



with much pleasure
  To ALL HUMORISTS GRAFICOS The Means Council of Kenya wants to send a law – surely, in connivencia with the government – to prevent the publication – in different note means signed by journalists whom they do not have I title qualifying college student. With this, it is obvious that they want to drain the personnel, to exert the cesnura, to prevent the freedom of expression and to control the published note tenor, so that they only take the company/signature of supporting journalists with the pro-government speech. In any case, they want to clear of means to the opinions you criticize more. This “brilliant” devises keniata, nonsingle it would leave without work amount of journalists but that clears of the way all the graficos humorists who can caricature the action of the government, since virtually official diplomas do not exist titulos qualifying nor to be grafico humorist Esto happens today in Kenya, and can happen in any moneto in ours pais. Cartoonists Rights Networks
 (Network by the Rights of the Grafico Humorist) requests that we flood with this subject website of CRNI, sending all cartoons to us that we pruned that they illustrate our position and opinion before this alarming situation, to Bro Russell, chief of a main directorate of CRNI, please, in a 300 resolution of dpi. Your drawing is going to show to him the censors of the world who we are not slept, from collaborate received a note of gratefulness of the CRNI. Thanks, Ana von
  hereyou can translate texts to different languages greetings
   with much humor


“Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance”

“Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance”

E n t r y   d e a d l i n e   i s   f a s t   a p p r o a c h i n g!!

D e a r   c a r t o o n i s t s
The deadline for the submission of cartoons to the second global cartoon contest on
Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance
is fast approaching!!.
Get your entry in the next fourteen days – Deadline is August 26, 2007.
Please, submit only one cartoon, since we can accept only one cartoon per cartoonist in the contest. If you send several cartoons we will decide which one will become an entry to the contest.
Submit cartoons for the contest to: and
Soon after August 26, 2007 the cartoons will be screened by our international jury.
The jury of the global contest is composed of: Dr. Marie-Roger Biloa (France), chief-editor and publisher of the Journal “Africa International” President of the Club Millennium/France;,; ; Mr. Rainer Hachfeld, cartoonist (Germany); Mr. Al Imfeld, writer (Switzerland); Prof. Dieter Kramer, curator (Germany); Mr. K. Friedrich Schade, former editor-in-chief of the journal ”Entwicklungspolitik” (Germany); Mr. Erich Stather, Permanent Secretary, FederalMinistry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany and Mr. Jasper von Altenbockum (Germany), chief of the political desk of the daily newspaper ”Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” The expert jury will be assisted by Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ms. Prof. Wangari Maathai (Kenya).
The awards are to be handed over to the winners of the contest at a ceremony in Berlin in December 2007.
The organisers of the contest will encourage the reprinting of cartoons in print and online media. We will bring out a special publication and will present the cartoons in the contest website and other relevant websites.
For further information on the contest and on the conditions of participation, please check out the attached file or / and the contest website: We would like to ask you to carefully read all the information, so as to avoid unnecessary queries.
Finally we may happily announce that the ”Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, the leading German daily newspaper, has joined in as our partner of the cartoon contest.
For more information, email: Please help us by communicating in English.
Yours sincerely
Konrad Melchers and Juergen Weber
Dr. Konrad Melchers, Chefredakteur
eins Entwicklungspolitik
Emil-von-Behring Strasse 3
D – 60439 Frankfurt am Main

Juergen Weber
Project Manager
Sandgasse 40
D – 63065 Offenbach

The jury of the global contest on: “Africa: No Opportunities, Continent of Crises or Renaissance”
Jasper von Altenbockum, studied in Tübingen (Germany), Berlin (Germany), Münster (Germany) and St. Louis (USA), where he earned his Masters of Arts in politics, history and comparative literary studies from the Washington University. He wrote his PhD thesis on W. H. Riehl. In August 1989 he joined the political desk of the daily newspaper „Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung“ (FAZ) in Frankfurt am Main as a writer. From August 1994 to Juli 1996 he worked as a correspondent in the German states of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, later in Scandinavia and the Baltic States. Currently, he is chief of the political desk of the FAZ.

Marie-Roger Biloa studied German literature, political science and history in Abidjan (Côte d Ivoire), Paris and Vienna, where she earned her PhD. She is publisher and editor-in-chief of the oldest Africa magazine “Africa International. She is a renowned editorialist and TV guest commentator (TV5, France 2, TF1, ZDF, ORF, BBC) and recipient of several media awards (UNESCO, French Press Club). In 1998, she received the “Percy Qoboza- Journalist of the Year Award” by the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) in Chicago. In 1999, the Cameroonian Government designated her as the “Top Cameroonian Media Person”. She chairs a brainstorming centre for Africa’s development, the Club Millennium, in Paris-Champs Elysées.

Rainer Hachfeld studied animation and stage design at Germany’s Meisterschulefür das Kunsthandwerk and worked as a set designer for several political cabarets in West Germany during the ‘60s. He published his first political cartoons in 1962. Since 1990, Hachfeld has produced cartoons for such publications as Neues Deutschland, Le Monde and Die Zeit, and continues to write humorous and satirical plays and articles. He was a member of the jury of our global cartoon contest in 2005.

Al Imfeld studied theology, philosophy, sociology, afterwards journalism and agriculture. He works in many fields and is a development expert. As journalist he contributes to newspapers and radio. He has published a variety of books. He was a member of the jury of our global cartoon contest in 2005.

Dieter Kramer studied in Mainz and Marburg (German studies, ethnology/European ethnology, political science, sociology) and worked from 1977 – 1990 in the Department of Culture and Recreation in Frankfurt (Germany). Till 2005 he was curator of the Museum der Weltkulturen (Frankfurt/Main). In 1987 he became professor at the University of Vienna in the field of European ethnology. In 2006/2007 he was a member of the parliamentary commission of inquiry “Culture in Germany”of the German Bundestag. Dieter Kramer was member of the jury of our global cartoon contest in 2005.

K. Friedrich Schade studied economics and sociology at the University of Frankfurt/M. From 1966 to 1970 he worked at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development, Bonn in the department for development education. From 1970 –2003 he was the executive editor of the German development journal epd-Entwicklungspolitik. In 2004 he became the first editor-in-chief of the journal development politics which succeeded epd-Entwicklungspolitik until his retirement. “Zeitschrift Entwicklungspolitik” was relaunched and renamed in 2005 as “eins Entwicklungspolitik“, the main organizer of this contest. K. Friedrich Schade initiated the first cartoon-competitions of the journal in co-operation with the German Third Worls Journalist Net.

Erich Stather is State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development since October 1998. From 1971 – 1978 he studied in Freiburg and Mainz (Germany) social sciences, history and law and graduated with a Master’s degree in social sciences. After final degree he started as personal secretary to the Lord Mayor of Mainz and worked later as press spokesperson of the SPD parliamentary group in the state legislature and State secretary and spokesperson for the state government in the German state of Hessen. He chairs the supervisory board of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Furthermore, he is the chair of the supervisory board of the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (DEG) since December 2002 and of the supervisory board of Capacity Building International, Germany (InWEnt).