Grand Prize: Jerzy Głuszek / Poland
First Prize: Zbigniew Jujka / Poland
Second Prize: Grigori Katz / Israel
Third Prize: Mihai Ignat / Romania
Köroðlu’s drawings from Artists
Ruhi Su, says about KOROGLU who is an Anatolian legendary
hero:"He is a brave person and a legendary hero
who rebels against atrocious and advise people not to
touch to the old and poor people, to contend with
the covetous-rich people, to care about aggrieved
ones and their difficulties.", in his album, named
"Poets & Folksongs� (in Turkish). As do Ruhi Su, my brother,
spent his whole life as a revolutionist and artist with
respect to labor, too. In the first year of his decease, we want to remember/commemorate him with his friends,
in Iskenderun. In this context; we
will organize an exhibition which his and
his friends’ works take space in it.
Aim: To make a fine excuse and a cause
to create something which give meaning
to our lives for the people who make the labor valuable.
1- The works which will be take space in the exhibition;
Mehmet Koroglu portraits and his artist friends’ cartoons, pictures, diagrams… which are made by all techniques and types.
2- All participant works will be put in a CD and it will be sent to each participant.
3- 5 trees will be planted and a planting certificate will be sent to each participant.
4- The works should be in digital media, as A4 sized, 300 dpi resolution.
5- The works must be sent to the following adress:muhitcartoon@hotmail.com
6- Deadline: 15 July 2010
Thanks in advance for all participants
Muhittin Koroglu
Please visit: http://www.muhittinkoroglu.com/koroglu_sergi_2.asp
For more information: muhitcartoon@hotmail.com, www.muhittinkoroglu.com
Exhibition: Cartoons by Klaus Stuttmann (5.7.-28.8.2010, Marheineke market hall)
On display are 140 drawings of political cartoonist profiled and cross-choice Berger Klaus Stuttmann, regularly for the daily mirror, the taz is working, the Leipzig People’s Daily and many other newspapers and magazines. Most of the works shown here were part of a larger exhibition, "cartoon from the capital," which was on show until January 2010 in the Wilhelm Busch Museum in Hanover. Added some more recent drawings, which produced the cartoonist in recent months.
Stuttmann, who has lived the 70 years and works in Berlin, is one of the most famous political cartoonists of the Federal Republic. It has received several awards for his imaginative and perceptive works.
The venue is the Gallery of Marheineke market hall,
Marheineke market hall, Marheinekeplatz 15-10961 Berlin
Ausstellung: Karikaturen von Klaus Stuttmann (5.7.-28.8.2010, Marheineke Markthalle)
Gezeigt werden 140 Zeichnungen des profilierten politischen Karikaturisten und Wahl-Kreuzbergers Klaus Stuttmann, der regelmäßig für den Tagesspiegel, die taz, die Leipziger Volkszeitung und zahlreiche andere Tageszeitungen und Zeitschriften arbeitet. Die meisten der hier gezeigten Werke waren Teil einer größeren Ausstellung, "Karikaturen aus der Hauptstadt", die bis Januar 2010 im Wilhelm-Busch-Museum in Hannover zu sehen war. Hinzukommen einige Zeichnungen jüngeren Datums, die der Karikaturist in den letzten Monaten produzierte.
Stuttmann, der seit den 70er Jahren in Berlin lebt und arbeitet, gehört zu den bekanntesten politischen Karikaturisten der Bundesrepublik. Er wurde für seine ideenreichen und scharfsichtigen Werke mehrfach ausgezeichnet.
Veranstaltungsort ist die Galerie der Marheineke Markthalle,
Marheineke Markthalle, Marheinekeplatz 15 – 10961 Berlin
International Cartoon Contest "Pure Corruption."
Please express your attitude towards the corrupt policemen, prosecutors, customs officials, judges – bribe-takers and other officials, who are infested the state, and who is not shy of bribes. The focus of our attention – all those who does not care about the honor of his uniform and mantle, whose main goal is the personal gain.
