Deadline: January, 31 2010

a) The World Press Cartoon can be regarded as the benchmark of quality and prestige for all those involved in the world of the humor graphic cartoon in print. It will cover three main areas: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
b) The World Press Cartoon will not be a thematic event. Its objectives will be to distinguish the best-produced and published works in 2009.
c) In the category CARICATURE, only caricature works in a restricted sense will be considered, i.e. exclusively those of a humorous nature.
d) In the category GAG CARTOON will be considered works that do not feature subjects dealing with current issues.
e) In the category EDITORIAL CARTOON all entries must deal with actual contemporary events or personalities.
f) The authors are totally free to submit what they consider to be their best work, although, it is obvious that those characters, themes and events of a more universal nature will be better suited for an international competition as the World Press Cartoon.
The Prize-giving Gala and the Exhibition of the selected works will take place in the Spring of 2010
at the following venues: Sintra Museu de Arte Moderna and Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, both in Sintra.
a) Only the originals of the works will be accepted.
b) Top quality prints of works achieved by digital tools will be considered originals as long as the author signs them. These will also require, in attachment, a description of the techniques and software used.
c) The format of the works cannot exceed the European standard measurement A3: 420 x 297 mm.
d) Each cartoonist can submit 1 original for each of the 3 different categories: editorial cartoon, caricature and gag cartoon.
e) It is an essential pre-requisite for eligibility that the original works were published between Jan.1 and Dec. 31, 2008 in newspapers or magazines, published on a regular basis and on sale to the public.
f) To make proof of the previous condition, each original work must be accompanied with the corresponding printed page, in which the date and the title of the publication must be clearly visible.
g) The author must also attach the header of the newspaper or magazine where the works were published, making sure that both the size and quality will allow for its reproduction.
h) In such cases as the original work supports a title or a caption, a translation in English is obligatory, to be clearly written on the corresponding identification label.
i) The works should be received by the organization’s secretariat in Lisbon by Jan. 31, 2010.
j) Address:
World Press Cartoon
AP. 1179 EC Picoas
1050-001 Lisboa – Portugal
For Express Mail (TNT, DHL, Fedex, UPS, etc) use :
World Press Cartoon
Av Fontes Pereira de Melo, 30-9°
1050-122 Lisboa Portugal
Original works must be posted in flat packaging, between two hard boards.
Each of the works for submission must carry an entry form and identification label, clearly filled in, and attached to the reverse side of the original.
a) The Jury of five members will be presided by the Salon director.
b) The Jury will convene in order to examine all the entries and then will deliberate and decide on the prizewinners and runners-up. The Jury will also choose which of the original works will go into the exhibition and the catalogue.
c) The decisions of the Jury will be taken by majority vote and will be final.
a) The authors may choose to sell their works at the exhibition.
b) If an author wishes to sell his/her work(s), this should be clearly marked on the entry form and identification label, together with the intended price in euros.
c) The organization of the World Press Cartoon will add a gallery’s fee to the author’s original price.
d) The digital works will not be for sale.
a) All the works, which comply with the eligibility items, will be returned to their authors, independently of having been chosen or not for the exhibition, with the exception of those sold or prizewinners.
b) However, the works chosen for the exhibition could also be selected to participate in other exhibitions and, consequently, returned to their authors at a later stage.
a) All the participants with selected works will receive a copy of the catalogue.
b) The Editors of the newspapers and magazines where the selected works were published will
also receive a copy of the catalogue.
a) The submission of a completed entry form and identification label will automatically imply the waiving of the author’s royalties vis-à-vis the non-commercial reproduction of his/her work.
b) The awarding of a prize to a specific work will automatically imply the waiving of its author’s royalties to the organization of the World Press Cartoon.
a) The structure of the prizes will be as follows :
Grand Prix ———- 20000 Euro
————–Caricature————–Editorial Cartoon————–Gag Cartoon
1st Prize—5000 Euro————–5000 Euro———————-5000 Euro
2nd Prize–2500 Euro————–2500 Euro———————-2500 Euro
3rd Prize–1000 Euro————–1000 Euro———————-1000 Euro
b) Chosen from all the entries in the competition, the World Press Cartoon will award the best work with the Grand Prix of 20 000 euros.
c) The Grand Prix winning work will be chosen from the three first-prise winners in each category.
d) The author of the Grand Prix winning work will receive exclusively this prize, i.e. it will not be added to the first prize.
e) The value of the prizes refer to gross amounts only and, consequently, will be liable to conform to Portuguese law.
f) In accordance with the quality of the works for evaluation, the members of the Jury reserve the right to award or not all the prizes.
g) All the prizes will be authenticated with a diploma and the winners will receive a trophy.
h) Commemorative diplomas will also be issued to the newspapers and magazines that published the prizewinning works.
i) The prizewinning works will become property of the World Press Cartoon organisation.
j) The members of the Jury may also consider awarding additional runners-up status to some works. These will receive a corresponding diploma.
k) All the authors with selected works both in the exhibition as well as in the catalogue
will receive certificates of participation in the World Press Cartoon.


