


Bana iyi bak general!

12 Eylul darbesinin idam ettigi ve 25 yil boyunca mezari bulunamayan Veysel Guney uzerine Ethem Dincer’in 6.9. 2009 tarihinde Radikal-2’de yayimlanmis ‘Beni hatirladin mi general?’ yazisina devam olarak…
Bana bak general! Yuzume iyi bak! Cunku general, benim cocugum da bana benzeyecek. Aklinda tut yuzumu.
Aklinda tut, cunku general, er ya da gec senin torunun, benim cocuklarimdan ozur dileyecek. Sen torununa hesabini vermedigin cinayetleri miras birakiyorsun.
Torunun senin gibi olmayacak general. Ama benim cocugum ayni bana benzeyecek.
Torunun general…
Senin torunun general, senin yaptiklarini benim yazdiklarimdan ogrenecek. Alman cocuklar Yahudilerden nasil ozur diliyorsa her gun, simdi, senin torunun da, hic islemedigi gunahlar icin, benim cocuklarimdan ozur dileyecek.
Bana iyi bak general! Sen bu memleketin umugune coktugunde ben sekiz yasindaydim. Bir sabaha karsi annem agladi. Babamin yuzu ihtiyarlamisti o sabah. Ben boyle bildim senin ne mal oldugunu. Ben o sabahi unutmam general. Kitaplar okudum, hikâyeler dinledim. Sen, suclarinla baska bir ulke, gunahlarinla baska bir insan yaratmak istedin. Ama bak iste, ben olmadim. Ben general, sana karsi kazanilmis bir zaferim. Iste burada yaziyorum. Bana iyi bak general! Cunku bu memlekette benden cok var.
Zalimleri hecele…
Bana bak general! Sen daragaclarini kurdugunda ve Kurtleri Diyarbakir Cezaevi’nde ‘Co’ adli bir ite selam durdurdugunda ben, dokuz yasindaydim. Sen yazdirmadin, konusturmadin, senin gibilere memleketi suspus selam durdurdun, unutturdun. Ama su ise bak ki general, ezberden sayabilirim hepinizin adini, soyadini. Bana iyi bak general! Cunku benim cocugum da bana benzeyecek. Tipki benim gibi olacak o da; okumayi zalimlerin adlarini heceleyerek sokecek.
Boyle bir ulke…
Soylesene general, ben niye Commer’in ismini biliyorum? Co’yu neden bilmeliyim ben? Kac kadina copla tecavuz edildigini, insanlarin foseptik cukurlarinda bekletildigini, Mamak’ta baslarindan asagiya bosaltilan suyla ayaklari buzlu zemine yapismasin diye ziplayan ciplak adamlari niye bilmeliyim? Bi’ deyiversene general, babasinin cocuguna tecavuze zorlandigini niye ogrenmeliydim? Idam sehpalarinda adamlarin kendi taburelerine tekme attigi niye ruyama girmeliydi daha 16 yasimdayken? Erdal Eren’in yuzu niye aklina kazinsin bir cocugun daha 10 yasinda? Butun bunlar olmamis gibi yapan bir ulkede yalan soylememeyi ogrenerek nasil buyur bir cocuk bilir misin general? Nasil okur, nasil gazeteci olur?
‘Hayir duam’
Ben sekiz yasindaydim ve sen gelip bana boyle bir hayat verdin, boyle bir ulke, boyle insanlar. Zalimlerin isimlerini unutmamam gereken bir omur verdin. General, sen beni, cocuklarima bunlari ogretmeye mecbur ettin.
Bana bak general! Iyi bak general. Adimi ezberle. Iyi bak general. Cunku benim cocugum da bana benzeyecek.

Ece Temelkuran



4th Braila International Cartoon Contest – Romania 2009

4th Braila International Cartoon Contest – Romania 2009

Contest: open to all cartoonists.
Theme: FREE
Entries: max. 5.
The works must be accompanied by the author’s biography.
Size: A4 (210 x 297 mm) – A3 (297 x 420 mm)
Technique: free

Deadline: November 13th, 2009

Great Prize -1500 �;
First Prize – 1000 �;
Second Prize – 800 �;
Third Prize – 500 �;
3 Special Prizes – 3 x 300 � (each)

Exhibition: December 4th, 2009
Catalogue: each selected artist will receive a copy
Remark: the works will not be returned, they will remain the property of The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila

The works should be sent to:
The County Center for Preservation and Promotion of Traditional Culture Braila
no. 2, Piata Traian

Contact details: centrul_creatie@portal-braila.ro

18th International Cartoon Festival – Amadora 2009

18th International Cartoon Festival – Amadora 2009

1- In search of new values by encouraging the production of comics and providing its public presentation, the City of Amadora (CMA) is promoting this contest Comics, entered the 18th International Festival of Cartoons / Amadora 2009 ( FIBD’A), taking place in this city between the 23th October and 8 November.