Terms & Conditions
1. The competition is open to all amateur and professional cartoonists. There is no age restriction.
2. The number of entries is unlimited. Any technique ia acceptable.
3. Format:
Digital: size A4, 300 dpi, JPEG.
Print copy: size A4 with the author’s "wet signature".
4. Works previously published or awarded in other competitions are acceptable.
5. Please specify the author’s name, address, and e-mail on the back side of the work.
6. Postal address:
127006, Moscow, st. Dolgorukovskaya, d. 38, str. 2.,
The office of the "Kollegiya advokatov "Zakon i Chelovek"".
Please mark the envelope:"MOO "Justice" contest".
7. E-mail address:
8. Deadline: the last day of acceptance – August 1, 2010
9. Awards:
1st – 30 000 RUR (about U.S. $ 1000)
2nd – 15 000 RUR (about U.S. $ 500)
3rd – 10 000 RUR (about U.S. $ 330)
Plus 10 Diplomas of Honor
10. Jury:
Jury President – Michael Zlatkovsky, secretary of the Russian Journalists Union, member of the French Academy of comic art, a member of the International Academy of Pedagogy, winner of 240 awards at international competitions, Chevalier Legion d’Honneur in France.
Members of the jury:
Sergei Tyunin, artist, winner of over 200 international competitions
Andrei Stolbunov, lawyer, chairman of MOO "Justice",
Dmitry Baranovsky, 1st Deputy General Director of OAO "RATEP", Deputy Board MOO "Justice "
11. The jury will select the best 100 works. They will be shown at the exhibition and printed in the catalogue.
12. The works will not be returned to the authors.
13. Participation in the contest constitutes your acceptance of the above terms including the organizers’ right to publish works without any compensation.
1. Any artist (professional or not) from around the world can participate, as long as he or she is over 18 years of age.
2. Submissions must be completely original and unedited. They must not be participating in a similar contest or event simultaneously.
3. The question to develop is:
If you came from another planet, what would you ask Humanity?
The contest attempts to discover what you would answer to this question with a caricature/cartoon, you can add short texts to the artwork and they must be written in Spanish or English. You must represent the question very clear, either by implying within the artwork or as the title thereof.
*The organization is within rights to cancel submissions that prove offensive.
4. Contestants can submit up to 3 works (authors who submit more than 3 will be disqualified).
5. Any technique is accepted (digital or hand made, color or black and white).
6. Works should not be bigger than 21 cm x 29 cm or in proportional size, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi.
7. Contestants will add a document where the following will be specified:
* Full author name and pseudonym
* Author picture or caricature
* Address
* Telephone Number
* Email
* Nationality
* Title of each submission
* Is it the first time you participate?
* Brief biography (Curriculum)
8. Contestants will sign a certificate, which will be sent in a sealed envelope, or in case of being sent by email, signature must be scanned.
I, (author name)certify being the author of:If you came from another planet, what would you ask Humanity? Which I submit to the La Ciudad de las Ideas Contest. I, (author name), accept the contest rules by the mere fact of having submitted this work, and its use for any pertinent means by Poder Cívico A.C.
9. Works and envelopes with author data will be sent to the following address:
2nd International Caricature/Cartoon Contest
Reforma 222, Piso 12
Col. Juárez
Delegación Cuauhtémoc
C.P. 06600 México D.F.
Email submissions at:
mar_interactiva@yahoo.com.mx and mar@marideas.com forwarded to contacto@ciudaddelasideas.com
10. Selected works will be shown in the city of Puebla, Mexico on November 11, 12 and 13 2010, and will be posted on the blog created towards this goal: http://cartonist-ciudaddelasideas.blogspot.com/ and at the official La Ciudad de las Ideas webpage http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/.
11. Contest is valid from May 17th till September 10th, 2010. Works submitted by email must be within these dates in their registry.
12. Contest results will be made known at http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com. Winners will be notified by email. Ignore any information emails if they are not within the @ciudaddelasideas.com or @podercivico.org.mxdomains.
13. The jury will be selected by Poder Cívico and will be qualified to solve any situation related with the contest that doesn’t meet the requirements. The award will be declared null if the jury decides that none of the works submitted meet quality standards, which will be unappealable. Jury members will be kept secret until results are published.
