​"Gulme" insanlari diger canlilardan ayiran en belirgin ozelliklerdendir. Agir olup molla sayilmanin bolca goruldugu ve "…kari gibi gulme!" nin bir kufur sayildigi bir alemde, mizahin aslinda derin bir dusuncenin urunu oldugu unutturulmaya calisilir. Oysa gulebildigimiz kadar insanizdir. Hala gulebildigimiz olcude kalbimiz sicaktir, hele de kendimize gulebilmek kibre karsi en iyi sifadir. Kahkaha ve mizah iste bu yuzden tarih boyunca bazen dinler tarafindan, bazen iktidarlarca yasaklanmis, korkutucu olmustur. Mizah, ayrintilara, doganin akisina ters olana dikkat ceken, aci gercekleri sekerle kaplayarak sunan cok onemli bir mecradir.

Elestirel dusuncenin, direnmenin, bas etmenin bir ifadesi olarak mizah ve bununla ortusen karikatur sanati toplumsal rollerimizi yeniden dusunmeye iten baska bir sanat alani.

Sergi ile toplumsal cinsiyet esitligi konusunda farkindalik yaratmak, konuyu yeniden tartisma gundemine tasimak, siyasal, ekonomik ve toplumsal alanin vazgecilmez bir parcasi ve hukmedilen bir alani olarak kadin sorununa bir de mizah gozuyle bakmak amaclanmaktadir.

8-18 Mayis 2015 tarihlerinde gerceklestirilecek Sergi, amator ve profesyonel tum karikatur sanatcilarinin katilimina aciktir.

Ucan Supurge ve Obur Mizah Karikatur Dergisi isbirligi ile gerceklestirilecek uluslararasi sergiye 1 Nisan 2015 Carsamba gunune kadar katilimlarinizi bekliyoruz.


Konu: Toplumsal Cinsiyet Esitligi
Katilim e-posta yoluyla olacaktir. Katilimci sanatcilar calismalariyla birlikte Ad, Soyad, Adres ve Iletisim bilgilerini de yollamalidir. Calismalarinoburmizah@gmail.com ve festival@ucansupurge.org adreslerine yollanmasi gerekmektedir
Gonderilen karikaturler A3 (29,7 x 42cm) ebadinda ve 300 dpi cozunurlukte olacaktir. Her turlu teknik serbesttir. Sergiye her sanatci en fazla 5 calismayla katilabilir. Calismalar yazili ise dili Turkce veya Ingilizce olmalidir.
Ucan Supurge Kadin Iletisim ve Arastirma Dernegi ve Obur Mizah Dergisi tarafindan olusturulacak bir secici kurul tarafindan sergide konuyu en iyi yansitan calismalar belirlenecektir.
Sergiye son katilim tarihi 1 Nisan 2015’dir.
Sergi 8-18 Mayis tarihleri arasindan 18.Ucan Supurge Uluslararasi Kadin Filmleri Festivali kapsaminda Ankara’da Cankaya Belediyesi Cagdas Sanatlar Merkezi’nde acilacaktir.
Sergiye yollanan ve secilen calismalar hazirlanacak olan ozel bir dergide toplanacak sergi suresince dagitilacak ve katilimcilara da yollanacaktir.
Sergi icin yollanan calismalar festival ve festival disinda sergi kapsaminda, basili malzemelerde, web sitesinde ve tanitim amacli sadece Ucan Supurge tarafindan kullanilabilir. Eserlerin bu kapsamlar disinda kullanilmasi durumda eser sahibi sanatcilardan izin alinacaktir.
Ayrintili Bilgi: www.ucansupurge.org, www.oburmizah.com




"Laughing" is one of the most significant features of humankind that distinguishes it from other species. In a world where being treated like a saint for being quiet is quite common and saying "…don’t laugh like a woman!" is a swearing, it is tried to make people forget that humour is actually the result of a deep thought. Yet, how much we laugh defines how "human" we are. Our hearts stay warm as we laugh and laughing to ourselves is the best cure for arrogance. That is why laughter and humour are considered to be threatening and get banned by religions and governments throughout history. Humour is an essential medium that points out details, what is unorthodox to nature’s course and illustrates bitter reality by covering it with sugar.

Humour, as an expression of critical thought, struggling, resisting and caricature matching up with this is another branch of art that leads us to think about our social roles.

Through the exhibition it is aimed to raise awareness on gender equality, get people discuss on this topic again, have a look at women issue, which is an essential part of political, economic and social life, by viewpoint of humour.

The exhibit which will be held on May 8th-18th 2015 is open for all amateur and professional caricaturists.

We are waiting for your attendance at this international exhibit until 1st of April, which will be carried out in cooperation with Flying Broom and Obur Humour.

Participation Conditions

Theme: Gender Equality
Applications will be accepted via email. Participants must send their works with name, surname, address and contact information. The works should be sent to both oburmizah@gmail.com and festival@ucansupurge.org
Cartoons must be in A3 size (29,7x 42 cm) and in 300 dpi resolution. All techniques are acceptable. Each artist can participate to exhibition with 5 works at most. If the works have written parts, they will be in English or Turkish.
The works reflecting the theme in the best way will be evaluated by a selection committee constituted of Flying Broom Women Communication and Research Association and Obur Humour Magazine.
Deadline for application to the exhibition is WEDNESDAY APRIL 1, 2015.
Exhibition will be held in Ankara at the Cankaya Municipality Contemporary Arts Center as part of 18th Flying Broom International Women’s Film Festival between 8th – 18th of May.
The sent and selected works will be collected in a special magazine, distributed during the exhibition dates and sent to the participants.
The works sent for the exhibit could only be used by Flying Broom during and after festival on printed materials and on the web site for the promotional purposes. In the event that the work is used except for the mentioned purposes, the permission will be received from the artists.