I International Humor Festival – RIO DE JANEIRO 2008

The National Drawing for Press Contest, integrating the I International Humor Festival from Rio de Janeiro, is destined to professionals that have published caricatures, illustrations and humor drawings on brazilian press.
There will be considered as press the publications, virtual or not, wich main content has a new’s character, and are published by registred companies been journalistic or scientific.
To participate on the Drawing for Press Award, the registered artwork must have been published between the dates August 11 , 2007 and August 11, 2008. Artwork that has been efectively requested or contracted by referring vehicle will be accepted, not been accepted the artworks published to artist’s divulgation or for events.
Each artwork shall be registered accompanied by publications comproval, that has the specific date and vehicle, been through the original paper, or on a referring link to the original publication on the vehicle (the link must be available to access during the judgment of the Press Contest).
The Drawing for Press Award of the Humor Festival will hold three categories. Each participant may register three artwork on each category.
• illustration
• humor drawing
Will be considered as caricatures the Works that portrait in first plan a personality. Will be considered as illustrations the Works that were published in support to analitical texts, scientific or journalistic texts. The publication comproval of the illustrations shall bring the full referring text.
Will be considered as humor drawings the works – comical cartoons, cartoons or comics – that were published autonomous, in distinct section, with no relation to other texts.
The registered works may have any size or proportion, with a maximus limit of 50 x 70 cm, been the ideal format 30 x 40 cm. The works may be original works or excelent quality prints.
For been a published Works contest, the original character becomes irrelevant, although, on the final judgment the originality of the work will be considered, both on the art as on the content. Although, previously money rewarded Works in Brazil cannot participate. The registration period for the National Drawing for Press Contest will be August 11, 2008 to September 15, 2008.
To participate on the contest the artist shall register on the official website of the event, www.festivalinternacionaldehumor.com, filling the gaps and receiving the registration number. The registration number must be seen on the back of each participant work, along with the subtitle of the works.
After the virtual registration the artist shall send his (hers) participant Works on envelope to the address::
Premio Desenho de Imprensa
Festival Internacional de Humor
Caixa Postal 9001
Rio de Janeiro RJ
Works posted to be received by the event staff until September 15, 2008 will be accepted. Because of the schedule of the catalog production this deadline will not be changed. Works sent after the deadline or personally delivered to the organization staff will not be accepted.
The registered works will pass on a Selection Committee, composed by the organization crew of the International Humor Festival and by invited experts on graphic arts.
The selected Works by the Committee above will be analyzed by a Jury composed by five integrand with notable editorial experience and that will define those who will be rewarded. The doubts not foreseen on this regulation will be decided by the Jury of the National drawing for Press Contest, which decisions will be sovereign, including with powers to redistribution of the awards on each category.
The first place on each category will receive an award on the value R$ 6000 (six thousand reais).
The second place will receive an award on the value R$ 4000 (four thousand reais).
Concerning to the values expresse don this regulation the taxes will fall upon as the legislation tax in vigor.
The jury will also indicate the top ten works on each category to receive the Catalog Prize, that will count on the official catalog of the event. The top 30 works on each category, defined by the jury as runners up, will be exhibited on Centro Cultural Correios, integrating the I International Humor Festival, on the period between October 22 to November 23, 2008. The official website of the event will present a virtual gallery with the ninety finalist works.
By the end of the International Humor Festival, the works in original art registered on the National Drawing for Press Contest will be returned by mail. With the possibility of a travelling exposition of the Drawing for Press Award, the devolution of the exposed works will be done after this travel, on dates to be divulged on the official website of the event.
On the case that the organization staff, by reasons different to their will, be forced to change the dates, the registered participants will not be in damage, because the works will be returned on new dates that will be announced on the Humor Festival Website.
Any other topics not foreseen or stipulated by this regulation will be decided by the International Humor Festival from Rio de Janeiro. The registration on the National Drawing for Press Contest implies the total acceptance of the conditions above described.