14. Submissions that do not win will be able to get picked up at the Poder Cívico offices three months after results are published, works that are not picked up will be made available by Martha Barragán Méndez for any return that could be required after the date established by Poder Cívico.
* First Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
* Second Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
* Third Place: A full expenses paid trip to the city of Puebla, Mexico, to attend the La Ciudad de las Ideas Festival and a diploma.
Two Honorable Mentions: Each will be awarded a diploma that will be sent a few days after the festival.
Note: Awards will not be able to be made in cash, nor be transferable to anyone else.
LINK: http://www.ciudaddelasideas.com/win/
2 TEMMUZ 1993..
Þu kanlý zalimin ettiði iþler
Garip bülbül gibi zar eyler beni
Yaðmur gibi yaðar baþýma taþlar
Dostun bir fiskesi yaralar beni
Dar günümde dost düþmaným bell’oldu
On derdim var ise þimdi ell’oldu
Ecel fermaný boynuma takýldý
Gerek asa gerek vuralar beni
Pir Sultan Abdal’ým can göðe aðmaz
Hak’tan emrolmazsa ýrahmet yaðmaz
Þu illerin taþý hiç bana deðmez
Ýlle dostun gülü yaralar beni "
temmuz zemherisi
ben, sen, o,
yani biz.
yani cümle insanlýk;
yani insan-ý beþer dedikleri,
daha Mahþer günü gelmeden,
yani Ýsrafil Sur’unu çalmazdan evvel
ve daha yiyecek ekmeðimiz,
içecek suyumuz bitmemiþken.
1993 yýlýnda, kainatýn orta yerinde
turnalar semah dönerken…
ve bir Temmuz zemherisinde
yanarken Nemrud’un ateþi
Sivas’ýn orta yerinde…
yüreklerimiz tutuþur.
biz ki uzun yolculuklarýn
Zümrüdü Anka’sý, tufan kaçkýnlarýyýz.
yani yoldaþlarý Nuh’un.
ve aðzýnda zeytin dalýyla
güvercini umudun.
ve bir Temmuz zemherisinde
yanarken Nemrud’un ateþi
Sivas’ýn orta yerinde…
Ýbrahim’le yanyana
tanýksýn ey hayat!
Adem’le Havva’nýn yazgýsý deðil yazgýmýz.
yaþadýk en has ölümlerin acýsýný
ve en sessiz, en derinden duyuyoruz
doðan günün sancýsýný.
serçe kýrýlganlýðýnda öfkemiz.
ve bir Temmuz zemherisinde
yanarken Nemrud’un ateþi
Sivas’ýn orta yerinde.
ey insan!…
ey insanlýk!…
"Ayýptýr, günahtýr, Evlad-ý Kerbela’yýz"
Hasan Seçkin / Kartal 1993-2010
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum
ah kardeþ, kadersizim!
sen ki zifir gecelerin þafaðýnda
kör kuyulardasýn!
bir ben senden habersizim,
bana ulaþmaz sesin.
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
ah anam babam!
acýlarýmýz sevinci olur tiranlarýn.
-baþýmýzýn, gözümüzün sadakasý-
zifir gecelerin þafaðýnda
kör kuyularda kardeþlerim.
kurumuþ göz pýnarlarým,
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
oy benim dinmeyen sancý,
milyon yýldýr aðrýyan belim.
artýk bitsin Hüseyin’in matemi,
artýk taþýyamam bu utancý.
zifir gecelerin þafaðýnda
kör kuyularda kardeþlerim.
bir ben duyamam.
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
ey benim kalem tutan,
silah sýkan hünerli elim.
yaratmakta, yoketmekte mahir
zifir gecelerin þafaðýnda
kör kuyularda kardeþlerim.
naçarým, uzanamam
tutmaya yetmez ellerim.
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
ey zaman,
tanýksýn aymazlýðýmýza
tükettik sevgileri, dostluklarý
el olduk kurda kuþa,
el olduk kendimize…
yazýyor gazeteler, dergiler,
reytinginde televizyonlar, radyolar.
ben ki senden habersizim,
habersizim kendimden.
