International Competition Fax for Peace/Fax for Tolerance 2011 – Italy

International Competition Fax for Peace/Fax for Tolerance 2011 – Italy

Contests February 2011

Theme: Peace, tolerance, human rights and contrast to every form of discrimination
Deadline: 28. 02. 2011

It’s an international competition in which students and artists from all over the world can participate sending images, short videos and cartoons produced by themselves about the themes of peace, tolerance, human rights and contrast to every form of discrimination. The attitude is apartitic, aconfessional, open to the comparison among the most different cultures.

The international competition Fax for Peace was born in 1996, on the initiative of the Institute of Secondary Education of Spilimbergo (Pordenone – ITALY). In school year 2008/2009 it has reached the 13th edition. During the 2007/2008 edition of the initiative, more than 2000 images were received, coming from 44 different countries.

Fax for Peace has the honour of the patronage of the President of Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, with the support of the United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe, of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, of the Ministry of Education University and Research, of the Ministry of Youth, of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, of the Scholastic Regional Office for Friuli Venezia Giulia, of the National Coordination of the Local Authorities for Peace, of the Province of Pordenone and of Spilimbergo Local Authorities.

The initiative has the aim to create a virtual forum, to which images from all over the world flow together, so that people can discuss and reflect upon the great values of peace and solidarity among cultures. Our motto is "send us thoughts and opinions through images": images are a universal language, proper to communicate with efficacy and without mediations on an international level.

Students of every order and grade and artists from all over the world are invited to send images, by fax or e-mail, short videos and cartoons, by e-mail, to the Institute of Secondary Education of Spilimbergo. The works should convey positive values, feelings, opinions and ideas. The 13th edition of the competition started on 30th November 2008 and the participants have the possibility to send their works until 28th February 2009. As the works arrive, they will be exhibited in progress in the school’s main entrance hall.

A special jury, composed by communication experts, art critics, testimonials of culture, sports and entertainment, and representatives of the school world, will select and give prize to seven works, among those received, on the ground of the adhesion with the proposed themes and of the efficacy of the message.
Hereinafter, we mention some of the personalities who were part of the jury in the past editions: Alice (singer-songwriter, Italy), Pedro Almodovar (film director and scriptwriter, Spain), Pupi Avati (film director and scriptwriter, Italy), Giovanna Botteri (TV journalist, Italy), Angelo Branduardi (singer-songwriter, Italy), Goran Bregovic (musician and composer, Bosnia), Gian Carlo Caselli (magistrate, Italy), Osvaldo Cavandoli (cartoonist, Italy), Vincenzo Cerami (writer, playwright and scriptwriter, Italy), Lella Costa (actress, Italy), Maurizio Costanzo (journalist, TV presenter, scriptwriter and film director, Italy), Serena Dandini (TV presenter, Italy), Gloria De Antoni (TV journalist, Italy), Catherine Dunne (writer, Ireland), Elisa (singer-songwriter, Italy), Gael Garcia Bernal (actor, Mexico), Francesco Guccini (singer-songwriter, Italy), Dacia Maraini (writer, Italy), Paolo Maurensig (writer, Italy), Carlos Montemayor (writer, Mexico), Manuela Moreno (journalist, Italy), Maurizio Nichetti (actor, film director and scriptwriter, Italy), Noa (singer-songwriter, Israel), Michael Nyman (composer, U.K.), Moni Ovadia (actor, singer and composer, Italy), Ferzan Ozpetek (film director and scriptwriter, Italy), Paolo Rossi (actor, singer-songwriter and comedian, Italy), Luis Sepulveda (writer and film director, Chile), Oliviero Toscani (photographer, Italy), Franca Valeri (actress, Italy), Paolo Virzì (film director and scriptwriter, Italy).

On the occasion of the awarding ceremony, several exponents in the field of art were testimonials. Let us mention as an example: Elisa, Alice, Noa, Leda Battisti.