Deadline: January, 8 2010

Xue You Yuan Cup “Passion For Learning” Cartoon Image Collection Contest
Xue You Yuan, the largest Children education media group in China, starts the cartoon image collection contest for its core journal Passion For Learning!
This contest is undertaken by Zhongman Web (, the most professional cartoon information website in China) and Xue You Web ( , the homepage of Xue You Yuan Education Media Group). It aims at looking for the cartoon spokesman for journal Passion For Learning and the long-term cartoon partner for Xue You Yuan Education Media Group.
The Chinese Characters Xue You Yuan(学友园)mean “learning, friends and party”, which rooted in the most influential Chinese education classical book the Analects: “Will you feel happy while learning and reviewing? Will you feel happy while there are friends coming afar? Enjoy the happiness alone, enjoy the happiness together, which is more happier?”
As Xue You Yuan’s core journal, Passion For Learning is the first grade subdivision learning journal for primary pupils in China. The journal has three branches: Chinese Language, Mathematics and Writing, which is edited from Grade One to Grade Six. So there are 18 volumes per month. It publishes about 150,000 copies per month, covers more than 320,000 primary schools and has more than 10 million pupil readers.
With its smart foresight, Xue You Yuan advocates the concept of learning-oriented cartoons for the first time. Passion For Learning exhibits all the knowledge points in primary schools courses with the lively cartoons, stories and game, and it also extends the knowledge points to ordinary life, to interest the children and help them to learning more about the colorful world.
Passion For Learning believes: cartoon is a way of thinking. Pupil can acquire knowledge in a pleasant reading experience!
1. Organization:
Organizer: Journal Passion For Learning
Host: Zhongman Web ( ) Xue You Web (
Host website:
Supporter: Xue You Yuan Education Media Group.
2. Regulations.
a) Entries must be a complete sight “cartoon image”: human, animal, plants or other abstract image will be OK.
b) Entries can be a single carton image, or a series of cartoon images with close relationship.
c) Entries must be accompanied with description included the cartoon image’s name and symbolic meanings.
d) The image must be close to the ordinary life and psychological characteristics of pupils, no matter in meaning expression and drawing skills. It also has to respect the independent personality of children, being funny, created individually and has universal promote potential.
e) Entries can be static cartoon or dynamic animation (flash).
(1) Static cartoon works: min. 300dpi, JPEG format.
(2) Dynamic animation works: 3-5 minute segments, .MPG, .AVI or .MOV format.
(3) Flash animation work must submit .SWF documents (authors should keep the .FLA source documents prepare for check).
(4) The entry form has to be finished. Your names, address, e-mail and phone number should be attached.
(5) Entries can be submitted both in e-mail or post letter. The title of e-mail or letter should specify “Zhongman (Passion For Learning Cup Cartoon Image Collection Contest)”
Address: Wei Bo Hao Homestead 6-3-1101
No.1, Wei Gong Cun Street, Hai Dian District, Beijing, PRC
Post Code:100081
Tel: (8610) 88570758
Fax: (8610) 58857333-0030
3. Deadline.
May 5th, 2009 —- Jan 8th, 2010
4. Assessment.
a) All entries will be published on and accept the online voting. The cut-off date of voting is: Feb 1st, 2010.
b) Organizing Committee will gather the result of voting, take the advises from education professors and cartoon experts, and then select the best work as the cartoon image of Passion For Learning. Another 10 finalist prize will be selected at the same time.
5. Prize and Awards.
Gold prize: one, 10,000 RMB with certificate.
Finalist Prize: ten, 1000 RMB each and certificate.
(No taxes)
6. Special Note:
The finalist prize winners (or teams) will have the opportunity to sign with Xue You Yuan to draw covers and insert drawings of Passion For Learning magazine series (18 books per month). The fee of the cover is 1000-2000 RMB per page (18 pages per month). The fee of insert drawings is 200-400RMB per page (500 pages per month). Fixed remuneration is over 1.5 million a year.
Signed author will also have the priority to gain the drawing works more than 40 kinds of excellent children’s books published by Xue You Yuan in priority.
At the same time, the finalist prize winners (or teams) will become the VIP member of the comic co-operation studio which was founded by Xue You Web and Zhongman Web. They will have the priority to participate the comics and animation-related activities which held by the both website.
7. Legal Statements.
a) The organization has the right to use all the submitting work in such conditions: promotional materials, related publications, authorized media propaganda, official websites and users’ downloads, the Award Show and the exhibitions.
b) Authors can participate other similar contests by using the same works outside the period of this cartoon image contest. However, the consequences caused by these behaviors that may be causing conflict with other contest organizers or related agencies will be undertaken by participants selves.
c) Entries have to be original works. Participants should have full intellectual property rights. Infringement of intellectual property is forbidden. Participants will be disqualified immediately and bear all legal responsibility if such infringement acts are found.
d) Entries cannot include any contents of the violation of laws and insult to other people. Participants will be disqualified immediately and bear all legal responsibility if such infringement acts are found.
e) Organizing committee has the final right of interpretation.