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
oy benim lal dilim, suskun dilim
anlamý yok anlamlarýn.
utancýmdan utanýrým.
gayrý hükmü kalmaz kelimelerin
söylemeye varmaz dilim.
zifir gecelerin þafaðýnda
kör kuyularda kardeþlerim.
çýðlýk çýðlýða suskunluðum.
oysa bilirim,
sana deðil yabancýlýðým.
Hasan Seçkin / Kartal 2010
world cartoonists are going to discuss
"world cartoon".
the problem about
– similar cartoons
– digital cartoons
– illustration or cartoon?
and a lot of things about cartoon..
the master cartoonists of the world
are going to meet at schneidertempel
art center in istanbul on 15 september.
before the prize ceremony of the cartoon contest "istanbul 2010",
world cartoon and turkish cartoon are going to be discussed.
"don quichotte group" is going
to query the cartoon losing its significance and value in turkey day by day.
such a panel is going to be organized
in the world for the first time.
we wait for all of the cartoonists…
ask your questions…
let the world masters answer…
dünya karikatürcüleri
"dünya karikatürü"nü tartýþýyor..
– benzer-kopya?
– dijital-orjinal?
– illüstrasyon-karikatür?
ve karikatürle ilgili daha bir çok þey…
dünyanýn usta çizerleri
15 eylül’de istanbul schneidertempel sanat galerisi’nde buluþuyor.
"istanbul 2010" karikatür yarýþmasý
ödül töreni öncesi
"dünya karikatürü" tartýþýlýyor.
"don quichotte" gittikçe önemini ve deðerini kaybeden
"türk karikatürü"nü sorguluyor.
böyle bir panel dünyada
ilk kez düzenleniyor.
tüm karikatürcüleri bekliyoruz.
TEL: 0212-249 01 50
Naci el-Ali 2010 Uluslararasý Filistin Konulu Karikatür Yarýþmasý
Bu yarýþma, Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði (FHDD) ile HOMUR Mizah ve Karikatür Grubu tarafýndan düzenlenmektedir.
Katýlým koþullarý
1. Yarýþmaya son katýlým tarihi 22 Kasým 2010 Pazartesi günüdür. Postayla yapýlan gönderimlerde postaya veriliþ tarihi, son teslim
günü olan 22 Kasým 2010 tarihi olmalýdýr. Bunun yaný sýra jürinin toplanma tarihine kadar gönderilecek tüm eserler deðerlendirmeye
alýnacaktýr. Postadan kaynaklý gecikmelerden yarýþma organizasyonu sorumlu deðildir.
2. Yarýþmaya katýlým orijinal karikatürle olmalýdýr. Karikatürlerin bilgisayar çýktýsý olarak gönderilmesi halinde orijinal imzalý (ýslak
imzalý) olmasý gerekmektedir.
3. Yarýþmaya katýlacak eserler A4 (21 x 29,7 cm) veya A3 (29,7×42 cm) boyutunda olmalýdýr. Yarýþmaya internet üzerinden
gönderilecek eserlerin çözünürlüðü ise 300 dpi olmalýdýr.
4. Gönderilen karikatürlerin herhangi bir yerde yayýmlanmýþ olmasý yarýþmaya engel deðildir; yalnýz baþka yarýþmalarda ödül almamýþ
olmasý gerekmektedir. Yarýþmacý yarýþmaya en fazla 3 eserle katýlabilir.
5. Yarýþma tüm dünya çizerlerine açýktýr; ayrýca 10-13 ve 14-17 yaþ arasýndaki iki çizere HANZALA TAÞ GENERAL ÖDÜLÜ verilecektir.
6. Yarýþmaya posta yoluyla katýlýmlarda eserler
Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði, Hüseyin Aða Mah. Dudu Odalar Sok. No;10 Kat:3 Beyoðlu/ÝSTANBUL/TÜRKÝYE adresine;
internet yoluyla katýlýmlarda ise hanzalakarikatur@gmail.com adresine
(Bilgi için: homur.blogspot.com, bizimhanzala.blogspot.com; irtibat için: hanzalailetisim@gmail.com)
7. Yarýþmaya posta yoluyla gönderilecek eserlerin postada herhangi bir zarar görmesinden yarýþma organizasyonu sorumlu deðildir.