After every edition of the competition, a catalogue is published containing a large selection of works. The catalogue is sent free of charge to all the participants and to everyone that requests it.

Who & How
It is open to students of all grades and types of schools and to professional artists from all over the world. They are required to submit one or more works developing the themes of PEACE, TOLLERANCE, fight against any form of racism and of defense of human rights. Each competitor may take part in two ways:

1 FAx [number fax ++39 0427 40898] or E-MAIL JPG format max 1,5 Mb [e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ] one or more pictures or works of visual art;
2 send SHORT FILMS AND CARTOONS of maximum 5 minute lenght that could also be broadcast in compressed format to the following e-mail address [ This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ] or forwared by mail to [via degli Alpini, QuICkTIME, VIDEO FOR WINDOWS ecc.).

Works from each competitor (individual artist, student or class) will be accepted starting from Sunday November 28th 2010 at 8.00 a.m. until Monday February 28th 2011 at 12.00 p.m..

On each work it is necessary to indicate full name, name of school and grade/ class (if students), telephone and fax number and/or E-mail address, city, country.
The works will be exhibited as they are received in an "in progress" exhibition which will open on SuNDAy 28th NOVEMBER, 2010 AT 4.00 p.m. at the Istituto Superiore di Spilimbergo (Via degli Alpini n.1, Spilimbergo, Pordenone, ITALIA). Works must be sent within the 28th February 2009, expiry date at the latest.
Students will also have to specify school address and class attended.
Competitors implicitly authorize the school to reproduce and use their works in the catalogue and with different media for no-profit activities.
The organization cannot be held responsible in case of theft, damage or loss of the works. Works will not be returned or retransmitted to their authors. THE ExHIBITION WILL CLOSE ON MARCH 31st, 2011. A catalogue will be printed reproducing a wide selection of the works received and will later be sent to all competitors free of charge.

The jury
The jury of experts in communication, art critics and representatives of the school world will select 6 works among those received within the expiry date, according to their development of proposed themes and their effectiveness.

Jury for the first selection of works
Renzo Francescono Mayor of Spilimbergo
Orlando De Pra Former student representative
Angelo Bertani Art critic
Andrea Del Favero Ethnomusicologist
Donato Guerra President of the cultural association "Il Circolo"
Lucia D’Andrea Headmaster of the Technical and
Professional Schools of Spilimbergo
Nane Zavagno Artist

International Jury
Daniele Lucchetti Director (Italy)
Nada Songwriter (Italy)
Intillimani Band (Chile)
Luis Bacalov Composer (Argentina)
Cathleen Schine Writer (USA)
Donatella Massi Executive Director of "Robert F. Kennedy
Foundation of Europe" (Italy)

The following six prizes, will be awarded according to categories:
> best work – Nursery and Primary Schools: 300€
> best work – Low Secondary Schools: 300€
> best work – Secondary High Schools: 300€
> best work – Video or cartoon: 300€     
> best work – Artists: 300€
> special best work awarded to a satirical or humorous drawing inviting consideration upon human and civil themes dealing with the initiative: 500€

Special prize
> special prize, supported by the President of the Italian Republic consisting in a medal, awarded to the school named for the overall quality of the works sent and the relevant importance of the didactic project submitted.
With the support of
the President of Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano
the Regional United Nations Information Centre for westen Europe (RUNIC)
the Ministry of Education University and Research,
the Ministry of Youth
the Regional Education office for Friuli Venezia Giulia – General Headoffice
the local associations of the National Coordination Office for Peace
the Province of Pordenone
Spilimbergo Local Authorites

Istituto Superiore
via degli Alpini, 1 – 33097 Spilimbergo (Pordenone) Italia
tel ++39 (0)427 40392 – fax ++39 (0)427 40898
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

