The international Cartoon competition -Gogol 2009

The international Cartoon competition  Рудого Панька
(The hiver from farm near


The first reaction of any kind author: « It that for невидаль: Competition of a name any there the hiver? Also have thrown to the public Competition for the sake of any there the hiver! Thank God! Still have a little peeled(fleeced) geese and have exhausted rags on a paper! Still there is not enough people of any rank, has dirtied fingers in ink! »

We shall not argue with such kind author but only we shall notice:

– 200 years will be executed in 2009г. From the date of N.V.Gogolya’s birth which has glorified Рудого Панька,

– Besides since time Рудого Панька there is no Author who so гарно has told about everyones диковинках and fears,

-yes and Nikolay Vasilevich would be not against to draw one-other(-another,-others) caricature on modern люд and « the maximum(supreme) servility », not in anger be told,

– We ask to not confuse in the praises and хулах Рудого Панька to other known hiver (ours – from farm near Диканьки, and that is absolutely from other place) .

Here such the egg flip, misters turns out!

Theme of competition « Gogol-моголь 2009 »

About what histories, wonders and fears to draw Nikolay Vasilevich Gogol will help(assist) to understand:

« The Earth nice(famous)! And the crop always happened splendidly; but on the bewitched place never was anything kind. Засеют as follows, and will ascend such, as to disassemble it is impossible: a water-melon not a water-melon, a pumpkin not a pumpkin, a cucumber not a cucumber… It is the devil’s work! »

For kind authors it is explained – draw about our modern life, but also about N.V.Gogole do not forget – its(his) heroes « живее all alive » and now!

Terms of carrying out of competition of caricatures it(him). Рудого Панька « Gogol-моголь 2009 »:

1. Reception of works – up to 1августа 2009 (inclusive). Accommodation of works of Authors on a site in a heading “Caricature” with a mark ” Competitive work ”

2. Voting of the registered users for works on a site http: // September, 1st, 2009 (inclusive).

3. Till September, 20th 2009г. – transfer of originals of 50 works which have typed(collected) the greatest quantity(amount) of points on a site.

4. October – release of the booklet of an exhibition.

On November, 5.7th 2009г. – Opening of an exhibition of caricatures. Rewarding of winners by results of voting on a site http: //

Besides on a site in a heading “Sculpture” (look conditions of accommodation of works in a heading to Partners) we accept portraits in full growth most Рудого Панька, for creation of a statue of this dear Hero. The statue will be handed over to prize-winners of competition. « Gogol-моголь 2009 »!

We ask to consider our wishes:

  1. The statue will be executed from clay and from a tree, height-20см., a portrait (technics(technical equipment) of execution(performance) free) in full ростen face, a fullface , 3/4, from a back.
  2. All details should be well traced for creation of sculptures and reflect an essence of idea – Ore Панько the best story-teller, moreover and a symbol of competition of a caricature of its(his) name!

The winner will receive a prize and Gogol-моголь 2009 » will be invited to ceremony of delivery of prizes to winners of competition «!

Works it is accepted till November, 20th 2008г.

The announcement of the Author-winner: on November, 25th 2008г.

Delivery (transfer) of prizes – till December, 1st 2008г.

Manufacturing of statues Рудого Панька – till December, 31st 2008г.

Prizes of competition

For the first place:

  • Wooden statue Рудого Панька
  • 3 kgs сала*
  • 3 bottles горилки

Примечание*: and горилку under the written application(statement) of the winner it is possible to replace Bacon on 2500 грн. (500 $)

For the second place:

  • Clay statue Рудого Панька
  • 2 kgs of bacon
  • 2 bottles горилки

Примечание*: and горилку under the written application(statement) of the winner it is possible to replace Bacon on 1000 грн. (200 $)

For the third place:

  • 1 kg of bacon
  • 1 bottle горилки

Примечание*: and горилку under the written application(statement) of the winner it is possible to replace Bacon on 500 грн. (100 $)

*Примечание: Depending on interest of sponsors and patrons of art (give the God to them health!) – the quantity(amount) of bacon and горилки can increase, and is possible(probable) and гривен (in sense of money)!

For the best project of statue Рудого Панька

  • 5 kgs of bacon with garlic
  • 5 bottles горилки

Примечание*: and горилку under the written application(statement) of the winner it is possible to replace Bacon on 1250 грн. (250 $)