Yarýþmaya posta yoluyla katýlacak yarýþmacýlar ayrýca eserlerinin arka yüzüne isim, soyisim, doðum tarihi, adres, telefon numarasý ve
e-posta adresi bilgilerini yazmalýdýrlar.
8. Yarýþmacýlar, www.filistindayanisma.org adresinden temin edecekleri katýlým formunu eksiksiz doldurup imzalayarakeserleriyle birlikte
göndermelidirler. Eserlerini internet üzerinden gönderecek olanlarýn mutlaka imzalý katýlým formlarýný yukarýda belirtilen katýlým adresine
göndermeleri gerekmektedir.
9. Katýlýmcý, katýlým formunu doldurmakla, yarýþmaya katýlacaðý karikatür(ler) üzerinde haiz olduðu ve FSEK’nun (Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri
Kanunu) 21 -25. maddesi hükümlerince tanýmlanan iþleme, çoðaltma, yayma, temsil ve iþaret, ses ve/veya görüntü nakline yarayan araçlarla
umuma iletim mali haklarýný, bunlarýn 3. kiþilere devir haklarýný da kapsar þekilde herhangi bir yer, süre ve sayý kýsýtlamasý olmaksýzýn Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði’ne devrettiðini; Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði’nin söz konusu karikatürü/karikatürleri sergilemek, arþivinde tutmak, internet ortamýnda ve sair þekillerde yayýmlamak suretiyle ve bunlarla sýnýrlý olmaksýzýn dilediði her þekilde kullanmasýna muvafakatinin olduðunu peþinen beyan ve kabul eder. Ayný þekilde karikatürleri HOMUR Mizah ve Karikatür Grubu’nun da dilediði þekilde kullanmasýný kabul eder.
Seçici kurul ve sonuçlarýn duyurulmasý
10. Seçici kurul daha sonra ilan edilecektir.
11. Seçici kurul 27 Kasým 2010 Cumartesi günü toplanacaktýr.
12. Yarýþma sonuçlarý 28 Kasým 2010 Pazar günü açýklanacaktýr.
13. Ödül töreni 11 Aralýk 2010 Cumartesi günü istanbul’da yapýlacaktýr. Tören herkese açýk olup, büyük ödül, baþarý ödülleri ve Hanzala Taþ General ödüllerini kazananlar üç günlük konaklama Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði’ne (FHDD) ait olmak üzere törene katýlabilirler.
Yarýþma sonrasý
14. Yarýþmaya katýlan eserler arasýndan jürinin seçeceði karikatürlerin yer aldýðý bir albüm hazýrlanacak ve çalýþmada eseri bulunanlara
gönderilecektir. Ayrýca yarýþmaya katýlan eserlerden oluþan gezici bir sergi düzenlenip istanbul, Ankara, izmir, Eskiþehir, Adana, Zonguldak ve Antakya baþta olmak üzere Ortadoðu ve dünyanýn bazý þehir ve merkezlerinde de sergilenecektir. Yarýþmaya katýlan karikatürcülerle yarýþma sonrasýnda da bilgi alýþveriþi devam edecek, yapýlacak sergilerden karikatürcüler haberdar edilecektir.
15. Yarýþmaya gönderilen karikatürler iade edilmeyecek, kitaplaþtýrýlýp sergilendikten sonra Karikatürcüler Derneði’nin sorumluluðu altýnda
Karikatür ve Mizah Müzesi’nde korunacaktýr.
16. Karikatürcülerin Türkiye’deki tek meslek örgütü Karikatürcüler Derneði de yarýþmayý desteklemektedir.
17. Yarýþma sonunda bir karikatüre NACÝ EI-ALÝ BÜYÜK ÖDÜLÜ verilecektir.
Bunun dýþýnda eþdeðerde dört adet BAÞARI ÖDÜLÜ bulunmaktadýr. Bunlar;
Ayrýca yaþlarý 10-13 ve 14-17 arasýnda iki çizere HANZALA TAÞ GENERAL ÖDÜLÜ verilecektir.
