Who is Can Yücel?
Date of birth: 01/01/1926
Place of birth:
Date of death: 12/08/1999
Place of death:
Can Yücel is one of the most distinguished of 20th century Turkish poets. He was born in
as the son of well known former minister of National Education, Hasan Ali Yücel.
He studied Latin and Greek at the University of Ankara, Turkey and later in
He worked as a translator in several embassies and was for almost five years a programme assistant
in the Turkish Section of the BBC in
On his return to
He was released within two years because of a general amnesty.
He then lived in
In his later years he settled in the remote peninsular town of
Mu_la in southwestern
Yücel was a man of vast knowledge and culture, as well as keen political and social awareness.
He is a superb translator of Shakespeare, Eliot, Dylan Thomas and the Greek combination epigrammatic poets.
His poetry thrives on a strong combination of lrycism, warm irony and sarcasm.
This quality is especially evident in his ‘Poems of a Political Prisoner’ (1974).
His other important collections are ‘Wall ot Love’ (1973), ‘Death and My Son’ (1976), ‘The Music ot Colours’ (1982),
‘The Steep Heaven’ (l984), ‘Life Offering’ (l988) and ‘The Child Colours the Man’ (l988).
Can Yücel has earned himself a leading place in today’s Turkish Poetry as a man who upholds what is bright and
what gives hope and courage to life.
His translations of Shakespeare’s ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘The Tempest’
were successfully staged in
of the Turkish theatre and social awareness.
His famous Poem: THE WALL OF LOVE
In the blind dark we opened bleary eyes
Last night’s curses on our lips
We would frequent art-lesbian-lovers,
Galleries and public places
My daily care was to remove you into the midst of men
An ammoniac flower in your button hole
My loneliness my incontinent countess
The lower we sink the better
We loitered in the pubs at Kumkap_
With beanstew, beer and wine before us
And police battalions behind us; in the mornings
My Guardian Saints would find my carcass in the gutters
Hot as the garbage-collecfors’ hands,
With their hands I caressed you.
My loneliness my bristle-haired beauty,
The higher we stink the better
I looked in the sky a red flash a plane
Steel and stars and human beings galore
One night we leapt the Wall of love
Where I fell was so clear so open
You and the universe at my side.
Uncountable my deaths, their resurrections.
O loneliness my many songs
The more we can live without lies the better.

The Results Of 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest…
28. Uluslararasý Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarýþmasý Sonuçlarý
Turhan Selçuk (1), Tonguç Yaþar (4), Metin Peker (2), Kadir Doðruer (9), Muhittin Köroðlu (12),
Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu (3), Prof.Dr. Nazan Erkmen (7)
(Marmara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Dekaný). Tomas Rodriguez Zayas (11)(Küba Halk Cumhuriyeti),
Leng Mu (10)(Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti), Paola Dalponte (8) (Ýtalya), Luiz Carlos Fernandes (5) (Brezilya),
Cheong San Lim (6) (Güney Kore)’den oluþan 28. Uluslararasý Nasreddin Hoca Karikatür Yarýþmasý’nýn jürisi
8 Aðustos’ta ÝBB Karikatür Ve Mizah Müzesi’nde toplandý.
The jury members of 28th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest met
at Cartoon and Humor Museum/ISTANBUL on 8th Agust.