Deadline: January, 1 2010

1. Participation in PCE is free of charge.
2. The cartoons which you will submit to us must all have appeared in the course of 2009 in a newspaper, magazine or periodical which is available to the
general public, and which is published in one of the member countries of the European Union, plus Switzerland, Turkey and Norway.
3. Each cartoon participating in PCE must be accompanied by the name and date of the publication in which it originally appeared.
4. Each cartoon must be accompanied by the author’s personal details: family name, first name, full postal address, and telephone numbers, email address, website (if any).
5. Your cartoons, up to a maximum of three, must reach us by Friday 1st January 2010 at the latest.
6. Only those cartoons sent electronically (jpg format: minimum 300 dpi) to the following address will be considered as valid entries:
7. Cartoons on paper, cardboard or other non-electronic material will not be accepted, neither will
they be returned to sender.
8. All texts and captions either within the cartoon or sent with them which are in a language other than French, English, German, or Dutch must be translated into one or another of these four languages.
9. On Friday 8 January 2010 the selection committee of PCE will nominate the cartoons chosen from all those submitted to go forward for the PCE Grand Prix. The authors of these cartoons will be notified.
10. PCE will be authorized to exhibit all nominated cartoons at the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist on the Belgian coast during the summer of 2010, and also to publish them in the annual of best European press drawings of 2009.
11. PCE will be able to make free use of all the nominated cartoons for any publications or communications in connection with the prize, including press releases, posters, announcements of events organized by PCE such as exhibitions, symposia, etc.
12. The jury, composed of journalists from several EU countries, will meet on Wednesday 20th February 2010 in Brussels, and will select the winning entry to be awarded the PCE Grand Prix 2010.
13. The prize will be awarded during the opening ceremony of the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist on Saturday 26th June 2010.
14. The author of the winning cartoon will receive a cheque for 10.000 € as well as a bronze trophy created by the Belgian artist Ever Meulen.