Yarýþmada Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði ile Homur Mizah ve Karikatür Grubu’nun vereceði özel ödüllerin yaný sýra çeþitli kurum ve
kuruluþlarýn ödülleri de olacaktýr.
Naji al Ali and Handala are two symbols of the Palestinian national resistance who never yielded to the occupiers since decades. The palestinian cartoonist Naji al Ali, who had shelted to a refugee camp in Lebanon after the 1948 occupation when he was 10 years old and who has been assasinated by Israeli agents in London in 1987 has left a child to all of the peoples of the world; it is Handala, a child who will always be 10 years old. Under nearly 40 thousand cartoons who narrate Palestine, appears Handala as he has turned us his back. He is offended to everybody who do not hear the voice of a people of which the country and right to life is stolen; and it is only after the liberation of Palestine that he will turn his face again.
We started to work to commemorate the memory of Naji al Ali, who dedicated his life of 50 years to the stuggle to free his country, and he did it mainly by his cartoons. We know well that the zionist occupiers have even fear of the designs. Let them have fear! We shall continue to design Palestine.
Not only the Palestine who fights, but also the Palestine who breathes…
We’re calling everyone who want to support this heritage as well as to support this struggle, to participate to the 2010 International Cartoon Contest "Naji al Ali" on Palestine and to make heard the sound of Naji al Ali, Handala and Palestine.
About the contest
This contest is being organized by Assocation for Solidarity with Palestinian People (Turkey) and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group.
Conditions of participation
* The works must reach the organizing association not later than 22nd of November 2010, Monday. Also the participants using the way of postal, should arrange the last day of sending as 22nd November of 2010, Monday. Nevertheless, all of the works which will arrive before the gathering of the Selective Committee will be assessed. The organizing association will not be responsible of the postal delays.
* The submitted works must be original. In case of submitting the works with the print out of the cartoons, it is a necessary that the cartoonists put their original signatures on their works. * The standard size for the dimension of the works must be A4 (21×29,7 cm) or A3 (29,7 x42 cm). The works sent by internet must be high resolution file(300dpi required). * The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest. The maximum number of works for each cartoonist to participate the contest is 3. * The Contest is open to cartoonists from all over the world. Also "Handala ‘Stone General’ Special Prize" will be given to two cartoonists who are between 10-13 and 14-17 years old. * The adress for the cartoonists preferring to use post offices to participate the contest is: Filistin Halkýyla Dayanýþma Derneði, Hüseyin Aða Mah. Dudu Odalar Sok. No:10 Kat:3 Beyoðlu/ÝSTANBUL/TÜRKÝYE
E-mail adress for the online participation is: hanzalakarikatur@gmail.com (For more information: homur.blogspot.com; bizimhanzala.blogspot.com; for communication: hanzalailetisim@gmail.com)
* Organizers are not responsible for damage caused during transportation by post. Name, surname, birth date, postal adress, phone number and e-mail adress should be written on the reverse side of each cartoon.
* Participants should send their works with participation forms which can be found in annex after filling it completely and signing it. The participants who send their works via internet must also send their signed participation form to the adress mentioned above.
* Participants who filled the participation form are assumed that they transfer all the rights on the cartoons defined by Turkish laws to the Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People and that the mentioned association has the right to exibit, keep them in its archive and broadcast works on the internet. Moreover they also accept that HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group can use all the works without any restrictions
* At the end of the contest, a BIG PRIZE OF NAJI AL-ALI will be given to one of the works. In addition to this, there will be four equivalent ACHIEVEMENT PRIZES. These are: -HANDALA LAND PRIZE -HANDALA FREEDOM PRIZE -HANDALA HUMAN RIGHTS PRIZE -HANDALA INTIFADA PRIZE Also,two of the cartoonists between 10-13 and 14-17 years old will be awarded with "HANDALA ‘STONE GENERAL PRIZE".