The Jury members are Turhan Selçuk (1), Tonguç Yaþar(4), Metin Peker (3), Kadir Doðruer (9),
Muhittin Köroðlu(12), Gürbüz Doðan Ekþioðlu(3),
Prof.Dr. Nazan Erkmen(7) from
Leng Mu(10)(
Cheong San Lim (6)(
Büyük Ödül – Grand Prize :
Arif Sutristanto – Endonezya / Indonesia
(Ödül Tutarý – Prize Value US$ 3.000,-)
Baþarý Ödülü – Honour Prize :
Musa Gümüþ – Türkiye / Turkey
(Ödül Tutarý – Prize Value US$ 750,- )
Baþarý Ödülü – Honour Prize :
Agim Sulaj – Italya / Italy
(Ödül Tutarý – Prize Value US$ 750,- )
Baþarý Ödülü – Honour Prize :
Shahrokh Heidari – Ýran / Iran
Baþarý Ödülü – Honour Prize :
Alessandro Gatto – Ýtalya/ Italy
Nasrettin Hoca Özel Ödülü , Nasreddin Hodja Special Prize
Serdar Günbilen – Türkiye /Turkey
Nasrettin Hoca Özel Ödülü , Nasreddin Hodja Special Prize
Ertan Sertöz Türkiye/ Turkey
Karikatürcüler Derneði Özel Ödülü
Special Prize of the Association of Cartonists in Turkey
Grzegorz Szumovski – Polonya/ Poland
Jüri Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of the Jury
Milko Dikov – Bulgaristan / Bulgaria
Kültür Ve Turizm Bakanlýðý Özel Ödülü, Cultur and Tourism Ministry
Ýsmet Lokman – Türkiye/ Turkey
T.C. Baþbakanlýk Basýn, Yayýn Ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüðü Özel Ödülü
Special Prize of Press, Publications and Information General Administration
George Licurici – Romanya/Romania
Ýstanbul Büyükþehir Belediyesi Özel Ödülü
Special Prize of Ýstanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Nam Myung Lae – Güney Kore/South Korea
Çankaya Belediyesi Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Cankaya Municipality
Luka Lugator – Sýrbistan Karadað/ Montenegro
Þiþli Belediyesi Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Sisli Municipality
Mahmood Nazari – Ýran/Iran
Akþam Gazetesi özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Aksam newspaper
Vladimir Kazanevsky – Ukrayna/ Ukrein
Cumhuriyet Gazetesi Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Cumhuriyet newspaper
Angel Boligan – Meksika/Mexico
Sabah Gazetesi Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Sabah newspaper
Enrico Junqueira Ayres – Breziya/ Brasil
Milliyet Sanat Dergisi Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Milliyet Sanat magazine
Ali Agahey – Ýran/Iran
Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Özel Ödülü,
Special Prize of the Turkish Association of Journalists
Yang Xiang Yu – Çin / China
TRT Özel Ödülü
Special Prize of Turkish Radio and Television Company
Goran Divac – Sýrbistan / Serbia
NTV Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of NTV Channel
Pawel Kuczynsky – Polonya /Poland
FOX TV Özel Ödülü, Special Prize of Fox TV Channel
Zhi Dong Zeng – Çin/China
Serdar Çakýrer Anýsýna Özel Ödül
Special Prize in memoriam Cartoonist Serdar Cakirer
Lubomir Mihailov – Bulgaristan / Bulgaria
Koç Holding Özel Ödülü
Special prize of Koc Investment Company
Feng Gui Bo Çin /China
Cartoon theme: Spirit of Wine
Deadline: 29th August 2008
Prizes: 1st Prize 150 bottles
2nd Prize 100 bottles
3rd Prize 50 bottles
Number of entries: Max 3
All young artists who are at least
eighteen years old and no more than thirty-five years old on
their birth day in the calendar year 2008 shall be eligible to
take part in the competition. The jury rewards works pre
viously exhibited or published and works previously submitted
to other competitions.
Digital: Yes
Format: Max 30×40 cm, free technique
Workes returned: No
Exhibition: unknown
Free catalogue: Yes, for every selected entrants
Copyright issues: The authors of the works shall grant
without charge to the Movimento
Turismo del Vino – Friuli Venezia Giulia the publication
rights and sole rights to the images, which will not be returned.
Otherwise, the worksshall be considered to have been
donated to the Movimento Turismo del Vino – Friuli Venezia
Giulia. The artists shall, however, retain the copyright to the
works with regard to third parties who, subject to authorisation,
may apply to reuse the works.
Address: Movimento Turismo del Vino Friuli
Venezia Giulia, Via del Partidor, 7
33100 Udine- Italy.
Informations: Tel. 0432.289540
Fax. 0432.294021
Cartoon theme: 1-the portrait caricature:
“Zikison” without words
2 – Cartoons: free theme
3 – Comic strip: free theme
Deadline: No deadline, permanent exhibition
Prizes: The first award in each of three
categories-a presentation on a particular page on the site
www.artija.net and kiks (caricature and short cartoon)
Number of entries: Unlimited
Original cartoons only. Works previously exhibited or submitted
to other competitions and exhibitions are excluded from
this competition -are accepted. Works previously awarded in
any other contest are excluded from this competition -are
accepted. Works previously published are excluded from this
competition-are accepted
Digital: Yes, but the print out must be
signed by the artist
Format: Max 297mm x 420mm
Works returned: 1. No, 2. unknown
3. Yes, for every selected entrants
Exhibition: ?
Free catalogue: 1. No, 2. unknown
3. Yes, for every selected entrants
Copyright issues: ?
Address: Kneza Ive od Semberije 20,
35250 Paracin / Serbia
Informations: zikison.mazos@gmail.com
www.zikison.net, www.artija.net