Deadline: November, 15 2009

I. Goals of the Activity
The activity aims to complete the guideline of popularizing scientific knowledge and improving civil scientific literacy,to promote interactive atmosphere of science popularization in society through lively cartoon works that people love to see, and to seek talented creators of cartoon for science popularization. Any person or group who loves science and cartoon can participate in this Competition.
II. Schedule
Competition Launching:May 17th, 2009
Works Collecting:May 17th – November 15th, 2009
Works Review:November 20th – December 10th, 2009
Award Ceremony:December 18th, 2009
III. Organization Structure
Sponsor: Beijing Association for Science and Technology
Co-organizer: Crystal Digital Technology Co., Ltd
Cooperation unit: Crystal Institute of Digital Education
Crystal CGS
China ACG (Animation&Comic&Competition) Web
Guangzhou Ugee Computer Technology Co., Ltd
Undertaker: Beijing Development Center of Popular Science
Supporting colleges:
City Design school,China Central academy of Fine Arts
Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University
Art Design School, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
School of Arts, Remin University of China
School of Arts, Capital Normal University
Animation School of Beijing Film Academy
Animation School of Communication University of China
School of Design and Arts, Beijing Institute of Technology
Animation and Game Research Center, Institute for Cultural Industries, Peking University
School of Information Science & Technology, Beijing Forestry University
School of Arts and Design, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
Chengdu of Fine Arts, Sichuan Conservatory of Music
Media College of Nanjing Arts Institute
School of Digital Art and Communication, Shandong University of Art & Design
School of TV and Film, Tianjin University
Academy of Fine Arts, Chengdu University
Department of Arts and Design, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University
School of Arts, Northeast University
Supporting media :
Sci&Tech Channel of People’s Daily Online
Sina Tech
Sohu Science Channel
Comic Channel of People’s Daily Online
IV. Slogan
Love Cartoon ,love Science
V. Theme
Science makes happy life.
XI. Categories of Entries
1. Cartoon image of mascot for the competition
2. Animation (FLASH animation(game), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)
3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)
4. Scripts of creative for science popularization
VII. Requirements for Content
1. The content should be concerning the hotspot and focal issues of science development and science communication in daily life.
2. Entrants create works through their own understanding and experience about scientific knowledge.
3. The works should be of scientific, creative, and with a novel approach and a distinct theme.
4. With complete plots and normative words
5. The content should be healthy, without pornography and violence or anything colliding with national laws.
VIII. Requirements about Format
1. Cartoon image of mascot for “Beijing Popular Science Cartoon Competition”
The standard size of the works is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg, with horizontal layout. Black-and-white version and colorful version should both take a half respectively. The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of works shall not be less than 300dpi.
2. Animation (FLASH animation(competition), 3D animation, animation of TV and film etc.)
There is no limitation in length of time, but our suggestion is 30 seconds to 3 minutes. Entries of flash must submit two types of format, both SWF and corresponding FLA source file. The entries of 3D animation should be submitted in MOV format. A thumbnail image is also required, which should be the screenshot of a representative frame chosen from the animation (measurement: 130*100, format: one picture respectively of both GIF and JPG, size of file: below 20K).
3. Comics (single comic, four cell comic, comic strip, illustration)
The standard size for entries is A4. The format of pictures should be of both tiff and jpg. All the entries should be painted by pen (except for colorful entries or electronic form entries). The author should keep the original work if it is hand painted, and upload the scanned pictures. The resolution factor of entries shall not be less than 300dpi.
4. Scripts of creative for science popularization
All the creative script should be edited in WORD file, with size of A4, font of Song typeface in 14 point. The number of words should be above 300.
IX. Notice:
1. Entries must be created after December 31st, 2004.
2. Entries should be created by the individual or group participating in the competition. If any participant is found involving in plagiarism or infringement of other person’s copyright, his will be disqualified. The author himself will be responsible for all relevant disputes.
3. Authors have the ownership of the entries, but the organizing committee of the competition has the right to use them for public welfare activities in non-commercial purpose.
4. The supporting media and cooperating media of the competition have the right to exhibit all the entries.
5. All entries will not be returned, but excellent works will be placed into sponsor’s resource pool for science popularization.
6. The organizing committee of the competition preserves the right for final interpretation of competition and review.
X. Awards Settings
 Special prize for cartoon image of mascot for the Competition ( one )
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan.
 Animation:
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 10000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (senior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 8000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (Secondary) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Learning Card (junior) provided by Crystal Institute of Digital Education.
(Note: Course options include: creative design, architecture, film and television categories, hypermedia, TV packaging. Learning card is valid for one year and only used by the winners, non-transferable or redeemable for cash. Ultimate power of the training interpretation to the Crystal Institute of Digital Education)
 Comic:
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 5000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 3000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2000 Yuan and obtain a Ugee Drawimge Tablet II PF8080.
 Scripts of creative for science popularization:
First prize (one): Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
Second prize (two): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 1500 Yuan.
Third prize (four): Organizing committee awards the prizewinners cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 1000 Yuan.
 Best innovated prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
 Best visual effects prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB2500 Yuan.
 Best scenarist award(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
 Best sound effects prize(for animation category)(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
 Best popularity prize(one)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
In addition: Award RMB 2500 Yuan.
 Entry prize (100 or less than 100 respectively for animation, comic and creative script in science popularization)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner certificate.
 Organization prize (five agencies)
Organizing committee awards the prizewinner cup and certificate.
XI. Review of Entries
1. Form Examination: Entries will be examined preliminarily by the organizing committee office of the Game. Entries which meet the basic requirements of the competition will be counted as valid entries, and will enter the next round of review.
2. Review of Shortlisted Entries: Judging panel of the competition will review those valid entries according to both public voting and juries’ opinions. 100 entries of all categories (animation, comic, creative script) will be shortlisted for the final review. (The shortlisted entries may be less than 100.)
3. Final Review: All prizes will be chosen out from those shortlisted entries after remarking and review by judging pane. The choosing of prizes will also consult the public voting result.
XII. Methods for Submitting Entries
1. Upload through internet
Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition ( and Column of Crystal CGS ( Fix it carefully, and compress the form and your entry together into ZIP file (not over 8M), then upload it according to the requirements. Submission failures caused by inaccurate format should be responded by entrants.
2. Submit by mail
Register and download the application form of the competition in the special area named “I want to participate” in the official website of the competition ( and Column of Crystal CGS ( Fix it carefully, and burn the form and your entry together into a CD, then mail it to the below address of organizing committee of “2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization”.
Address: Room 209 in Beijing Association for Science & Technology,
NO.98, Yongwai Xigexinli Street, Chongwen District, Beijing China
(中国北京市崇文区永外西革新里98号北京市科协 209室)
Postal Code: 100077
Telephone: (86-010) 8728-4922
(Please mark the words “Entry for 2009 Beijing Competition of Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization” in your mail. Entries of only a print version will not be accepted.)
Committee of 2009 Beijing Competition of
Cartoon and Creative for Science popularization
May 17th, 2009