In addition to the special prizes given by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People and HOMUR Humor and Cartoon Group, there will also be awards from some different institutions.
The Selective Committee and the announcement of the results
* Selective Committee(Jury) for the contest will be announced later.
* Selective Committee will be gathered at 27th of November 2010, Saturday. * The results of the contest will be announced at 28th of November 2010, Sunday.
* Prize Ceremony will be held on 11th December of 2010, Saturday in Istanbul. The ceremony is open for everyone, and the winners of "big prize", "achievement prizes" and the "Handala ‘stone general’ prizes" may able to participate the ceremony, as 3 days-accomodation will be supplied by Association for Solidarity with Palestinian People.
After the contest
* One album of cartoons those determined by the jury will be sent to cartoonists. Besides, a circulating exhibition will be organized from the participant workings. Foremost, this exhibition will travel to cities of Turkey, like Ýstanbul, Ýzmir, Eskiþehir, Adana, Zonguldak, Antalya. Then,it will be exhibited both some cities and centers of the world and Middle Eastern Countries. After the contest,exchange of information with the participants will also continue and the participants will be informed about the exhibitions . * The works will not be returned. After the exhibition, they will be kept in Museum Of Cartoon and Humor, under the responsibility of Association of Cartoonists(Turkey).
* The only professional organization of the cartoonists in Turkey, Association Of Cartoonists supports the contest.
Telephone Number:…………………………
E-mail Adres:………………………………..
Birth Date:…………………………………….
Name and Surname
The 5th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2010
Welcome to China! Welcome to Jiaxing! Cartoon bring great power to world!
In The 4th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2008, exhibition got successe
with the great support of international cartoonists, Host Units invited Mr.Vladimir
Kazanevsky from Ukraine, Mr.Mohammad Ali Khalaji from Iran and Mr.Taeyong Kang from Korea to China to attend the award ceremony in Jiaxing city.
Host Units: Artists’s Association of China
The Municipal Goverment of Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
Award: The Jury committee will choose 120 works for exhibition, there are 1 work provided
for The Best Theme Prize of 5000 RMB, 1 work provided for The Best Free choice Prize of 5000 RMB, 1 work provided for The Best Representation Prize of 5000 RMB, 1 work provided for The Best Idea Prizes of 5000 RMB, and 16 works provided for the excellent Prizes of each 2000 RMB, the total 20 winning works will be awarded with top grade trophy and Prizes.
Each author whose work selected for exhibition will get one copy of the catalogue of
exhibition and certificate, and 600 RMB prizes.
The selected works will be collectted in Puhua gallery, Jiaxing city.
The works which can not enter the exhibition will be returned to the authors after
Exhibition: The exhibition of The 5th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2010
will be held in Jiaxing library in October, 2010 in Jiaxing city.
About rules:
Exhibition have two sections: A) Theme: Low carbon, Green and Environment; B) Free choice.
Each author may submit no more than 3 works for each section respectively.
Any technique of works will be acceptted, the size of work should not exceed 420 × 297mm,
the author’s information including author’s name, title, address, postcode, email, telephone
should be written on the back of works.
The deadline is August, 31, 2010.
Program: Host Units will invite the winners to attend the award ceremony and the cartoon
week in October, 2010 in Jiaxing city, Host Units will cover the flight and hotel’s charge.
Also the Host Units will bring the winners to Shanghai to visit World Exposition 2010.
The Host Units have right to use the selected works for spreading on media.
Authors who submit works to exhibition means they accept all above rules.
Address: No.36 Zhonghe Road, Puhua Gallery, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China
Postcode: 314000
Telephone: 0086 573 82085748 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0086 573 82085748 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, 0086 573 82071601 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0086 573 82071601 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: 0086 573 82085748
Email: cartoonfestival@yahoo.com.cn
Web site: http://www.jxmsg.com
Contact: Mr.Zhang Juemin, Mr.Ling Dalun, Mr.Ling Jiachun, Mr,Yao Xiaodong
Committee of The 5th Chinese Jiaxing International Cartoon Exhibition 2010