13th PortoCartoon World Festival 2011 – Portugal

13th PortoCartoon World Festival 2011 – Portugal

Contests February 2011

Theme: a. Communication & Technologies, b. Free
Deadline: 27. 02. 2011

General Rules and Regulations
1.An invisible and slow revolution is happening in the world. The epicentre of this revolution lies in communication and technologies. Therefore, after twelve themes of great international impact, the theme of COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGIES is the chosen one for the 13th PortoCartoon.
Communication and Technologies penetrate so much in the everyday world that become almost equivalent to the air we breathe. Or the electricity we can not do without. They are goods we need most, and their roots are in the social essence. Despite that, they express and cause social differences, conflicts, discrimination, censorship, myths, loneliness, inequality, war, etc..
With the further development in this 21st century, will we have a world more fairly and balanced? Or will we have a more demonic, less communicative and more asymmetrical world?
In addition to participating with cartoons on the main theme, the cartoonists can also send works for the FREE CATEGORY, as per the previous editions.

2. The artists who do not wish to compete can send their works to the EXTRA-COMPETITION section informing of this decision.

3.1. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted, including digital artwork, sent by Internet, if the prints are SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR and if they are indicated as PRINT NUMBER ONE, or a original to this contest.

3.2. Can also be presented sculptures pieces of humour, in any kind of material.

4. The works can have at the maximum the following measures:
– in paper, 42 x 30 cm (DIN A3);
– sculpture pieces, 42 x 30 x 30 cm.

5. The works should present on the reverse the following information: author´s name and address, title, theme section and year. The author’s CV in Portuguese or English (publications, exhibitions, prizes…) should also be sent.

6. The works should arrive at the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM until February 27th 2011, with the entry form.

7. The works should be sent to:
PortoCartoon-World Festival, The Portuguese Printing Press Museum, Estrada Nacional 108, nº 206, 4300-316 Porto, Portugal.

General Rules and Regulations
8. The participation in PORTOCARTOON means automatically that the author is waving copyrights of his works in any kind of support, concerning the production and diffusion of the festival.

9. The AWARDS, including a TROPHY and a DIPLOMA, will be the following:
GRAND PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 7000 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
2ND PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 2500 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
3RD PRIZE PORTOCARTOON 1500 Euro (half in money and half in Port wine), travel and stay costs for the Awards Ceremony in Portugal
HONORABLE MENTIONS PORTOCARTOON 50 Euro, stay costs for a weekend in Portugal

10. The Jury will have an odd number of judges and their decision will be final with no subjection to any kind of appeal or reclamation.

11. The awarded works will become property of the PORTUGUESE PRINTING PRESS MUSEUM and will be part of the INTERNATIONAL CARTOON GALLERY.
The others will be sent to the artists, if formally requested, after its public exhibition during the PORTOCARTOON and possible exhibition in other cities and countries.

12. In case of using non-awarded works in other cases except PORTOCARTOON exhibition or its promotion, copyright payment will be made to the artists whenever it takes place.

13. All the artists whose works are selected for the exhibition will receive a catalogue.

14. The prizes will be delivered in a public ceremony.

17th International Cartoon Humour Competition – Slovakia

17th International Cartoon Humour Competition – Slovakia

Contests February 2011

Theme: Beer (Golden Keg 2011)
Deadline: 21. 02. 2011

On Friday, 1st April 2011, an exhibition of the best competing works, a festive announcement of the results and the handing of prizes to the most successful authors of the 17th competition in accordance with the Jury’s decision will take place as follows:

GRAND PRIZE (Grand Prix) Golden Keg and 500 €
1st Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 200 €
2nd Prize Small GOLDEN KEG and 150 €
3rd Prize Small Golden KEG and 100 €

The Competition Jury reserves the right not to grant any of the prizes or to grant other special prizes.
The organisers will accept for the competition all works that will be delivered at the address of the Sarisska gallery in Presov by 21st February 2011.

The organisers of the competition reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition, while each competitor will receive a competition catalogue.

