For the "2ndYýlmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art", organized by Yüz Çiçek Açsýn CulturalCenter, there will be a "2nd International Cartoon Contest" inaddition to the movie, theatre, short story, poetry and photography contests.The general understanding which we wish to disseminate with these contests isnot one of competition but one where different artistic interpretations andideas come together and are shared with the people. Therefore, the goal is notto "compete and win" but to contribute to the development of art.
1-The contest is open to artists from allover the world, professional or amateur.
2- The contest will be comprised of twoseparate branches:
a) "Cartoons about cinema"
b) "Cartoons of Yýlmaz Güney’s portraits"
(For picturesof, or information about Yýlmaz Güney visit:
3-The work submitted must not have receivedan award at another contest. The works will be judged for their progressive,realistic and critical aspects which are important qualities of Yýlmaz Güney’scinema and are integral to the nature of the art of cartoon.
4- Participants may submit any number ofcartoons they wish. But a participant cannot receive more than one prize.
5-The drawing sent should not be any largerthan a sheet of A3 paper (29,7 cm x 42 cm). They must be in jpg format, with300 dpi resolution.
6- Works must be submitted until the 15thof February,2012, via e-mail to the address "".
7- Participantsmust specify which branch of the contest they wish to take part in ("cinema" or"portrait"). When sending the work, the artists must send a word documentcontaining their names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addressesalong with a short resume and a photo of themselves. Artists under 18 mustdefinitely specify their age as there will be a "promising young artist award."
8- Works whichhave received awards and/or were seen worthy of display will be broughttogether and published as an album. Those artists whose drawings are in thealbum will receive a copy.
9- The exhibitionof the contest will be displayed in various parts of Istanbul during the monthof March. The award ceremony will take place on the 31st of March2012, which is the final evening of the festival, in Istanbul. The participantswho could attend the ceremony will have their prizes sent to their homeaddresses.
10- Once the works have been evaluated, 4participants for each category will receive the "Yýlmaz Güney Honorary Award."In addition, two participants from prison will receive the "Yýlmaz GüneyFreedom Award", two participants under 18 will receive the "Promising YoungArtist Award," and one participant will receive the "Judge’s Special Award."
11- The jury will be comprised of thefollowing artists: Paolo Dalponte (Ýtaly), Elena Maria Ospina Mejia (Spain),Canol Kocagöz (Turkey), Musa Gümüþ (Turkey), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey), and AþkýnAyrancýoðlu (Turkey).
12- The works which have been submitted tothe contest will stay in the archives of the organization organizing thefestival. The organization will have the right to use these works in itspublications, posters, brochures, calendars etc. The artist will receive a copyof the publication whenever his/her work is used.
13- All artists participating in thecontest are assumed to have read and agreed with the terms stated above.
*Forinformation on the "Yýlmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art" visit:
* We sincerely thank those artists whowill enrich the festival with their works and we wish them success…
Yuz Cicek Acsin Kultur Merkezi tarafindan organize edilen "2. Yilmaz Guney Kultur ve Sanat Festivali" kapsaminda sinema, tiyatro, oyku, siir ve fotograf yarismalarinin yani sira "2. Uluslar arasi Karikatur Yarismasi" da gerceklestirilecektir. Festival kapsaminda yapilacak bu yarismalarda; birbirini gecme, one cikma gibi rekabetci bir anlayis degil; farkli renk ve guzellikleri, farkli dusunce ve sanat anlayislarini bir araya getiren ve insanlarla paylasan bir anlayis hedeflenmektedir. Onun icin amac yaristirmak ve "odul" vermek degil; guzel olanin gelisimine katki sunabilmek ve tesvik edebilmektir.
1- Yarisma amator ve profesyonel butun dunya sanatcilarina aciktir.
2- Yarisma iki dalda yapilacaktir.
a)- "Sinema konulu karikaturler"
b)- "Yilmaz Guney portre karikaturleri"
(Yilmaz Guney hakkinda bilgi ve Yilmaz Guney fotograflari icin; "" adresinden yararlanilabilir…)
3- Yarismaya katilacak eserlerde teknik serbesttir. Eserler daha once hicbir yarismada odul almamis olmalidir. Katilan karikaturlerde Yilmaz Guney sinemasinda somutlasan ve zaten karikaturun ozunde de bulunan toplumcu, ilerici, elestirel, gercekci ve yenilikci degerler -oz-bicim niteligi baglaminda- ozellikle dikkate alinacaktir.
4- Katilimcilar istedikleri sayida eser gonderebilirler. Ancak bir cizere birden fazla odul verilmez.
5- Gonderilecek karikaturler en fazla A3 (29,7 cm x 42 cm) boyutunda, 300 dpi cozunurlugunde ve jpg formatinda olmalidir.
6- Yarismaya katilacak eserler 15 Subat 2012 tarihine kadar e-posta yoluyla; "" adresine gonderilmelidir.
7- Eserler gonderilirken e-mailin konu kismina hangi dalda katildigi; "sinema" veya "portre karikatur" olarak belirtilmelidir. Eserlerle birlikte butun sanatcilar adini, posta adresini, telefonunu, e-mail adresini, kisa ozgecmisini ve bir adet fotografini da word dosyasi olarak gondermelidirler. 18 Yasindan kucuk cizerler ("Umut veren genc cizer odulu" verileceginden) yaslarini mutlaka belirtmelidirler.
8- Odul alan ve sergilenmeye deger gorulen karikaturler bir albumde yayimlanacak ve bu album eser sahiplerine gonderilecektir.
9- Yarismanin sergisi Mart ayi icinde Istanbul’un degisIk mekanlarinda acilacak, odul toreni de yine Istanbul’da festivalin final gecesinde 31 Mart 2012 tarihinde gerceklestirilecektir. Torene katilamayanlarin odulleri adreslerine gonderilecektir.
10- Degerlendirme sonucunda; karikatur ve portre karikatur dallarinda ayri ayri olmak uzere 4’er karikaturiste "Yilmaz Guney Onur Odulu" verilecektir. Ayrica cezaevlerinden katilan iki cizere "Yilmaz Guney Ozgurluk Odulu", 18 yasindan kucuk iki cizere, "Umut Veren Genc Cizer Odulu" ve bir cizere de "Secici Kurul Ozel Odulu" verilecektir.
12- Secici kurulda; karikatur sanatcilari Paolo Dalponte (Italya), Elena María Ospina Mejía (Ispanya), Canol Kocagoz (Turkiye), Musa Gumus (Turkiye), Kamil Yavuz (Turkiye) ve Askin Ayrancioglu (Turkiye) bulunmaktadir.
13- Yarismaya katilan karikaturler, duzenleyen kurumun arsivinde kalacak afis, takvim, brosur, dergi, gazete vb. organlarda yayimlanabilecektir. Bunun karsiliginda eseri yayimlanan sanatciya o yayindan gonderilecektir.
14- Yarismaya katilan karikaturistler yukaridaki kosullari kabul etmis sayilirlar.
* Yilmaz Guney Kultur ve Sanat Festivali ve yarismalarla ilgili genel bilgiler adresinden ogrenilebilir.
* Eserleriyle festivali guzellestirecek, katkida bulunacak olan tum karikatur sanatcilarina tesekkurler, basarilar…