


Dear Erdogan, D.Q. and friends cartoonists…

Here is my reply regarding your message concerning the results of N.H contest 2009.
My opinion is:
It is not possible to act backward and change once nominated results of international contest (not even for request of your „large jury“). Starting such a practice would result in „death“ of international contests. It would lead to weaken the genre of cartoon, which none of us wishes.
The honest  authors, not so well informed in the field would not be confident to submit their work in contests, as they could be embarrassed, but dishonest ones would keep trying.
I was on international jury in Istanbul (and aproximately 40 other juries – Legnica, Kozuchow, Zielona Gora, Presov, Brno, Prague, Pisek, Hradec Kralove).
I have been long aware of „plagiarism“ and pointed out the problem of it in my diplom essay at Journalist Faculty of Charles University (Pragiue) in 1969. Since that time i have been following it continuously. Currently I am the aditor of Czech Cartoonists Weekly „e-GAG“ and we regurally deal with the problem of „simillars“ (this year we made „special“ edition focusing on this theme).
I know from my experience, that large number of plagiarists are eliminated by jury during a selection. That was happening in Istanbul. It is unfortunate, if we miss some. It is practice, that members of jury are mainly active karikaturists, who are good creators, but do not have adequat  overview of the competitions around the world. Of course that is less harmfull, than naming independent, not involved people. You may know, it is worse to accept as jury individuals from „non cartoon world“.
They usually admire „allready seen ideas“ (many times awarded in the past)..
Activity of so called „overlooking jury“ put together from the hundreds of cartoonists, who would publish the protocol of jury will ask the organizors or members of jury for a revision of original outcome is absurd.
Such additional request does not make sense and it is ridiculous.The same way it would be abnormal, if organizers of different contests around the world would be sending their contributions to the jury at the address of D.Q. and asked for pre-placement on the web to get „the proof“ of the widest public about their originality.
Whatever demands from these signatories are, they have no authority and they have not even such status of justice. They do not finance these contests and do not pay the winning entries. Those signed, who are asking for the change, they do not publish cataloques, they do not pay the hotels and airfares for winners, they do not make any effort to gain sponsors.
Lets agree, that such a voluntary group of renowned authors can have only „advisory voice“. Surely, they may have also large moral authority.
That will be achieved only, if it will be continously  pointing out real documented plagiarists amongst recognized works. But it will not, if it will be gathering tens of cartoons on the same topic. But  it will learn to differ, if it concerns similar or related topics, as it has been happening lately. If it will act through its own independence educating and same time discouraging authors of copying obviously succesful originals.
Only the authors who will be „revealed“ will have to deal with it. International disgrace will not be disregarded! Will they return obtained prizes or defend their work? It is only up to them.
Of course, all jury members in all contests should have the widest knowledge – at least of the internationally winning cartoons from the latest years.
I came to this conclusion after following this problem for years.
I am not for the change of the results from N.H, even so – believe me – I hate copying of other authors work and my believing that such activity is stealing and it disgusts me.
Wishing you lot of success in creative and editor’s work.
Ivan Hanousek,
Czech republic; jury-member Int. cart. cont. N. H. 2009
Degerli Erdogan Karayel (DQ) ve cizer arkadaslarima…
Nasreddin Hoca 2009” yarismasiyla ilgili yaziniza yanitimdir.
Benim dusuncem;
Sizin genis katilimli juriniz talep etse de uluslararasi bir jurinin kararini degistirmek mumkun degil. boyle bir uygulama uluslararasi yarismalarin sonu demektir.
Onurlu eser sahipleri mahcup olma cekincesiyle calismalarini gondermede kararsiz kalacak ancak onursuz olanlar denemeye devam edeceklerdir.
Istanbul’daki uluslararasi jurideydim. eser hirsizliginin uzun suredir farkindayim. Universitedeyken de bu konuya dikkat cekmistim (1969) ve o zamandan beri de bunun takipcisiyim. Halen czech cartoonists weekly „e-gag“ ‘in editoruyum ve duzenli olarak similar konusuyla ilgileniyoruz (Bu yil bu konuda ozel bir yayin da yaptik)
Deneyimlerimden jurinin secmeler sirasinda cok sayida calinti(kopya) eseri eledigini biliyorum. Istanbul’da da boyle oldu. ancak bazilari gozden kactiysa talihsiz bir durum. Juri uuyelerinin aktif karikaturistler olmasi tum dunyadaki yarismalari gozden gecirebilecekleri anlamina gelmez. biliyorsunuz ki karikatur dunyasindan olmayan kisileri juri olarak kabul etmek daha kotu.
Onlar genellikle “her zaman gorulen fikirleri” (gecmiste pek cok odul almis) begenirler.
Yuzlerce karikaturistin organizatorler ya da juriden sonucun yeniden gozden gecirilmesini istemesi abestir. Boyle bir talep anlamsiz ve gulunctur. ayni sekilde dunyadaki diger yarismalarin organizatorleri dq’daki juriye katilimlarini gondermeleri ve ozgunluklerinin kaniti icin onceden web’de yayininin istenmesi de normal degildir.
Imza sahipleri her ne kadar taleplerde bulunsa da bu konuda ne yetkileri vardir ne de yargic konumundadirlar. Bu yarismayi onlar finanse etmediler. DegisIklik talep eden imzalar kataloglari yayinlamadilar, Kazananlarin otel ya da ucak parasini odemediler, sponsor bulmak icin caba harcamadilar. Boyle unlu isimlerden oluasn gonullu bir grup ancak tavsiye niteliginde dusuncelerini dile getirebilir. Elbette genis bir ahlâk otoritesi de olabilir. Ancak yalnizca kopya oldugu kanitlanmis olan calismalarde basari saglayabilir. Ayni konuda onlarca karikatur toplanirsa bu gerceklesmeyecektir.
Tabii ki, tum juri uyeleri genis bilgiye sahip olmalidir, en azindan gecmis yillarda uluslararasi oduller kazananlari bilmelirler.
Ben bu problemin bundan sonraki yillarda da surecegi sonucuna vardim.
“N.H.” sonuclarini degistirme sansim yok. Inanin bana ben de diger santcilarinin eserlerinin kopya edilmesinden nefret ediyorum ve benim inancim boyle bir sey hirsizliktir ve beni igrendiriyor.
Calismalarinizda basarilar diliyorum.
Ivan Hanousek
Cek Cumhuriyeti, “Nasreddin Hoca” Juri Üyesi