Competition rules:

1. Each author can send at maximum five original works, including graphic techniques.

2. The competition is open to anybody and everybody, and it is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.

3. The formats of the works should not exceed the A4 dimensions.

4. The competition is non-anonymous. Each work should be signed on the reverse and bear the author’s full address.

5. The rewarded works will become property of the BEER GALLERY in Presov.

6. Send your works at the address:
Sarisska Galeria (p. Fedor VICO) ul. Hlavna 51, 08001 Presov SLOVAKIA.
Please clearly mark the envelope with the word "PIVO".

1st International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest 2011, Tabriz – Iran

1st International City and Citizen Cartoon Contest 2011, Tabriz – Iran

Contests February 2011

Theme: City & Citizen.
Deadline: 19.02. 2011
We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
Theme: City & Citizen.
For example: Traffic, Apartment living culture, Citizen right, Air pollution, neighbor right, city imagine pollution, Irregular city constructions, Garbage Repelling, Destruction of traditional shape of the cities.

– The number of sent cartoons is 5. Please write your surname and first name, address, e-mail address, a photo.
– All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue of the contest.
– Sent works should be in 300 dpi with 1500 pixel width or length and jpg format. Sent works could be published or won in a contest before.

– First Prize: $1000, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
– Second Prize: $ 500, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
– Third Prize: $ 250, Honorable Mention and Trophy.
– 5 Honorable Mentions

The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

and by post:
Address: Tabriz Cartoonists Association, Azerbaijan Cartoon Museum, Former Tabriz Estate Library, Golestan

Garden, Tabriz, Iran
Deadline:19 Feb 2011
Tel: (+98 411)2843094
Holding by Tabriz municipality culture and art organization.

The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books 2011 – Iran

The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books 2011 – Iran

Contests February 2011

Cartoon Theme: Devil against Holly Books (Like Quran) – Burning Quran! – Devil against Human Nature
Caricature Theme: Terry Jones
Deadline: 15. 02. 2011

The Exhibition of Cartoon Devil Against Holy Books (like Burning Quran)

We address to all the professional and amateur cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.

Cartoon: Devil against Holly Books (Like Quran)
Burning Quran!
Devil against Human Nature

Caricature: Terry Jones

Deadline: Feb., 15 ,2011

-The number of sent cartoons is free

-Please attach in .doc format a brief presentation of your surname and first name, address,e-mail address

-All participants that their works enter in exhibition will receive the catalogue .

-Sent works should be in 200dpi with 1500 pixel width or length and jpg format.

-prizes :
Cartoon section: 1500 $ for 3 cartoonists(each cartoonist 1500$)
Caricature Section: 1500 $ for 3 caricaturists (each caricaturist 1500$)

 -10 Honorable Mentions in each section

The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The cartoons will be published in the web pages:

18th Euro-Kartoenale – Kruishoutem 2011 – Belgium

18th Euro-Kartoenale – Kruishoutem 2011 – Belgium

Contests February 2011

Theme: Shoes
Deadline: 15. 02. 2011

Dear Madam, Sir,
For the eighteenth time already our association is organi zing a cartoon contest. Firstly, we would like to thank all parti cipants of the 2009 contest. The large number of entries proves their confidence in ourorganisation and this is a real incen tive for us to do even better in 2011. We hope we can count on your collaboration and wish you a lot of success!

Rudy Gheysens


1. Theme: " Shoes "

2. The number of entries is limited until 5.
They shall not have been exhibited or publis hed before. Works must be originals and any kind of graphical technique will be accepted,including digital artwork if they are originally signed and if the print is number one (manual numbered). 3-D works are accepted.

3. The works have to be sent to the following address:


Our website will inform you if your works have arrived. The list of participants will regularly be updated.

4. The drawings shall have the following dimen sions: 210 x 297 mm (A4) – (8.268 x 11.693 inches). The works shall not be provided by a passe-partout, neit her be stuck on to a larger paper.
The drawing must bear, on the reverse side, the surna me, forename and address of the participant. The drawings shall not bear subtitles.

