13th International Salon
Diògenes Taborda 2008 prize.


Considering the launching of the “In the memory of Buenos Aires” program, sponsored by the city of Buenos Aires Government. Destinated to capture the historical and cultural values in each neighborhood, Jorge Volpe Stessens creates the Diògenes Taborda Mercosur salon.

This prize is inaugurated every year on the 21st of September due to celebration of the “Spring Day”.

Diògenes Taborda is the only cartoonist honored by a Mayor by naming a street in Buenos Aires after him, after his death in 1926.

Diògenes Taborda had that gift which has always characterized and distinguished the worlds greatest draftsmen, It will be recognized after his steps on the pages of “La Crìtica” he under covered a whole world of suggestion, he made a whole world of humorism flourish when graphically relating an episode, the tip of his pencil put aside maliciously and by stealth, the veil of the human life scenery, and let us see in a small detail a whole big drama as saying: look at what happens. And he did all this smiling and without effort, because he was funny in the Spanish meaning of the word. He made his drawings with the nudity of the nimble, the grace was for him, as for all great artists, an economy of effort.

Diògenes Taborda cooperated with the sketches of “El Apostol” a satirical cartoon movie, done by the pioneer Quirino Cristiani (Extracted from the book “History of the graphic and written humor “, author Oscar Vazquez Lucio (Siulnas)).

Basis 13th Diògenes Taborda Salon 2008

Can participate: painters, photographers, sculptors, printers, humorists, etc.

Theme: free.

Format: 0,40cm x 0,30cm. only on paper, cardboard, cloth.

Jury: Integrated by critics of art residing in Mercosur.

Deliveries: the art will be personally presented or sent in a sealed envelope (no framing, not paspartu) to the
Volpe Stessens Cultural Foundation,
Caseros 2739, CP1246, Buenos Aires, Argentina,

until August 1st 2008.

Prizes: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and one mention will be awarded in the following categories: Graphic humor/illustration/painting/digital art/popular naïf art/drawing/photography (monochrome or color up to 6 per artist).

10works of art: 10 paintings from great masters of painting from Mercosur .

Cost : 50 U$S to name of the “Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens”, corrent acount Nº 012-009379-9 of the “Banco Francés” – Buenos Aires – Sucursal Parque Patricios – (CBU) Nro.: 0170012120000000937995

Web: http://www.museodiogenestaborda.blogspot.com
Entry form: http://www.diogenestaborda.org.ar/concursos.html