The Reply of Don Quichotte

We thank to dear Czech cartoonist Ivan Hanousek for his opinion about “similar” cartoons.
We respect the evaulation of dear master but we fiercely object to his opinion about two subjects:
1)It is not possible to act backward and change once nominated results of international contest. Starting such a practice would result in „death“ of international contests.
– Absolutely we don’t share. This isn’t a pragmatic  point of view.  In conclusion also the cartoonists are human and they make mistake, too. Publicly it isn’t able to been given award to a copy or plagiarism work. On the contrary it is that it is condoned and that this plagiarism falls into a habit, and actually this will be deat of international contents.
2) The same way it would be abnormal if asked for pre-placement on the web to get „the proof“ of the widest public about their originality.
-In fact we surprized much of this opinion of our dear master. However at lot of international contents this method was accepted and it has been began as a detterent method against the similar cartoons.
Not to change of the results of the Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest will be considered as a compromise for plagiarism at international platform.
In spite of everything we believe that this big mistake will be corrected.
Sincerely yours
Don Quichotte
Don Quichotte’un Yaniti.
Degerli cek karikaturcu Ivan Hanousek’e “benzer” karikatürler konusundaki kisisel düsünceleri icin tesekkur ediyoruz.
Kisisel degerlendirmesini saygiyla karsilamakla birlikte, iki konudaki düsüncelerine siddetle itiraz ediyoruz:
1) Uluslararasi bir jürinin kararini deðiþtirmek mümkün deðil. Böyle bir uygulama uluslararasi yariþmalarin sonu demektir.
– Bu görüse kesinlikle katilmiyoruz. Hic de pragmatik bir bakis acisi degil. Sonucta karikaturculer de insandir ve onlar da hata yapar. Göz göre göre kopya veya calinti bir calismaya ödül verilemez. Tam tersi, buna göz yumulmasi ve bu hirsizligin aliskanlik haline gelmesi demektir ki; asil bu uluslararasi yarismalarin sonu olur.
2) Yarismalara katilan karikaturlerin özgünlüklerinin kaniti için önceden web’de yayininin istenmesi de normal deðildir.
– Sn. Hanousek’in bu görüsüne de dogrusu cok sasirdik. Oysa, bir cok uluslararasi yarismada  bu yöntem benimsenmis ve „benzer“ karikaturlere karsi bir caydirma yöntemi olarak kullanilmaya baslanmistir.
Sonucta „Nasreddin Hoca“ karikatür yarismasinin sonuclarinin degismemesi, uluslararasi platformda hirsizliga verilmis bir „taviz“ olarak degerlendirilecektir. Herseye ragmen tüm iyiniyetimizle bu büyük yanlistan dönülecegi umudunu halen tasimaktayiz.
Don Quichotte