5. By virtue of their participation, the partici pants autho rize the organizers to publish some of their works (catalogue and promotion exhibition).

6. The following prizes are foreseen:
1st prize € 1.600,00 + trophy
2nd prize € 1.400,00 + trophy
3rd prize € 1.200,00 + trophy
Prize of the ECC Personal exhibition in the ECC
Prize of the EU € 750,00
Best Belgian Cartoon € 500,00

7. By participating the participant lends his works to the organizers for exhibitions. The works received will remain at the dispo sal of the organizers until 31.12.2011.

8. The entries will only be sent back by the organizers on receiving a written request. The awarded works will become the property of the organi zers. 3D-works can either be collected at the ECC in the course of 2011 or can be sent back if the artist wishes to. Postal charges will be at the artist’s expense. The organization can’t be held responsible for any damaged or lost work.

9. If after announcement of the prizes, it appears that plagiarism has been committed, the jury can after deliberation withdraw the prize.

10. Deadline: 2011 February 15

Exhibition: each Sunday from the 17th of April till the 26th of June – European Cartoon Center Kruishoutem. Opening of the exhibition: Saturday 16th of April 2011.

Click here for the rules and the entry form


10th Euro-Fruitcartoonale Sint-Truiden 2011 – Belgium

10th Euro-Fruitcartoonale Sint-Truiden 2011 – Belgium

Contests February 2011

Theme: FRUIT: Feel Good in the Mood!
Deadline: 09. 02. 2010

When we opt for the theme Fruit: Feel Good in the Mood, we want go up the various aspects and benefits of the fruit to the front. Eating fruit gives us a good feeling and we can all over the world. We promote our limits and jump all over the world.
Our challenges are bigger and we experience much more active and fun joy to our work and leisure.
Our fruit is successfull and revolutionary.
Fruit provides the craziest challenges.
Our mainsponsors Veiling Borgloon and Belgische FruitVeiling already give many hints and provide special
perspectives on their professional site
Fruit give us all the opportunities in our daily activities revolution/health/science/culinary/beauty/figure/sport/15+/kids/education/government


Everybody can participate at this Eurofruit-cartoontest. The participants agree with the regulations and the decisions of the jury. The jury has the right to refuse works for ethical reasons.

All humorous situations about things, actions, emotions, people and events on the theme Fruit: Feel good in the Mood, used in a positive and artistic way are eligible. Texts may not be used to bring the message in the drawing.
Only original drawings linked to Haspengouws * Fruit (pears, apples, plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries … see
site: qualify on prices.
It is forbidden to send in works that have been awarded before, and works that are subjected to third-party rights.

Number of works: maximum 5 (without frame)
Dimensions: only A4 size (297×210 mm).
All imaging and graphical techniques are allowed.
Please write on the back side of every cartoon in capital letters: Name, first name, address, telephone, fax, mobile number and e-mail-address.
By participating, participants give the organisation the right to participate at the differents exhibitions (not- commercial) and publishing the works in the catalogue. The rewarded en nominated works remain the organizers property. Non-rewarded works will resend- on demand- after 15/12/2011.

4. DEADLINE 09 FEBRUARY 2011!!!!!!
SEND BY POST before February 9th 2011 (thoroughly packed and not folded) and sufficiently prepaid to:

and money prices €1000, € 300, €200, €200
Several special prices
Baskets with fruit for all the winners
Certificates for all the nominations

Saturday april 2th 2011 at 8 pm in Cultural Centre "de bogaard" Capucienessenstraat 8, 3800 Sint-Truiden. The participants whose works are nominated and rewarded will be personally invited. All cartoonists who are present receive a cartoon book free of charge.

The selected works will be exposed from monday 4th of April until 30th of April 2011 in the white hall of the cultural centre "de bogaard", Capucienessenstraat 8 in 3800 Sint-Truiden.