2- SUBJECT: The Big Twenty

a) All authors between 16 and 30 years old can compete.
b) Competitors may submit cartoons done individually or in teams.
c) Each competitor or team may participate with a maximum of 2 works using a different title for each one.
d) In case of postponement, the new date is considered for the enforcement of age limits set.
e) To place teams in their age group, it is done by the age of the oldest of their members.

a) Only original unpublished works are accepted which are produced this year and may be black and white or color.
b) The format of the works should be A4 (210x297mm).
c) The authors should make two photocopies of each board, leaving one in his possession and sending the other along with the original.
d) The boards may not be signed. Competitors must leave a little blank space in each of them to subsequently sign, for the purposes of exhibition or publication.
j) In case of such cartoons made earlier and already signed, the signature must be covered by a strip of paper or an opaque white gouache.
k) All cartoons and copies shall be identified with pseudonym on the back.
l) The pseudonym must be completely original and can not have been used previously by the author.

a) The deadline for submission of work on the CMA – Cnbdi is October 1st, 2009 until 17:00.
b) In the case of cartoons are sent by mail from Portugal, deadline is considered 1 October 2009, contained in the postmark. Instead, the authors of cartoons sent from abroad will have to ensure that its competitor will come to database and delivered in Portugal Amadora Cnbdi by 1 October 2009, regardless of the stamp abroad.
c) The CMA – Cnbdi is not responsible for any works that arrive after the day of the meeting of the Jury, regardless of the date of postmark.
d) Work arriving after this date will not be considered by the jury, and will be returned to the competitor.
e) The works that are not winning the CMA will be returned by mail to competitors.
f) The CMA is not responsible for the work that are not raised in their post offices.

a) With the entry is submitted by each competitor, the value of � 2.50 (two Euros and fifty cents) for return of work and organizational costs, deliver value to the procuring entity by check payable to: Treasurer of the City Council Amadora.
b) For purposes of participation, participants must cut or photocopy the entry form, fill it and send it along with a photocopy of identity card (ID) card Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN aka Income Tax Card) and check for � 2.50 (two Euros and fifty cents) in the envelope duly sealed, attached to the comics, and inscribed on the outside the pen and its ranking.
c) The entries are considered valid only after receipt of our competitor is not enough to send the entry form.
d) The works should be sent or delivered by 1 October 2009 (weekdays between 10:00 and 17:00 hours) to:
18 Concurso de Cartoon – Amadora
Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada
CMA/CNBDI – Av. do Brasil, 52-A

a) All entries for the contest are subject to pre-selection jury for the space available for exhibition.
b) The assembly and disassembly of the exhibition with the work involved in the contest and selected by the jury is the sole responsibility of the CMA.
c) The exhibition will be open during the 20th International Festival of Comics Amadora.
d) The organization makes sure of all these works. It is also your responsibility to install surveillance system on the premises of an exposure.

a) This juried competition is made by the Director of FIBD’A the committee, an author of BD, an author of Cartoons, a writer, critic and scholar of BD, a critic and scholar Cartoon / Caricature, a representative of press, a developer and researcher of zines, the commissioner of the exhibition’s central FIBDA and a teacher of a school of Amadora.
b) The jury must perform pre-selection for exhibition and decide to order the awarded works.
c) The jury reserves the right not to award any prize or any of the merit of the work.
d) The jury will meet in early October 2009.
e) The decisions of the jury shall be final.

a) Because the cartoon is primarily an art to be enjoyed through its publication, the organization will make every effort in order to edit the awards.
b) The monetary awards are distributed as follows:
1st Prize: 600 Euro
2nd Prize: 450 Euro
3rd Prize: 350 Euro 

c) Jury can avoid an award of more than one prize to the same place.
d) Where appropriate, the jury may also assign non-cash prizes, named for Honorable Mentions.

a) The original award-winning comic books are the property of the entity.
b) All competitors are entitled to the Festival catalog and free admission to all initiatives of the 20th International Festival of Comics da Amadora, and to that end identify and request it at reception of the event.
c) Omissions in this Regulation shall be decided by the organizer, there is no appeal against decisions of the Jury.
d) The presentation of the work represents the full acceptance of these regulatory standards by competitors to this competition.