Shankar’s International Children’s Competition SICC INDIA

Deadline: October, 31 2009
K. Shankar Pillai (July 31, 1902—December 26, 1989) was a famous cartoonist. He brought out a political magazine called ‘Shankar’s Weekly’. Under the auspices of this magazine, a competition called the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition was organized in 1949. It invited paintings and writings from children in India. Children sent about 3,000 entries. The following year the competition was thrown open to children from all over the world.
Today, the competition has grown and about 1,60,000 entries are received from over 130 countries. The entries are judged by an international jury. The prizewinning entries are compiled in a volume called the ‘Shankar’s Children’s Art Number’.
The prizes are given away at a ceremony conducted entirely by children. The chief guest at this function is the President, Vice-President or the Prime Minister of India. Being very fond of children, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru gave away the prizes in all SICC functions held between 1949 and 1963.

An offshoot of the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition was the Shankar’s On-the-Spot Painting Competition held annually in New Delhi. It was started in 1952 when doubts were expressed about the originality of the paintings received in the Shankar’s International Children’s Competition. The On-the-Spot Painting Competition was a regular event attended by the 10,000 children from the capital and its suburbs till the year 2005. It has, however, been suspended now, owing to space constraints and traffic restrictions. This competition is also held in Kerala. The participating children are divided into three age groups: 5-8 years, 9-12 years and 13-16 years. They are given various subjects to draw on and prizes are awarded.
1. The competition is open to children all over the world below the age of 16 years.

2. There is no entry fee.

3. Competitors are free to choose the theme/subject they are interested in, or like most, for their paintings/drawings/writings.

4. Each entry should be certified by the parent/guardian/teacher as the original, unaided work of the competitor done during the previous year. Entries should be an individual effort and NOT a combined work.

5. Every entry should carry the following information in English and in Block Letters, at the back of the painting / drawing or at the end of the written work:
* Name

* Surname

* Boy or Girl

* Date of birth

* Nationality

* Full postal address

* Subject / title of the entry
6. No entry will be returned. The copyright of all entries will rest with Shankar’s International Children’s Competition.

7. All packets should be pre-paid / adequately stamped and mailed directly to reach:
Shankar’s International Children’s Competition
Nehru House
4 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg
New Delhi-110002

8. Entries sent by air cargo will not be accepted.

9. The last date for receipt of Indian entries is October 31 and of foreign entries is December 31.

The drawings can be in any medium.

The size of each entry should NOT be less than 30 x 40 cm in size.

A competitor may submit upto 6 entries. They should NOT be mounted / framed.

Only entries in ENGLISH will be considered. Translations from other languages do not qualify for the competition.

Entries may be in the form of poems, plays, short stories, essays, descriptive writing, and the like.
A competitor may submit upto 6 entries. They should be in a neat handwriting or typed.

The entries will be judged by the organizers with the help of a jury. The judges’ decision will be final.

The following prizes are offered:
The President of India’s Gold Medal for the best painting/drawing.

The Shankar’s Award for the best written work.

24 Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Gold Medals for the next best paintings/drawings/written work.
About 400 Silver Medals and 400 prizes.

Certificates of Merit to deserving entries.

Results will be announced in August. Prizewinners will be informed individually by post.

The best entries will be published in Shankar’s Children’s Art Number. Selected entries will also appear in the monthly magazine for children, Children’s World.
All competitors are entitled to a copy of the Art Number, at a concessional price.

They can reserve their copies by mailing the attached coupon.

U.S. $ 20.00/ 10.00 Pound/ 15.00 Eurofor foreign participants.

Rs. 200.00 for participants in India.

I wish to reserve a copy of Shankar’s Children’s Art Number at the concessional rate.
I am remitting ……………………. by draft/money order in favour of Shankar’s International Children’s Competition



Deadline: October, 13 2009
The city of BARAKALDO organizes the “New technologies” nineth international contest of pictorial humour.
The cartoonists will send a work of illustrated humour in relation with new technologies which have a considerable impact on the day to day life (i.e. INTERNET, BIOLOGY, SPACE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, MEDICINE, ETC…). The idea is to help citizens to think about the new grounds for scientific progress.
The competition is open to everyone, especially with no regard of age. Each applicant can present a maximum of three piece of work. The works of the authors who won the Hermes prize the year before will not be taken in consideration.
The scenes and characters will have to be originals and of proper creation. The works can be drawn in black and white or in colour. The works will have a length of one page that will not exceed 800 x 600 pixels, with a minimum resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
The authors must not include their name or any other information about themselves on the works. Otherwise, they will be eliminated from the contest.
Only two languages can be used: spanish or basque. Nonetheless the panel will take into consideration works of pictorial interest without text, proceeding from artists of places where these languages are not used.
Applicants will send a e-mail with their names, surnames, address, date of birth, passport number, telephone number. They will send this e-mail with the file of the picture in JPG format.
The piece of work with the reference of the artist will be sent exclusively through e-mail, to the following address: before 2009 October 13th.
The city contemplates realizing a public diffusion of the works presented and lately selected by the panel. The virtual show of the works received during the contest will not be granted by any type of economic retribution.
The “Hermes de Barakaldo” prize amounts to 4.500 euros shared between five winners:
1st prize: 1.500 euros
2nd prize: 1.000 euros
3rd prize: 800 euros
4th prize: 700 euros
5th prize: 500 euros.
A qualified panel of judges will pick out the best works. Prizes will be handed on the first week of December 2008, in Barakaldo. The city leaves to the panel the possibility to declare no winners, according to quality criteria.
Taking part to the competition implies the acceptance of the conditions overhead.


Deadline: September, 15 2009

The international exhibition
of satirical graphic
the 3rd Edition-2009
The Bucovina Museum Complex from Suceava invites you to participate to the International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic: “ Grippe…”, the 3 rd Edition.
1. The International Exhibition of Satirical Graphic has as theme: “Grippe…”.
2. We address to all the professional and amateurs cartoonists regardless their age from all over the world.
3. The number of sent cartoons is maximum five.
4. Please attach in .DOC format a brief presentation of your artistic activity (surname and first name, exact address, e-mail address, a photo and your CV)
5. The exhibition prizes is:
– one prize surprise+diploma
– three mentions surprise+diploma
6. The cartoons must be sent at the e-mail address: and they must be of 300 dpi minimum resolution, A4 format, realized in any technique: black and white or colour,
or the cartoons must be sent at the address:
Complexul Muzeal Bucovina Suceava,
Str. Þtefan cel Mare, no.: 33, Suceava, cod: 720003, Romania
7. The cartoons will be published in the web page of the Complex Museum Bucovina Suceava
8. All the artists who will enter the saloon will receive the virtual catalogue of the exhibition
9. If you want to participate at this event, please send your cartoons until 15th of September 2009.
10. The exhibition will be opened for the public in october 2009.
11. The sent cartoons can be bought by the public, that is why please note the price for each original work in order to receive the equivalent of the cartoon.
Complex Museum Bucovina Suceava- Romania
Director Constantin-Emil URSU