Voorzitter Eurofruitcartoonale
Maarschalk Keizerlijke Commanderie
TEL 0032 (0)11 68 92 59 ( 8-18U30)
FAX 0032 (0)11 68 92 59

International Festival of aphorism & caricature Strumica 2011 – Macedonia

International Festival of aphorism & caricature Strumica 2011 – Macedonia

Contests February 2011

Theme: Carnival – Erotica
Deadline: 05. 02. 2011

In this category each author can participate with maximum of 10 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10(ten) aphorisms and marked with particular code.

In this category, the authors can participate and send 3 caricatures, maximum.
The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
Particulars about the authors should be written at the back side of the work.

Contest due date:
The works will be accepted up to: February 05, 2011, at latest.

Three main prizes will be awarded: Golden, Silver and Bronze Plaque.
The Organizer retains the right to award some additional prizes.

The works should be send to:
NUCK "Anton Panov’
Blvd. "Goce Delcev" bb
2400 Strumica, R Macedonia
with note: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature.

The works received ,remain in property of the Organizer and the author, and they have the right to its public presentation ,catalogue prepare or other publication.

The works received in due time will be reviewed and evaluated by competent jury commission.
The presentation of the works -exhibition and the Reward Ceremony will come to: March 07, 2011.

Contact – Further information
Tel: ++389 (0)34 322 182









3-27 Þubat 2011

Muhammet Bakýr’ In II. Karikatür Sergisi
3 Þubat Tarihinde Schneidertempel Sanat Merkezi’nde Açýlýyor

Karikatürcü Muhammet Bakýr’ýn aðýrlýklý olarak son iki yýl içinde çizdiklerinden seçtiði "Faili
Mizah" adýný taþýyan karikatür sergisi, 3 Þubat Perþembe günü izleyicilerle buluþuyor.
Ana temasý "Yarattýklarýmýzdan çok yok ettiklerimizle hatýrlanacaðýz" olan, genelinde dijital
teknolojinin kullanýldýðý serginin bildirisi ise þöyle:

Eðer bu sergiye gelmeyi planladýysanýz ve bu metni okuyorsanýz, bir kere daha düþünün.
Yapacak mutlaka daha iyi þeyler vardýr. Gidin televizyon izleyin. Çýldýrasýya alýþveriþ yapýn. Doðaya zarar verin. Aðaçlarý yok edin, sularý kirletin. Ozon tabakasýndaki deliði el birliðiyle besleyin, büyütün. Canlý türlerini biraz daha azaltýn. Hormonlu gýdalar tüketin ve sonra sadece hormonlarýnýzla hareket edip, insanlarý kullanýn, ezin, sömürün. Sizi sevenleri üzün, insanlarý kýrýn. Birbirinizden nefret edin, trafikte terör estirin. Tuttuðunuz takým kaybetti diye sinirlenin ve yeni küfürler icat edin. Savaþçýðýrtkanlýðý yapýn. Sonrasýnda da savaþ karþýtlýðý þovlarýnýzla vicdanýnýzý rahatlatýn. Yapayalnýz,
egonuzla baþ baþa kalýn mesela… Ya da buraya dönün; Zaten anlattýðýmýz hikayeler hep ayný. Durmadan kendimize yolculuk ediyoruz.
Ya da dönmeyin. Zaten gerçek olan þu ki nereye giderseniz gidin, yanlýþ yerdesiniz…

Sinan Erdoðan. Chuck’ a saygýyla

Faili Mizah olan serginin Açýlýþ kokteyli saat: 18.00’de. Sergi; 27 Þubat tarihine kadar, Cumartesi
dýþýnda hafta içi her gün: 10.30-17.00, Pazar: 12.00-16.00 saatlerinde, Bankalar Cad. Felek Sok.
No:1, Karaköy adresindeki Schneidertempel Sanat Merkezi’nde izlenebilir.

Bilgi için: Handan Önel

Schneidertempel Sanat Merkezi
Adres: Bankalar Cd. Felek Sk. No:1 Karaköy
Tel/Faks: 0212 249 01 50