. All the sent works will not be returned and will be part of the “International Festival of Graphic Humour Museum”.
The Festival website will keep you updated with news and images about the event.
The participation to the event implies the acceptance of all the above-mentioned points.
Expiry date: Sunday, 24 of February 2008.
Date of exhibition opening in preview: April 2008
Itinerant exhibition: June-December 2008
Works must be exclusively sent to: